That We May Grow in Wisdom

Do you need to grow in wisdom? Today I was reading the Psalms and stopped to ponder on Psalm 90:12 “Teach us to make the most of our time, so that we may grow in wisdom.”

During this quarantine time due to the global pandemic, most people have been given the gift of extra time. Personally, even though I have been busy with consulting work, all the in-person speaking engagements from April and May were rescheduled to the fall and that gave me some free time. I have saved a lot of days that I would have been traveling to go speak at conferences. Instead, I have been home.

My husband and I have spent a lot of quality time together and have enjoyed our grand baby Henry James. Because his daycare was closed in April, we have taken this opportunity to watch him several days and we have created amazing memories with him. Daycare is still closed in May so we look forward to spending more time with him again.

With the extra time, we have also watched a lot of movies lately and today when I read this verse, I stopped to think… What if we spent all that time “growing in wisdom” instead of watching movies? While watching movies is fun, I think we need to make more time to grow in wisdom. Even though I have spent quality time with God too in my daily prayer as well as the weekends, I can do better. I can read the Bible more. I can pray more for so many people in need in the world. I can reconnect with some old friends. I can spend more time reading books that will help me grow my relationship with the Lord and help me grow in wisdom.

So, do you need to grow in wisdom? Today I encourage you to join me in first seeking God to show you how to make the most of your time and then do activities where you can grow in wisdom. The Bible is always a source of wisdom and you can purpose to read it more often. The Proverbs and Psalms are full of wisdom nuggets to help you navigate each day of your life and every season throughout your entire life.

I also encourage you to read the entire Psalm 91 where God promises us to protect “those who love Him” from evil—and that includes this pandemic. Psalm 91:1 promises us that “Those who live in the shelter of the Most High will find rest in the shadow of the Almighty.” When we spend our time in His presence and reading His Word, we are “living in the shelter of the Most High” and we may also “grow in wisdom.”


God Will Provide

Today I was reading the story of Abraham’s great faith in Genesis 22:1-18. God asked Abraham, “Take your son, your only son—yes, Isaac, whom you love so much—and go to the land of Moriah. Sacrifice him there as a burnt offering on one of the mountains, which I will point out to you.” Wow! What a request for God to ask of any of us. The next day Abraham obeyed God and went off on the journey. As Abraham was walking up the mountain, “Isaac said, “Father?” “Yes, my son,” Abraham replied. “We have the wood and the fire,” said the boy, “but where is the lamb for the sacrifice?” “God will provide a lamb, my son,” Abraham answered. And they both went on together…” (verses 7-8).

Do you imagine what Abraham, as a loving father, was thinking? And how his heart must have been in such agony? Would God come through for him? What if God didn’t provide a lamb? Could he go through with the sacrifice? Honestly, I personally don’t think I could…

But then, at the very last minute, just when Abraham was ready to kill his own son, an angel stopped him and said, “Do not hurt the boy in any way, for now I know that you truly fear God. You have not withheld even your beloved son from me.”

Do you feel sometimes that God waits until the very last minute to provide for you? I have experienced that feeling too throughout my life. I remember after the war in Nicaragua when we were refugees in Dominican Republic that some days we had no food left. I can imagine the worry my parents felt when they didn’t know how they would feed their six children ages 14 down to 1 ½ years old. So we prayed as a family, together. And many times, later that day, my mom would open the front door of our small apartment and there were bags and bags of groceries full of food for our family. My parents never knew who were the angels that fed us, but I learned at an early age that God Will Provide! My parents have great faith and they passed on that gift to me.

Now, during this pandemic we’re all living through, when there are no speaking events to go speak at, God is providing in other ways and the bank consulting has picked up. This year my husband and I took a leap of faith and he joined Malzahn Strategic. And then the pandemic came, just a few weeks into our new adventure. But to this day, four months into the year, God has provided each month, one day at a time.

Today, I want to encourage you to have the faith of Abraham. Do not get weary in your faith as God WILL provide for you and your family! Trust that God will find ways you have not thought about. Maybe you’ll need to use talents you haven’t used in a long time but now will produce an income for your family. Now is the time to experience God in a new, deeper way than ever before. Don’t give up believing that God is your provider and He is your source of life!

Scriptures to hold on to during this pandemic crisis

Are you looking for Scriptures to hold on to during this pandemic crisis?

Today I am sharing with you the source of my strength and joy: The Word of God. Below are specific Scriptures that I’m holding on to during this pandemic crisis. I couldn’t find better words to share with you other than these verses that are the promises God gives to “those who love Him.” The biggest question I have for you is: Do you love God? Do you love His only Son, Jesus—the only ONE who gave His life for you and me? If not, I encourage you to seek God today above ALL things.

If you already know God and have a personal relationship with Him, then there is nothing you need to worry about. These Scriptures to hold on to during this pandemic crisis are God’s promises to us that we will be okay… And remember, we are eternal beings which means that when this earthly life ends, regardless of how it ends, we will be with God for eternitySalvation is the biggest promise!

Psalm 91

1 Those who live in the shelter of the Most High
will find rest in the shadow of the Almighty…

3 For he will rescue you from every trap
and protect you from deadly disease

6 Do not dread the disease that stalks in darkness,
nor the disaster that strikes at midday…

9 If you make the Lord your refuge,
if you make the Most High your shelter,
10 no evil will conquer you;
no plague will come near your home.

