We Were Created by God’s Power and to Glorify Him

During Thanksgiving month I’m sharing devotionals on the topic of Thankfulness from my book Devotions for Working Women. Enjoy!

We Were Created by God’s Power and to Glorify Him

Romans 11:36 (NLT)

For everything comes from him; everything exists by his power and is intended for his glory. To him be glory evermore. Amen.

God created every one of us by His power. He has given us everything we have and made us who we are in Christ—one of God’s beloved children. We must not forget that. When this revelation is present in our lives, we feel confident and know we can do all things through Christ, the One who strengthens us.

Thank God every day for your life, your family, your job, and for all the gifts He has given to you. The purpose of everything He created is intended to bring glory to Him. You were created to glorify God with your life and in all you do. This includes your workplace.


Being Thankful Truly Honors God

During Thanksgiving month I'm sharing devotionals on the topic of Thankfulness from my book Devotions for Working Women. Enjoy!

Being Thankful Truly Honors God

Psalm 50:14, 23 (NLT)

“What I want instead is your true thanks to God; I want you to fulfill your vows to the Most High.” “…But giving thanks is a sacrifice that truly honors me. If you keep to my path, I will reveal to you the salvation of God.”

Psalm 51:17 (NLT)

The sacrifice you want is a broken spirit. A broken and repentant heart, O God, you will not despise.

The people of Israel used to give many offerings to God to obtain forgiveness for their sins. Many people turned this into a tradition with no true meaning or repentance from their hearts. God has not changed today. He has been and will always be, interested in one thing—our hearts. He just wants us to be thankful to Him for everything He has done for us, starting with salvation. What a gift! We must thank God daily and every moment for it. Giving thanks from the heart is what He’s after—a broken and repentant spirit willing to be changed, forgiven, and loved by God.

With today’s lifestyle we all try to do too much. Sometimes we commit ourselves to serve in work committees, kids’ activities, and even church activities—some out of guilt and sense of obligation. These activities may be good, but before we commit to anything new, we must make sure it will not take away time with the Lord. It is better to spend that time with Him than to be occupied with one more thing to do. We honor God by having a thankful heart and spending time with Him.

Be Thankful for What God Has Done

This month, I’ll be sharing with you devotionals on the topic of Thankfulness from my book  Devotions for Working Women. Let’s celebrate Thanksgiving the entire month. Enjoy!

Be Thankful for What God Has Done

Psalm 9:1 (NLT) I will thank you, Lord, with all my heart; I will tell of all the marvelous things you have done.

God loves the heart of a thankful person. When we are thankful to Him for all the things He has done for us, He wants to bless us even more. When we are going through bad things or circumstances in our lives, we tend to forget all the blessings God has given us in the past. It is in those times we need to remember what God has done for us and truly thank Him for every gift and blessing He has given us.

When we bring these things to our remembrance, it helps us get through the current situation. Our faith also increases, and we are able to trust Him again through yet one more thing in our lives. Thanking God is vital to our success in every area of our lives.

At home, thank Him for your house, husband (if you are married), children (if you have any), your friends, and family. At work, thank Him for your job, your boss, your employees (if you are in management), your peers, and friends. Thank God for letting you be His child. Tell people of the marvelous things God has done for you.

The Heart of a Banker. The Heart of a Missionary.

This is the story of three Dominican Loan Officers who are not ordinary bankers. They are missionaries. Yes, they provide micro loans to their clients whom they call Associates. Yes, they even provide additional non-financial services such as women’s physical self-care education. And then, they give them eternal hope by sharing the Good News of the Gospel. They give them the hope that no matter how bad their situation here on earth is, their lives in heaven will be much better.

Let me introduce you to them:

Ana is a married woman with three children and sees her job as a calling to help the poor. She is the branch manager for Esperanza International’s central office in La Romana. Joevanny is a divorced young woman with no children who had a successful career with the lottery company but chose to leave all that behind to serve the poor. Yoseina is a single mom of a five-year-old boy who just joined the team several months ago because she also felt called to alleviate poverty. These three women have college degrees and could be working in other organizations making more money. But they all have one thing in common—they all felt the calling to work with the poor by providing micro loans and bringing the Gospel to all the people they serve. Micro loans are provided at an affordable interest rate. The Good News of the Gospel—Salvation—is free!