Isaiah 43:1-2

Do not be afraid, for I have ransomed you. I have called you by name; you are mine. When you go through deep waters and great trouble, I will be with you. When you go through rivers of difficulty, you will not drawn!

Romans 8:28

And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them.

1 Peter 5:7

Give all your worries and cares to God, for he cares about you.

Isaiah 26:3-4

You will keep in perfect peace all who trust in you,
all whose thoughts are fixed on you!

Trust in the Lord always, for the Lord God is the eternal Rock.

Matthew 6:34

“So don’t worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring its own worries.
Today’s trouble is enough for today.

Wherever you are I encourage you to pray. Let’s pray together and ask God to heal our nation and our world.

Following One Day at a Time

There are times in our lives when we struggle and there are other seasons in our lives when things are going well. During difficult times, we tend to pray and say, “one day at a time.” In fact, we tell our friends and family members to do the same when they are going difficult circumstances in their lives. But what do we do when everything seems to be going well? I have experienced this blessing lately where everything is going well in every area of my life and everyone in my family is healthy. I thank God for this blessing daily. But when business is going well, work can overtake the other areas of our lives and I’m not okay with that. I like to keep a balanced life.

This year, I started the year “feeling behind.” I didn’t feel prepared to start the New Year and felt I could not catch up from work from last year. The holidays came and went quickly and left me even more behind. Then in the middle of January I had a short trip to North Carolina and came back with the Influenza flu that left me in bed for a week. That sickness (and I’m still recovering three weeks later) put me way behind.

As I was meditating on this feeling of being overwhelmed with work (while at the same time feeling grateful for the work), the Lord reminded me that we not only have to live “one day at a time” when we’re going through difficult situations but always! In the good times and in the bad times, we must live “one day at a time” and walk one step at a time with God. We need to allow God to chart our path and we walk by faith each day.

This year I decided to pursue God at a deeper level than ever before. Therefore, I am being intentional about spending quality time with Him, in prayer, reading the Word, and simply listening to His voice. I started reading this amazing book: Experiencing God: Knowing and Doing the Will of God by Henry and Richard Blackaby and Claude King. I’ve had this book for several years and have not made the time to dive into it because it’s a “workbook” meaning, you have to do homework, answer questions, read Scriptures, meditate on the Scriptures, write down what it means to you personally, etc. It’s a lot of work, but what it’s doing in my life is beyond measure!

After the Lord put in my heart the theme of “one day at a time,” I opened the book for the first time, and this is what I found:

Unit 1: “God’s Will and Your Life.”

Lesson 1: “Jesus Is Your Way”

Section 1: “Jesus is Your ‘Map’”— “Following One Day at a Time.”

God couldn’t have been clearer to me in telling me that is what He wants me to do—always. Here is what I learned from this important lesson that you can apply to your life as well:

  • Instead of asking “What is God’s will for my life?” simply ask “What is God’s will?” Once you know God’s will, then you can adjust your life to Him! Jesus always did the will of the Father. The focus is on God, not on your

  • In John 5:17 Jesus said: “My Father is always at his work to this very day, and I, too, am working.” God is always working and so was Jesus and, therefore, so should we.

  • We need to see where God is working and then join Him.

  • Jeremiah 18:6 says, “Like clay in the hand of the potter, so are you in my hand, O house of Israel.” We must be like clay in the hand of the potter and allow God to mold us so we can do His will and the work He has assigned to each of us.

  • God is always pursuing a love relationship with each of us. He is the initiator and we need to respond.

  • God is always We must be alert and attentive so we can listen to what He’s saying.

  • For us to do the will of God, we need to adjust our lives, starting with adjusting our faith to the level of God’s work (the higher the job the bigger faith we need to have).

  • We will experience God at the personal level as we obey and do His will.

  • When we believe that God cannot do anything of significance through us, we’re actually saying more about our belief in God (or lack of) than us declaring about ourselves.

  • Every person in the Bible God chose to use was an ordinary person who by faith allowed God to do extraordinary things through him/her.

My new prayer to God each morning is, “What do YOU want me to do today, Lord? What should I focus on? This is what I have planned, feel free to change as you will.” And He does change plans. He helps me focus on the biggest and most important projects, tasks, or people who need me that day. The rest must wait until I have little chunks of time to work on those tasks. In the end, everything is getting done.

Today, I encourage you to seek God at a deeper level, learn to listen and obey God’s will. Then you will experience God like never before. It will change your life.



Business People Are Starving Too…

We often hear in the news about children dying of starvation in developing countries. As I pondered on this concept, I realized there are people—adults and children—right here in America who are starving for food too…spiritual food.

We are physical beings as well as spiritual beings and, therefore, we need to feed our physical bodies as well as our spirit. You may wonder, how do we feed our spirit?

There are several ways:

  • Hearing the Word of God at church or from ministries who teach the Bible.

  • Reading the Word on your own so you can learn and verify that what is being taught at church is what the Bible really says. Yes, unfortunately, you must confirm because of false teachings.

  • Sharing what you learn with other believers so you can deepen your knowledge and understanding of the Word.

  • Applying what you learned from others and from the Bible in your everyday life.

  • Spending time alone with God, in prayer. Listening to God in your spirit and bringing all your burdens to Him.

These days even some Christian churches are afraid of teaching the truth found in the Bible for fear of losing members who contribute financially. We joke saying we wish babies came with a manual. They do! It’s the Bible! That IS our guide and manual on how to live our lives from beginning to end and everything in between.

I feel compelled to do my part by inspiring and educating businesspeople not only on leadership and banking topics but also on the things of God. It’s not about me. It’s ALL about God and building His Kingdom. When you get this revelation in your heart, you will see life and others from another perspective—from God’s perspective. The sense of urgency I have in my heart comes from that revelation. It is the highest calling in my life.

Many business people, working people, people in the marketplace, however you choose to call of us who work, are walking around wounded, hurt, disappointed, betrayed, lonely, depressed, directionless, and purposeless. They are starving for spiritual food. All because no one dares to tell them the truth of the message of salvation. The Bible says in John 8:31-32, Jesus said to the people who believed in him, “You are truly my disciples if you remain faithful to my teachings. And you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.

You want direction in your life? Jesus is the “light of the world.” John 8:12 tells us, Jesus spoke to the people once more and said, “I am the light of the world. If you follow me, you won’t have to walk in darkness, because you will have the light that leads to life.”

I urge you to have the courage to seek God with all your heart and allow Him to feed your spirit. Be hungry for the things of God. You cannot go wrong and you will no longer be starving spiritually. I can personally attest to His goodness and faithfulness throughout my life. Now, it is my responsibility to share the message of the Gospel with the business people who God puts in my path, and you’re one of them. I will leave you with one more scripture today to encourage you from John 16:32-33 when Jesus said, “But the time is coming—indeed it’s here now—when you will be scattered, each one going his own way, leaving me alone. Yet I am not alone because the Father is with me. I have told you all this so that you may have peace in me. Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows. But take heart, because I have overcome the world.”


The Gift of Christmas – Give it Forward!

As a family tradition, we love to give each other lots of presents during Christmas. We enjoy more the quantity versus how expensive presents are. And now that our children are grown, they want to bless us with lots of gifts too, so our Christmas tree looks beautiful full of presents!

But more importantly, there are other gifts that are not physical gifts that we each received since we were born. These are natural abilities and spiritual gifts that God gave to each of us. The Bible describes some of those gifts in Romans 12:6-8: “In his grace, God has given us different gifts for doing certain things well. So if God has given you the ability to prophesy, speak out with as much faith as God has given you. If your gift is serving others, serve them well. If you are a teacher, teach well. If your gift is to encourage others, be encouraging. If it is giving, give generously. If God has given you leadership ability, take the responsibility seriously. And if you have a gift for showing kindness to others, do it gladly.”

In addition, 1 Peter 4:10 says that, “God has given each of you a gift from his great variety of spiritual gifts. Use them well to serve one another.” And 1 Corinthians 12:7-11 tells us what they are, “A spiritual gift is given to each of us so we can help each other. To one person the Spirit gives the ability to give wise advice; to another the same Spirit gives a message of special knowledge. The same Spirit gives great faith to another, and to someone else the one Spirit gives the gift of healing. He gives one person the power to perform miracles, and another the ability to prophesy. He gives someone else the ability to discern whether a message is from the Spirit of God or from another spirit. Still another person is given the ability to speak in unknown languages, while another is given the ability to interpret what is being said. It is the one and only Spirit who distributes all these gifts. He alone decides which gift each person should have.”

Isn’t this wonderful? I encourage you to discover your natural and spiritual gifts and use them to help others. There are also many other gifts that you can give to your loved ones that don’t cost any money. They are, the gift of:

  • Friendship: Be there for your friends.

  • Laughter: Laugh a lot with your loved ones. It is medicinal!

  • Forgiveness: Give the gift of forgiveness to someone who hurt you even if they don’t ask you for forgiveness.

  • Happiness: Enjoy and celebrate every happy moment you have with your loved ones.

  • Joy: Be joyful knowing that God’s got you regardless of the circumstances.

  • Understanding: Make the effort to truly understand someone.

  • Time: Your time is your most precious possession. Give of your time to those who matter most.

  • Listening: Listen without interrupting and be okay that sometimes you don’t have to respond.

  • Grace: Give people some grace and don’t judge them for their mistakes.

  • Peace: Provide a peaceful home to your family and a peaceful work environment to those you work with.

  • Generosity: Give of your time, money, and talents to others consistently.

But most importantly, in the Christian faith, Christmas is a time to celebrate the true gift that God gave to all of us: Jesus—and the Gospel of Salvation that tells us that Jesus died on the cross for our sins so we can go to heaven and spend eternity with Him. Here is the simple message of Salvation:

Romans 10:8-13 Salvation Is for Everyone

In fact, it says, “The message is very close at hand;     it is on your lips and in your heart.”

And that message is the very message about faith that we preach: If you openly declare that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For it is by believing in your heart that you are made right with God, and it is by openly declaring your faith that you are saved. As the Scriptures tell us, “Anyone who trusts in him will never be disgraced.” Jew and Gentile are the same in this respect. They have the same Lord, who gives generously to all who call on him. For “Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.”

This month, if you have received the biggest gift there is—Salvation through Jesus Christ—I want to encourage you to give it forward to others! If you have not received this amazing gift yet, then I’m giving it to you right now. Today is your day to say yes!