This is not my story. This is their story. God sends me to these places, so I can do my part which is to listen, observe, and learn so I can then share the stories with all of you. The purpose is to increase awareness about poverty, microfinance as a potential solution, and how the Gospel of Good News is the key ingredient we all need in this life to be delivered from spiritual poverty which is worse than physical poverty. I participated on an Insight Trip with HOPE International in the Dominican Republic with a group of nine other Americans from Pennsylvania, Illinois, North Carolina, Texas, and Minnesota.

Below is a short recount of what we did in this three-day experience:

Day 1

The bus picked us up at a small hotel in La Romana, a rural area east of the capital, Santo Domingo, that is well known for the sugar cane production and for the extensive tourism driven by the beautiful beaches and golf courses.

We met with Joevanny at Esperanza’s central office in La Romana and were off to our first visit in the middle of a huge sugar cane plantation that seemed to never end. It was like a maze that even had roads and a railroad to transport the sugar cane once it’s harvested. The harvest time is from November through June so there was not much activity during our visit in mid-October. The purpose of this visit was to observe and learn how Esperanza’s Loan Officers conduct their meetings with the Associates.

The Associates are organized in groups of up to five. The community meetings are comprised of at least three groups and are held either at one of the Associates’ homes or at a community building. They each bring their own chair to sit on. Each group receives a loan that is divided amongst the group members. Some Associates can eventually graduate to be on their own. The loan payoff ratio is 98% and most of the loan recipients are women which make about 85%. The loans are repaid weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly within 4-6 months. The average loan amount can be from $100 to $2000 based on the credit history of the Associate and business experience.

The Loan Officers conduct the meetings which are structured in five small segments that HOPE calls “The Five W’s.” They are:

Welcome: The Loan Officer welcomes everyone and takes attendance as they stroll in to the meeting. Several of them are usually late but Joevanny kept the meeting going and welcomed each person by name as they showed up.

Worship: They choose a song they all know and sing it. Most of the Associates in the sugar cane plantations are Haitian so some of them don’t speak Spanish which is a huge challenge for the Loan Officers. They sometimes ask one of the Associates who speaks Spanish to translate to Creole. But I have learned that God doesn’t mind in which language we worship Him and He delights when we sing praises to Him together. Our team joined in the song by clapping!

Word: The Loan Officer then shares a Scripture from the Bible and explains what it all means to the Associates. The Scripture for this day was Isaiah 41:10-11 (NLT) “Don’t be afraid, for I am with you. Do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you. I will help you. I will uphold you with my victorious right hand. See, all your angry enemies lie there, confused and ashamed. Anyone who opposes you will die.” One of my favorite things I learned from Joevanny that day is how she weaves in the Scriptures throughout her training. She kept reminding the Associates that God was WITH them every day and as they worked.

Work: During this section, they teach business principles such as honesty, trust, and work ethic. Joevanny taught on hygiene in the business—especially if they were selling food items. After the teaching, the Loan Officer collects the loan payments and savings from the Associates.

Wrap up: Once all payments have been received from all group members, the Loan Officer wraps up the meeting. At the end of the loan payment cycle, the Loan Officer negotiates with the groups the next group loan amounts.

The next stop was to visit one of the schools that is also a recipient of Esperanza’s loans (Colegio Evangélico Piedra del Angulo – Cornerstone Evangelical School). Esperanza lends to schools that are associated with a church and some that are on their own. In both cases, the loan is made in the name of the senior Pastor with the approval of the Board of Elders. The school uses the funds to make physical improvements, pay the teachers, expand to more grades, and expand the curriculum. With tuition income they repay the loans. At the schools, they preach the Word of God to all children and believe their job is to “sow the seed of the Word” in all of them even if they never see the fruit of their labor.

Day 2

We picked up Ana and Joseyna from the central office in La Romana and visited another sugar cane plantation. They call the communities “batey.” My heart sunk when I got off the bus because the poverty here was even more extreme than the first one. The communities we visited were Haitians. They represent most of the marginalized and underserved people who live in the Dominican Republic because they emigrate to harvest the sugar cane and don’t have any other sources of income. Esperanza is helping these families to have a second source of income—especially during the months of July through October in between harvest seasons.

We visited several small businesses. One was a “colmado” which is a mini grocery store, and another small business owner who makes sheets and bed spreads. After the visits, Joseyna led the meeting and shared with her group the same story that Joevanny shared during her meeting about a lady called Rosa who failed at starting her small business for lack of planning. The teaching today focused on planning for your business—everything from the amount of the loan needed, the supplies, keeping track of the earnings, to ensuring they had inventory enough to meet the needs of their customers.

The Scriptures Joseyna shared were Colossians 3:23 (NLT) “Work willingly at whatever you do, as though you were working for the Lord rather than for people” and Luke 14:28-30 (NLT) “But don’t begin until you count the cost. For who would begin construction of a building without first calculating the cost to see if there is enough money to finish it? Otherwise, you might complete only the foundation before running out of money, and then everyone would laugh at you. They would say, ‘There’s the person who started that building and couldn’t afford to finish it!’”

Day 3 – We reflected on the Insight Trip as a group and shared our experiences

After observing and listening to all the meetings, this is what I learned from the Loan Officers:

  • They always start the meetings with prayer to include God in everything they teach that day, give God thanks, and ask God for protection. They pray with and for the Associates.

  • They call the Associates by name.

  • They speak with authority yet treat the Associates with great level of respect.

  • They are serious about their business and collecting payments, yet they also take time to laugh and even joke with the Associates.

  • They teach them the Word of God along with business principles.

  • They include everyone in the conversations throughout the meetings.

  • They love on them—both with words as well as physical touch. They hug their Associates.

  • They keep the Associates accountable for their payment and savings goals.

  • They educate the Associates continually and exercise great level of patience as they don’t all get it right away.

The two biggest takeaways for me from this trip are:

  • Poverty is both physical and spiritual. Organizations like HOPE and Esperanza are bringing hope to these people with the dignity of providing work opportunities to become self-sustainable. And most importantly, these organizations bring the eternal hope by sowing the seed of the Word of God into these people’s hearts—the eternal work is what matters most!

  • The work that these Loan Officers do is beyond being a banker—it is the work of a missionary. This is their calling and they are pursuing it despite the circumstances they must perform their work in. They don’t mind the extreme heat and humidity, the smells and dirt in the sites they visit, and the danger they are exposed to when visiting these remote places.

There is so much more to share but I want to keep this story somewhat short, so you can read it all. The key question is: Will we ever eliminate or at least alleviate poverty? I don’t know. But I’m hopeful that even if this generation doesn’t get out of poverty completely because some of them are simply surviving –even with the micro loans and savings—at least their children have a better chance. It will take several generations to make a lasting impact but with perseverance it can work.

I will leave you with a couple of questions:

  • Are you willing to go and experience this trip for yourself? If yes, please contact Jenni Henderson (JHenderson@Hopeinternational.org) at HOPE International. She will be organizing other trips to Dominican Republic. I hope to participate again and bring a group of bankers!

  • If you don’t feel called to go, are you willing to send someone? If yes, I encourage you to support HOPE International so they can continue this labor of love. They work with 16 countries!

About HOPE International:

HOPE International is a nonprofit organization with the mission to empower individuals to provide for themselves, investing in the dreams of families in underserved communities through discipleship, biblically based training, a safe place to save, and loans. HOPE unites the Great Commandment (Matthew 22:36-40) and Great Commission (Matthew 28:16-20) to address both physical and spiritual brokenness and helps clients identify the skills God has given them to break the chains of poverty.

HOPE International either fully funds their micro financing programs in countries where there are no local organizations or partners with local organizations such as Esperanza International in Dominican Republic.