Merry Christmas!


Baby's First Shoes!

I recently had my new book launch event for “Bring YOUR Shoes: A Fresh Perspective for Leaders with Big Shoes to Fill” where several of my friends, business colleagues, and family members celebrated with me. And my special guest, my new grand baby, Henry James, showed up too. At the time I’m writing this blog, he has never worn shoes as he’s only 10 months old. But I plan to give him his first pair of shoes.

I plan to encourage him through his life’s journey to always “bring his own shoes.” I plan to walk alongside him and be there for him throughout his life.

He will need to first learn how to walk and how to walk with shoes. He doesn’t get to choose his first pair of shoes. His parents chose them for him. And they will continue to choose his shoes for the first few years of his life until he can choose his shoes on his own. But even when he can’t choose his shoes by himself, the shoes must fit him perfectly and comfortably. Otherwise, he won’t be able to walk at all or, at least, he will feel uncomfortable or be in pain.

The point is that we each must choose our own shoes and bring them wherever we go. In my analogy, “bringing your shoes” means you must be yourself and bring all your talents, personality, unique experiences, and skills to your job and be okay being yourself.

I encourage you to embrace who you are and “Bring YOUR Shoes” wherever you go!

God Cleanses Us from the Inside Out

Last weekend my husband and I got to babysit our baby grandson for the first time overnight. We had a joyful time with him, and the Lord showed me three ways on how He loves us that I want to share with you today.

1) Humans need to feel loved and be loved from the moment of conception. While holding my grandson and feeding him in the middle of the night, I started thinking of the millions of babies who don’t have anyone to hold them, to tell them they are loved, or to feed them. I thought of the babies that cry themselves to sleep every night because they’re lacking a home or people to take care of them. That thought brought tears to my eyes and I started asking God to help those babies around the world. In that moment, God showed me how He loves us individually, from the moment He created us in our mother’s womb. Even when we may not be loved by other human beings, He still loves us.

Psalm 139:13 (NLT)
You made all the delicate, inner parts of my body
and knit me together in my mother’s womb.

2) Before our daughter left us with her precious baby boy, she gave me instructions and the times when he would be hungry, need a bath, and go to sleep. The baby followed the schedule to a tee! I thought to myself, “Wow, she knows her baby very well.” Then the Lord reminded me of how much He knows each of us down to the smallest details of our lives—because He made us! If a mother knows her child so well, imagine how much more God knows His children.

Jeremiah 29:11 (NLT)
“For I know the plans I have for you,” says the LORD.
“They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope.

3) Lastly, as we all know, babies do get dirty diapers without exception. On Sunday, when my daughter and son-in-law came to pick up their baby, I had just changed a big diaper. But when my daughter picked him up, she noticed his little outfit was all dirty… I had completely missed it and we had to change him all over again. That afternoon, I reflected on this little incident (which was actually funny) and the Lord showed me how when we make a big mess of ourselves—either with our bodies or with our lives—He cleanses us completely from the inside out. And He doesn’t miss any areas that need cleaning. He cleans us with his amazing love and mercy that only He has for each of us.

1 John 1:9 (NLT)
But if we confess our sins to him, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins
and to cleanse us from all wickedness.

So now whenever I hold my new grand baby and pray for him, I take the opportunity to pray for all the babies in the world who don’t have people to love on them. I also thank God for cleansing me from all the sins in my life and for the privilege of knowing Him personally.
Until next time.

God’s Business Is Always All about HIS People!


I recently attended one of the best conferences I’ve ever attended in my entire working career. It was the annual national convention attended by over 1,500 professional speakers. Every time I attend a big conference I ask God to give me “divine connections.” This time was no exception. I prayed that prayer before I arrived at the event. And guess what? He did.

I attended the special “International Speakers Day” where I met a lady from Italy who has lived in 32 countries and speaks five languages. I was impressed with her background and we hit it off right away. We became friends. Throughout the conference I met other speakers from Ireland, India, Canada, and of course, from the United States. There were over 20 countries represented at this convention so it was fun to meet some of the other international speakers.

Through the conference my new friend and I spent some time together and I found out she and her husband are believers too. I then shared with her that I asked God to give me divine connections and that I believed God had put us together so we could pray for each other going forward and to simply be there for each other in the future.

When I returned, I shared with my husband that I had made a new friend and that this was one of the best conferences I’ve ever attended. I told him I had several great takeaways that I hope to implement in my business. I emailed my new friend to tell her what a blessing it had been to have met her. When she emailed me back, I was surprised at what she wrote… She said, “My biggest thing I learned from this conference came from YOU… to ‘pray for divine connections.’ After you said that, something just clicked inside my soul, like an ‘aha moment.’ It’s simple but meaningful prayer, so important to have those uplifting connections.”

After I read her email, I reflected on this experience and realized God had taught me a big lesson too. I had prayed for God to give me “business” divine connections—which is totally fine to do and I encourage you to do so. But God reminded me with this experience that HIS people are always more important than business. And He connects us so we can support one another and pray for each other in time of need. Even though it was one of the best conventions I’ve ever attended, that was my biggest takeaway from the entire event!

I encourage you to always be on the lookout for God’s people. Always put people first and be ready and willing to be used by God to help others. God’s Business is always about HIS people!