Special Thanks:

Thank you to the HOPE International staff who made this trip possible: Jenni Henderson, Regional Representative who invited me to go; Arden Moyer, HOPE Trips Advisor who coordinated all the communications; Gloria Stonge, Contributions who helped me keep track of my supporters; Jenna Pounds, In-Country Liaison for Dominican Republic who fed us and ensured we had an amazing experience. Lastly, a huge thank you to those of you who supported me on this trip.

These three Loan Officers made an impact in my life and I will never forget the sacrifice they make daily to help others in extreme need. They are making a difference in this world by bringing physical and eternal hope to those whose lives they touch.

These Loan Officers have the heart of a banker…yet they have the heart of a missionary.

The Secret to Success? Love God – the ONE and ONLY!

This past month I’ve been reading the books of 1 Kings and 2 Kings. For the first time ever, I’ve taken the time to read them as a continuous story versus reading one verse here and there. As I read throughout the history of the Kings of Israel, there is a consistent thread which I believe is the main message to us today – If we worship, love, and follow God, we will be successful in everything we do! He will be WITH us all the way! The following Scriptures say it clearly and this message is repeated consistently throughout these two books.

1 Kings 2:1-4 (NLT) As the time of Kin David’s death approached, he gave this charge to his son Solomon: “I am going where everyone on earth must someday go. Take courage and be a man. Observe the requirements of the Lord your God and follow all his ways. Keep each of the laws, commands, regulations, and stipulations written in the law of Moses so that you will be successful in all you do and wherever you go. If you do this, then the Lord will keep the promise he made to me: ‘If your descendants live as they should and follow me faithfully with all their heart and soul, one of them will always sit on the throne of Israel.’

2 Kings 18:5-7 (NLT) Hezekiah trusted in the Lord, the God of Israel. There was never another king like him in the land of Judah, either before or after his time. He remained faithful to the Lord in everything, and he carefully obeyed all the command the Lord had given to Moses. So the Lord was with him, and Hezekiah was successful in everything he did.

Furthermore, when we are faithful to God, He will give us whatever we ask just as He did for Solomon:

I Kings 3:3-5 (NLT) Solomon loved the Lord and followed all the instructions of his father, David, except that Solomon, too, offered sacrifices and burned incense at the local altars… That night the Lord appeared to Solomon in a dream, and God said, “What do you want? Ask, and I will give it to you!”

We all know the story after this event. Solomon asked God for wisdom and God made him the wisest person on earth. When we put God first, at the top of everything else, and we love Him with all our hearts, soul, and mind, He will be WITH us throughout our lives. Will our lives be easier? Maybe not because we still live on earth where there is tribulation for sure. But we will have God to help us get through every situation in our lives. Anything else we put above God can become our god, so we must watch for that as He is a jealous God:

I Kings 8: 60-61 (NLT) “May people all over the earth know that the Lord is God and there is no other god. And may you, his people, always be faithful to the Lord our God. May you always obey his laws and commands, just as you are doing today.”

So today I want to encourage you to search your heart for anything that you may be putting above God. Ask Him to help you seek Him with all you’ve got, and He will be WITH you in your journey of life. You will be successful at everything you do!

30 Leadership Concepts I’ve Learned from 30 Years of Marriage

July 1, 2018 marks my 30th wedding anniversary to my husband Tim Malzahn! And because we know being married for this long is an amazing blessing we decided to celebrate the entire year. We started by spending two weeks in Barcelona and Madrid, Spain. After 30 years you learn a lot, not only about the other person but also about yourself and about life in general. Therefore, I'm sharing with you 30 leadership concepts that I’ve learned through this journey called marriage. But whether you are married or not and whether you have children or not, these leadership concepts will help you succeed in the workplace.

  1. Core values. To start on the right foot, marry someone with whom you share your core values. This one step will help you avoid many arguments throughout your marriage. I was blessed to have chosen the right man. In your working life, choose an employer that has the same core values as you. Otherwise, you will always feel like you don’t belong.

  2. Responsibility. You will never really be ready to have children, yet they are probably the biggest responsibility you’ll ever have. Therefore, allow them to come when God wills but still prepare as much as you can. Supervising employees is very similar to parenting. In the workplace, when you become a first-time supervisor, you will also feel inadequate, but you can prepare and develop those skills before you take on a leadership position in your company.

  3. Parenting. Children want the parents’ attention, want us to give them toys, and fight over our time. Doesn’t this sound like your employees at work? They all want your time, your attention, and the latest toys in the office! The answer? Mold your leadership style to each employee just as parents need to mold their parenting style for each child.

  4. Discipline. You and your spouse must agree when disciplining your children. Otherwise, there will be confusion and chaos. The same in the workplace, the leadership team must agree on accountabilities and clarifying roles throughout the organization to avoid confusion.

  5. Communication. Lack of communication is the root for most misunderstandings. You need to communicate with each other about every aspect of the marriage. In the workplace, you need to communicate with your peers, employees, and leaders to build and maintain successful relationships.

  6. Trust. Without trust there is no marriage. Spouses need to trust each other in every aspect of the relationship. In the workplace, without trust your organization will suffer at the least and will parish at the worst. Once trust is lost it is very difficult to recover from it.

  7. Finances. Ideally, finances should be shared in a marriage. Even when one person pays the bills or if only one person is the income earner, the other must always know the financial situation of the household. In the workplace, the top leadership needs to be aware of the financial situation of the organization and also communicate what is appropriate to the rest of the staff.

  8. Education. In addition to providing regular education for your children, you need to educate them on your core values and beliefs. In the workplace, leaders need to continually remind their team members of the company’s vision, mission, and core values too.

  9. Time with children. Spend time with your children one-on-one (from a young age) to build a personal relationship with each child. The same, if you manage a team of people, spend time with each employee to get to know them at the personal level and build the relationship.

  10. Time as a family. Spend time as a family and create positive and fun memories together. The same at work, spend time together as a team not only celebrating successes but just because you want to get know one another.

  11. Time with your spouse. Spend time with your spouse. During the long season of raising children is when the marriage suffers the most because there is simply not enough time for each other. Making the effort to spending time together will ensure you don’t grow apart. In the workplace, spend time with those you work closely with, so you stay on track.

  12. Health. Strive to stay healthy so you can enjoy a long marriage. We have no control as to when our time to depart this planet will be, but we can do our best to live a healthy life, so our spouse doesn’t become a widow or widower sooner than they have to. Staying healthy transfers to the workplace as well. Healthy employees are happy employees.

  13. Walk. Go on long walks with your spouse. Walking is the one exercise that we can do until our very last days. When you go on long walks it gives you an opportunity to share and connect while you exercise. In the workplace, you can establish wellness programs to encourage your employees to go on walks together.

  14. Compliments. Tell each other compliments and do it sincerely. Complimenting your spouse will build his/her self-esteem. The same way in the workplace. Saying a compliment to a coworker goes a long way.

  15. Words. Tell your spouse the three powerful words, “I Love You.” Don’t assume they know it. We all need to be reminded that we are loved. In the workplace, there are ways to demonstrate love and appreciation for your peers, leaders, and employees such as “I appreciate you.” Doing this small act builds loyalty and increases retention.

  16. Friendship. Have a strong foundation of friendship. We like to say we married “our best friend.” But through the years, we can forget that, and we need to keep it in front of us by doing activities we both enjoy. In my opinion, it is okay to form friendships in the workplace. Sometimes, those friendships can last a lifetime.

  17. Romance. Have lots of romance at home. When the romance is kept alive—even during the exhausting years of raising children, then neither spouse will have a need to look for romance elsewhere such as in the workplace. One romantic act, one gesture of love during the week may be what keeps your marriage alive.

  18. Meals. Eat meals together. It’s amazing what eating a meal with someone does to the relationship. It’s almost magical. During the meal is when so many topics are discussed and when you get to know the other person better. In the workplace, take time to go out for a meal or coffee with a peer and you will build stronger relationships.