1 Thessalonians 5:11

So encourage each other and build each other up, just as you are already doing.


I Want to Be a Celebrity--in Heaven!

The other day a person said to me, “Thank you so much for talking to me. I feel like I’m talking to a celebrity.” I said, “No, please don’t say that… I’m just ‘Marci’” Later that day I got to think more about that statement and wondered...

What does it mean to be a celebrity anyway?

According to the, a celebrity is a “famous or well-known person.” Then, I decided I want to be a celebrity—but not on this earth. I want to be a celebrity in heaven! When my turn comes to go to heaven, I want to be welcomed by thousands of people who made it to heaven because I shared with them the ticket to heaven—Jesus!

When you look at things from the eternal perspective, your attitude changes completely. You reason, motive, and purpose for being exposed in social media and in the speaking world changes. It’s not about you anymore. It’s all about God. It’s about fulfilling his plan in your life which always includes helping others. In my life, it involves influencing others through my writings and speaking opportunities that God sends my way. To God only, be the glory!

So… do you want to be a celebrity in heaven?

Celebrating Family and Freedom

Summer has finally arrived! For those of us who live in Minnesota we thought it was never going to come… But the seasons eventually do arrive, and we need to be prepared to embrace the new seasons and enjoy them to the max. Summer is typically the season when most families take vacation, mainly because it’s the time when the kids are out of school.

This summer I encourage you to spend time with your family. It doesn’t have to be a big expense. Sometimes the best memories are made very inexpensively, such as a picnic at the lake, going biking, visiting pools around the city, taking long walks, or simply visiting with someone at any place. The point is to spend quality time with the people you love. Celebrate your family!

This week we celebrate our country’s independence. I recently spoke at a leadership conference where I shared the story of when I became a US citizen back in 1997. My husband’s grandma had always wanted to witness an immigrant becoming a US citizen, so she was excited to attend my Oath Ceremony. When she arrived all dressed up, I noticed she was wearing a beautiful rhinestones pin of the flag of the United States. I said, “Wow grandma! What a beautiful pin.” She replied, “Thank you!” And preceded to sit down behind me. After the Oath Ceremony ended, I turned back to give her a hug and thanked her for being there for such a special moment in my life. She then took off the pin and pinned it on my dress and said, “Now, you can have it!” I cried. What an emotional moment of significance that was. It left a positive mark in my heart forever.

As you celebrate the 4th of July, Independence Day, with your family, remember this story and how significant it is for all of us to live in a FREE country. My heart overflows with gratitude toward all the service men and women who continually fight for us and for those who gave their lives for us to enjoy freedom.

Let’s celebrate Family and Freedom every day! Happy Independence Day!

Looking for Wisdom? Read the Book of Proverbs!

King Solomon was the wisest person on earth and guess what? He wrote the book of Proverbs and left us ALL his wisdom for us to use it too. All the business concepts we need to run a successful business are right there. Are you married and a parent too? No problem. All the advice on how to parent your children is found in these proverbs as well as advice on marriage for both men and women.

The first chapter tells us why King Solomon wrote this book: “The purpose of these proverbs is to teach people wisdom and discipline, and to help them understand wise sayings. Through these proverbs, people will receive instruction in discipline, good conduct, and doing what is right, just, and fair. These proverbs will make the simple-minded clever. They will give knowledge and purpose to young people” (Proverbs 1: 2-4).

Let’s start by learning what the Bible says about how valuable wisdom is:

  • Come here and listen to me! I’ll pour out the spirit of wisdom upon you and make you wise (1:23).

  • Tune your ears to wisdom, and concentrate on understanding. Cry out for insight and understanding. Search for them as you would for lost money or hidden treasure (2:2-4).

  • Wisdom is more precious than rubies; nothing you desire can compare with her. She offers you life in her right hand, and riches and honor in her left. She will guide you down delightful paths; all her ways are satisfying (3: 15-17).

  • Wisdom is a tree of life to those who embrace her; happy are those who hold her tightly (3:18).

  • Getting wisdom is the most important thing you can do! (4:7).

  • If you live a life guided by wisdom, you won’t limp or stumble as you run (4:12).

  • I (wisdom) love all who love me. Those who search for me will surely find me (8:17).

Now let’s explore what the book of Proverbs says about business and leadership advice:

  • My child, don’t lose sight of good planning and insight. Hang on to them, for they fill you with life and bring you honor and respect (3:21-22).

  • Do not withhold good from those who deserve it when it’s in your power to help them (3:27).

  • Above all else, guard your heart, for it affects everything you do (4:23).

  • Intelligent people are always open to new ideas. In fact, they look for them (18:15).

  • People who accept correction are on the pathway to life, but those who ignore it will lead others astray (10:17).

  • Lazy people are a pain to their employers (10:26).

  • Pride leads to disgrace, but with humility comes wisdom (11:2).

  • People with integrity have firm footing, but those who follow crooked paths will slip and fall (10:9).

  • Hard work means prosperity; only fools idle away their time (12:11).

  • Plans go wrong for lack of advice; many counselors bring success (15:22).

  • Commit your work to the Lord, and then your plans will succeed (16:3).

  • We can make our plans, but the Lord determines our steps (16:9).

  • The Lord demands fairness in every business deal; he sets the standard (16:11).

  • From a wise mind comes wise speech; the words of the wise are persuasive (16:23).