  19. Write. Write little love notes to each other. When your loved one reads words of love you wrote for him or her, it will transform his or her heart. In the workplace, you can write “thank you” notes as a gesture of appreciation for each other. One or two minutes writing a note to an employee may make the difference between keeping or losing a talented employee.

  20. Pray. Pray for each other. Pray for your spouse daily and through the day and pray for God to protect your marriage. In the workplace, pray for your employees, for your leaders, and for your friends.

  21. Respect. Treat each other with respect. Respect, along with love and trust are pillars in a marriage. This applies the same in the workplace. Where relationships are built on mutual respect they flourish.

  22. Commitment. Commit to each other and to the marriage. Commitment is the fourth pillar that goes along with respect, trust, and love to hold a marriage together. The same way in the workplace, when there is commitment from the employer to the employees to provide a safe environment, the employees respond with their loyalty and commitment back.

  23. Patience. In a marriage we need to be patient with each other on a daily basis. Impatience turns into disagreements, arguments, and even fights and then frustration sets in. So many business deals are lost because someone became impatient and so many business relationships fall apart because of lack of patience.

  24. Belief. Believe in yourself and in each other. It takes courage to believe in yourself and it takes even more courage to believe in someone else. But not doing so can be the beginning of the end in your marriage. In a company, if the employer doesn’t believe in their employees the employees will never achieve their best and the company’s vision will never be fulfilled.

  25. Support. Support each other’s dreams. Do you know your spouse’s dreams? Take time to discover and share each other’s dreams and work together to accomplish at least some of them. This will not only rekindle your marriage but will keep it together. In the workplace, I encourage leaders to ask their employees to share their career dreams and aspirations. Provide them with a safe place to share their dreams and then help them get there.

  26. Attitude. Life happens to everyone—good things and bad things. Your attitude and how you react to each life event determines if you will overcome or not. In the workplace, often we have no control over the events that occur. Choose to have a positive attitude and you will enjoy your working life more.

  27. Fun. Have fun at home with your family—even on the busy days. Be creative on how you have fun while you take care of your family. In the workplace, attend the activities that are planned precisely for employees to have fun and enjoy each other away from the office.

  28. Celebrate. When you celebrate everything in your life—from the little accomplishments to the big milestones—you become a grateful person. At work, take time to celebrate overcoming challenges together as well as bringing in a big client. Everything adds up.

  29. Forgiveness. In a marriage, we need to forgive each other almost daily. There are always plenty of opportunities to hurt each other. In the workplace, there will be many opportunities for you to be hurt. Choose to forgive so you can move on. Forgive—even when the other person doesn’t ask for forgiveness or you think they don’t deserve it. Forgive others and you will feel free. Also, be humble and ask for forgiveness when you hurt others.

  30. Faith. And most of all… have faith in God. Don’t forget God loves you above all! He is a God of forgiveness, mercy, hope, and love. Love your family. Love your friends and everyone God has put in your path of life.

I hope you enjoyed reading this short series on the 30 leadership concepts I’ve learned during the 30 years of my marriage journey. I hope God will give me the blessing to enjoy another 30 or 40 years of marriage. No marriage is perfect nor easy but with God’s help and mutual cooperation, we can make it. I will never stop writing so I stay tuned for when I share what I learned in the next decades to come...

Attitude of Gratitude—Be Thankful!

I recently spoke at an event where I shared about my life story and why I wrote the book The Fire Within – Connect Your Gifts with Your Calling. As I shared about all the major life events that I have either survived or gone through, I emphasized the theme in my story—thankfulness. When you live through natural disasters such as an earthquake and a hurricane, you realize how vulnerable you are as a human against the forces of nature. Then when you live through a civil war, a disaster caused by evil intentioned humans, you also realize how vulnerable you are as a country and that you can lose it all—your home, your job, your life as you knew it, including your country, up to losing your own life.

Every time I lived through another major event I developed a deeper attitude of gratitude. I was thankful to simply come out alive. I became aware of how easily I could lose a loved one. Therefore, continuing to have them in my life gave me an immense sense of gratitude toward God. All the material possessions that my parents had worked hard for and lost after the revolution were gone but were replaceable. After living in my aunt’s garage for two months as refugees in Dominican Republic I walk around my house and thank God that I have a beautiful house and a home. Now I am thankful for every single material thing I possess and live with the awareness that I can lose it all. Every thing and every person in my life is a blessing from God and I’m thankful for it.