Lastly, let’s learn from proverbs that relate to marriage and children:

  • To men: Let your wife be a fountain of blessing for you. Rejoice in the wife of your youth (5:18).

  • To women: A worthy wife is her husband’s joy and crown; a shameful wife saps his strength (12:4).

  • If you refuse to discipline your children, it proves you don’t love them; if you love your children, you will be prompt to discipline them (13:24).

  • It is senseless to pay tuition to educate a fool who has no heart for wisdom (17:6).

  • Discipline your children while there is hope. If you don’t you will ruin their lives (19:18).

I would like to end today’s blog by sharing two proverbs that are starting to apply to my own life as I get older: “Gray hair is a crown of glory; it is gained by living a godly life” (16:31) and my favorite: “Grandchildren are the crowning glory of the aged: parents are the pride of their children” (17:6). I for sure am experiencing being a grandma as a “crowning glory” and I only hope my children will see me as their “pride.”

Because there are so many proverbs we can learn from, I might write a sequel to this blog. Thank you for reading. I hope these proverbs help you in your life and encourage you to seek wisdom above all other things that you could want from God!

Jesus Did it All!

This weekend is a special weekend because something incredible happened in the history of mankind… God’s redemptive plan came to pass… I want to share one of the devotionals from my book Devotions for Working Women that explains God’s plan in more detail. May God bless you greatly on this amazing Easter celebration!

Jesus Did It All

Isaiah 53:3 (NLT)

He was despised and rejected—a man of sorrows, acquainted with bitterest grief. We turned our backs on him and looked the other way when he went by. He was despised, and we did not care.

Do you know the man the prophet Isaiah is talking about? His name is Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior.

Since we humans messed up and gave Satan control over this earth, God came up with a plan to bring us back to Him. It is the plan of salvation God gave to Jesus to fulfill when He was on this earth. It is a simple plan that humans complicated. God sent His only begotten Son to save us and for all who believe to have everlasting life. When we accept Jesus as our Lord and Savior, we accept salvation. We restore our fellowship with God the Father.

The following verses complete the story. “Yet it was our weaknesses he carried; it was our sorrows that weighed him down. And we thought his troubles were a punishment from God for his own sins! But he was wounded and crushed for our sins. He was beaten that we may have peace. He was whipped, and we were healed! All of us have strayed away like sheep. We have left God’s paths to follow our own. Yet the Lord laid on him the guilt and sins of us all. He was oppressed and treated harshly, yet he never said a word. He was led as a lamb to the slaughter. And as a sheep is silent before the shearers, he did not open his mouth. From prison and trial they lead him away to his death…But it was the Lord’s good plan to crush him and fill him with grief… He will enjoy a long life, and the Lord’s plan will prosper in his hands. When he sees all that is accomplished by his anguish, he will be satisfied. And because of what he has experienced, my righteous servant will make it possible for many to be counted righteous, for he will bear all their sins” (vv. 4-11).

If you haven’t given your life to Jesus yet, it is never too late. Today is your day!


The Golden Rule is Incomplete!


I was recently pondering on the concept of what we all know to be “the golden rule:” treating others as you want to be treated. This concept started in the Bible when Jesus was asked the question, which is the most important commandment? and He replied: “You must love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, and all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment. A second is equally important: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ The entire law and all the demands of the prophets are based on these two commandments” (Matthew 22:36-40).

The golden rule refers to what we should do because it’s the right thing to do and because it’s based on the commandment of loving others as we love ourselves. However, it doesn’t talk about the expectations of others’ behavior toward us. Therefore, I asked myself, “What if we practice the golden rule but the other person doesn’t reciprocate? How do I respond to that behavior so I don’t get hurt? How do I not get tired of doing the right thing when others don’t practice the golden rule on me?” As I reflected on these questions, the answer came to me: “lower your expectations of others not your standards.”

We cannot control others’ behaviors or actions. The only person we can control is our own self. Therefore, even though it may be common sense to us that others would also practice the golden rule, we should not expect them to. The higher our expectations of others, the bigger our disappointment may be at some point in our lives. Notice I said lower your expectations of others not your standards.

I have very high standards for myself in every area of my life. I believe leading by example is how you communicate your standards to those around you. Expectations are different. In the workplace, for example, as a leader, you need to communicate to your employees your expectations clearly so they understand their jobs well. But even then, they may disappoint you, yet you still should practice the golden rule on them and treat them the way you would want to be treated.

But my biggest challenge with having expectations of others is outside the workplace—with friends and family. Because I believe the golden rule of treating others as you want to be treated is common sense, I have high expectations of others. And that’s where I’ve gone wrong. I need to treat others as I want to be treated and expect nothing in return! That’s the key to not being disappointed. Simply treat others well, consistently, and don’t expect others to reciprocate or even acknowledge what you did for them. This is how you free yourself from resentment or holding grudges on a person when sometimes that person didn’t even think or intent to hurt you.

I don’t know if this reflection will help you or not, but it helped me to free myself from expecting anything from others—whether that’s in the workplace, with family, or friends. Pondering on these concepts help me stay focused on my personal walk with God. I hope it will help you too.

Here is my new golden rule: "Treat others as I want to be treated and expect nothing in return."


You can be young and wise

This weekend my parents came to visit from Nicaragua and met my little grandson, Henry James. They LOVED this little bundle of joy… so young, so new to this world. My dad is 91 years older than Henry James! Wow! Wouldn’t it be nice to transfer all the wisdom my dad has acquired in his years of life to little Henry? But that is not possible. We each must live our own lives and acquire wisdom as we experience our journey on earth. But event though wisdom is acquired through the years, there is a way for the young to be also wise. How? By asking God for the gift of wisdom. Today I’m sharing a devotional from my book “Devotions for Working Women” that talks about how you can enjoy being young yet being wise too. Enjoy!

You Can Be Young and Wise

Ecclesiastes 11:9 (NLT) Young man, it’s wonderful to be young! Enjoy every minute of it. Do everything you want to do; take it all in. But remember that you must give an account to God for everything you do.

Being young is wonderful. I haven’t met one person yet who wants to be old—and I doubt I ever will. But many old people want to and yearn to be young again.

Youth represents strength, life, health, beauty, smarts, and many other positive things. Notice, however, we don’t usually associate wisdom to youth. On the contrary, the words old and wise go together in our society. When we are young we think we know it all. Why is that? I believe it’s a lack of maturity and experience. Only as we get older, we realize how little we know and how much more we have to learn.

We must teach our young people to seek the wisdom of God. Imagine what youth can accomplish with the weapon of wisdom against the enemy of the world! Very few young people are wise. I believe that’s for two main reasons: one, because they don’t ask God for wisdom, and second, and most importantly, because wisdom comes with experience and maturity with the things of the Lord. Wisdom is a gift from God, and we must be trustworthy to be able to handle it. Otherwise, we misuse it or waste it.

If you are a young working woman, ask God for wisdom and use it for Him. Remember also, the more gifts you have, the higher the responsibility. Seek to be called young and wise in your life. Enjoy your youth, but know that one day you will give account to God for everything you did in your life. Know also, that when you repent of your sins from your heart, God forgives you and wipes your slate clean.


The Master’s Program for Women

Have you ever wondered what’s next in your life? Do you feel something is missing in your life? Are you curious about your personal mission in life? Are you a leader who has achieved some success in life and now you’re looking for significance? Do you want to know God’s dreams for your life?

The Master’s Program for Women (TMPW) is a three-year spiritual leadership development journey that may help you discover the answers to these life-changing questions and help you find your place in God’s master plan—your Kingdom calling. This Bible based program helps you find your “why” and have better balance, margin, and focus in your life.

It is my honor and privilege to teach TMPW in Minneapolis, MN. I graduated with the first group that I taught in 2016. I am now teaching a second group which will graduate in October of 2019 and I am starting the next class in February 2019. As a graduate of the program myself, I can tell you that it was an amazing experience and journey of discovery. I now know my purpose and my Kingdom calling. The program is three years and we meet quarterly for the sessions and once in between quarters to share about what we’re learning and get to know each other. Each year we focus on the following aspects of our lives:

  • Year 1 Personal Realm: Body (physical), mind (intellectual), soul (relational), and spirit (spiritual)

  • Year 2 Family and Professional Realm: Your family, finances, and career

  • Year 3 Kingdom Realm: Your Kingdom calling and your involvement in church and community

If you’re interested in attending the FREE Audit Session 1, please connect with me by email at or register by clicking on this link: If you would like to learn more about TMPW, you can also visit the website:

I hope you will consider attending the free Audit session on Wed. 2/20/19 from 2 to 5 p.m. CST at Cornerstone Studios 2220 Central Avenue NE, Minneapolis, MN 55418 and joining the next group. TMPW may be just what you’ve been waiting for to step into the next chapter in your life!

My Daily Huddle with God

Each morning my husband and I have a routine where I call him while he’s on his way to work and I’m getting ready for the day. We share what we have going on for the day and what we want to accomplish that day. My husband usually shares about his “daily huddle” meetings with his staff and team members to ensure they are on track and to accomplish their daily goals.

Saturday is my special day with the Lord. I spend extra time praying, reading my Bible, and writing. In fact, I consider it my “writing day.” I’ve been doing this now for fifteen years. But what’s most special about my writing days is my time with God. As you can imagine, however, meeting with God just once a week is simply not enough to get through life. So, I’ve been wanting to have these special meetings more often. Last year I started to make the effort to meet with the Lord every morning for at least one minute before I start my day. That’s how I started… The weeks went by and now I have finally established a routine where I meet with the Lord daily anywhere from one minute to 15 or 20 minutes depending on what I have going that day. And it has changed my life!

This past week, I told my husband, “I have to hurry up getting ready so I have time to meet with God… Wait a minute, I do have daily huddles too… They are ‘my daily huddles with God’”! I just realized that there is nothing better than meeting with God each day as you start your day and literally ask God, “What do you want me to focus on today? Who do you want me to help today? How should I show love to others today?” Then I pray, “Please cancel meetings that are not important or that will have zero impact on my long-term, eternal goals. Please show me the way in my business, send me the right people to partner with, send me the right speaking engagements and the right consulting clients.” And He does…

I’m sure some of you may be reading this and thinking, “I pray every day in the mornings. Why didn’t she figure that out before?” Well, I always knew how important it is to meet with God, but I’ve never been serious enough and dedicated enough to do it. I’ve always been too busy and I’m always running to the first meeting of the day. I pray through the day as most of us do but now I make the time to be with the Lord intentionally and make Him my priority for the morning. It takes time to have the discipline to establish a new routine until it becomes a habit. And God doesn’t mind if we give him ONE minute or more time. He just wants us to be with Him and make Him a priority in our lives—one day at a time.

Today, I want to encourage you to create the new habit if you already don’t have it. Make the time to be with your Father. He yearns for your time and for your friendship. He wants to be close to you. He’s always there waiting for you. You just have to do it and make the commitment. Try it!

I’ll leave you today with the scriptures I was reading this morning from 1 Corinthians 9:24-27 (NLT):

“Remember that in a race everyone runs, but only one person gets the prize. You also must run in such a way that you will win. All athletes practice strict self-control. They do it to win a prize that will fade away, but we do it for an eternal prize. So I run straight to the goal with purpose in every step. I am not like a boxer who misses his punches. I discipline my body like an athlete, training it to do what it should. Otherwise, I fear that after preaching to others I myself might be disqualified.”

Bring Your True Thanks to God!


I have been studying the Psalms in the past few weeks and today I was reading Psalm 50 when I felt to share these words with you.

Psalm 50: 7-14 (NLT)

“O my people, listen as I speak.
Here are my charges against you, O Israel:
I am God, your God!
I have no complaint about your sacrifices
or the burnt offerings you constantly offer.
But I do not need the bulls from your barns
or the goats from your pens.
10 For all the animals of the forest are mine,
and I own the cattle on a thousand hills.
11 I know every bird on the mountains,
and all the animals of the field are mine.
12 If I were hungry, I would not tell you,
for all the world is mine and everything in it.
13 I don’t need the bulls you sacrifice;
I don’t need the blood of goats.
14 What I want instead is your true thanks to God;
I want you to fulfill your vows to the Most High…

23 But giving thanks is a sacrifice that truly honors me.
If you keep to my path,
I will reveal to you the salvation of God.”

We often focus on pleasing God by giving Him things such as money. In the past, when there was no money, people sacrificed animals and gave items made of gold, silver, and bronze. Today, we give money. The Bible tells us that we must give God the first fruits of our increase. Malachi 3:10 clearly tells us to “Bring all the tithes into the storehouse so there will be enough food in my Temple. If you do,” says the Lord Almighty, “I will open the windows of heaven for you. I will pour out a blessing so great you won’t have enough room to take it in! Try it! Let me prove it to you!”

But even though tithing is a command from God, and we should do it to honor Him, He’s truly after our hearts—our thankful hearts. So, why does God say that “giving thanks is a sacrifice”? You would think giving thanks is just a gesture and it’s easy to say the words “Thank you” to God. But it’s not. The reason is that a person with a true thankful heart recognizes that without God we are nothing and have nothing. A thankful heart acknowledges our dependence on God and God alone. A thankful heart surrenders ALL to God and is willing to give it ALL to God because He owns it all anyway. That’s why it’s hard to have a true thankful heart and that’s why God calls it a sacrifice.

So, in this New Year, purpose to not only give of your treasure to the church and to other ministries that are bringing the Gospel of Good News to the world, but also purpose to give God thanks—each day, each moment, and for every thing and every person He’s blessed you with in this life. Try it! And you shall be blessed beyond your imagination.

Happy New Year!

Christmas… Whose Birthday Is It Anyway?

As I returned from a recent business trip, I listened to one of my favorite Christmas songs called, “Where’s the Line to See Jesus?” sang by Becky Kelley. I love listening to this special song because it reminds me of the real reason for Christmas. I listen to it every time I’m on the plane going somewhere, even when it’s not Christmas. For some reason, this song gives me peace and calm as I go off to my destination.

This song tells the story of a boy who is at a shopping mall during the Christmas season looking for Jesus, but he can’t find him anywhere in the mall. Instead, he finds a huge line to see Santa. So he asks a young woman, “Where’s the line to see Jesus?” but she couldn’t answer. He then asks her, “If Christmas time is his birthday why don’t we see him more?” But again, the young woman didn’t know what to say as there was no line for Jesus. Lastly, the boy says, “He was born for me. Santa Claus brought me presents but Christ gave his life for me!”

This Christmas let’s not focus on the busyness of the season and the stress from shopping under the pressure of a tight timeline and a short budget. Instead, let’s give thanks to God for giving us the ONE gift that will change our lives for eternity—Salvation.

There is no greater gift than salvation. There is no present that we could ever give to anyone that compares to this one. So this season you can go to malls and visit Santa with your kids. You can buy presents for your children and loved ones. But I encourage you to also seek “the line to see Jesus!” Seek Him first and all the other things will be added to your life (Matthew 6:33).

Salvation is for Everyone (Romans 10:5-14). If you haven’t accepted the gift of salvation yet, I’m giving it to you right here, right now. Read these scriptures and you will know exactly what to do and say. If you have received this amazing gift, then bring Jesus with you wherever you go and share Him with others. “Pay it forward,” as they say, and don’t keep the Good News to yourself. Don’t be afraid of giving this gift. Don’t be ashamed of this gift as it is the most valuable and priceless gift you can ever want for yourself or give to others once you have it.

As you do all these things during the Christmas season, ask yourself the question: Whose birthday is it anyway?

Merry Christmas!!