But despite the fact that we can lose our material possessions any time, there are other things that God gives to each of us that no one can take away—our gifts and talents. There are many gifts that God gives His people listed below:

Ephesians 4:11-13 (NLT)

He is the one who gave these gifts to the church: the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, and the pastors and teachers. Their responsibility is to equip God’s people to do his work and build up the church, the body of Christ, until we come to such unity in our faith and knowledge of God’s Son that we will be mature and full grown in the Lord, measuring up to the full stature of Christ.

Romans 12:4-8 (NLT)

Just as our bodies have many parts and each part has a special function, so it is with Christ’s body. We are all parts of his one body, and each of us has different work to do. And since we are all one body in Christ, we belong to each other, and each of us needs all the others.

God has given each of us the ability to do certain things well. So if God has given you the ability to prophesy, speak out when you have faith that God is speaking through you. If your gift is that of serving others, serve them well. If you are a teacher, do a good job of teaching. If your gift is to encourage others, do it! If you have money, share it generously. If God has given you leadership ability, take the responsibility seriously. And if you have a gift of showing kindness to others, do it gladly.

I wrote The Fire Within – Connect Your Gifts with Your Calling to help you discover your own gifts and connect them with your unique purpose, your calling in life.

I will leave you with some questions to ponder on:

  1. How do you demonstrate your thankfulness for everything you have in your life—including your gifts and talents?

  2. Do you know what your gifts and talents are? I challenge you to discover your gifts.

  3. How are you using your gifts to help others the way God intended?

Celebrating Birthdays!

On my birthday, I want to thank you all for your friendship, love, and support through the years. You are each a God’s gift to me today and every day. I thank God for the gift of friendship. I don’t take any of you for granted.

Thank you for all the best wishes, virtual balloons, cakes, and hugs that come from very long distances from friends in various countries and States in the US. I appreciate each gift and message.

I know some people don’t like celebrating birthdays because it’s a sign that we’re one year older. But I love to celebrate birthdays because I celebrate life. I celebrate the amazing opportunity that God gave me to live another year, to help others, and to do work for the Kingdom.

I love you all and thank you again for making my birthday a special day!

Jesus Did It All - Because You Are Worth It

Each year, on Easter weekend, I spend special time in prayer and in deep reflection of the death and resurrection of our Lord, Jesus. Today, I wrote a special poem that will be part of my next book, “Believe in Yourself – Because You’re Worth it” and I want to share it with you.

You are worth dying for

You are worth living for

Jesus is the only person who did both for you

He died and rose again

For you to have eternal life

All… because you are worth it

All… because you are loved by God

And if you ask, “Why did He go through it?” I will respond with an excerpt from the book, A Case for Christ by Lee Strobel, from the interview he had with Dr. Alexander Metherell (a person with a doctorate in medicine as well as engineering). Strobel asked the doctor, “What could possibly have motivated a person to agree to endure this sort of punishment?” Dr. Metherell responded, “Frankly, I don’t think a typical person could have done it… But Jesus knew what was coming, and he was willing to go through it, because this was the only way he could redeem us—by serving as our substitute and paying the death penalty that we deserve because of our rebellion against God. That was his whole mission in coming to earth… So when you ask what motivated him,… well… I suppose the answer can be summed up in one word—and that would be love.”

Let’s never forget what Jesus did for us. Let’s love Him back and receive Him in our hearts with eternal thankfulness.

Have a blessed Easter!

You’re Never Too Old to Help Others in Need!

What do you do when you’re in your 70’s, 80’s, and 90’s? You work… but now for the Kingdom of God!

I just came back from my trip to Nicaragua to visit my parents. After many years here in Minnesota, they moved back to Nicaragua and have been there for almost 20 years. My visit had three purposes: 1) Be with my parents; 2) Present my book “The Friendship Book” in Spanish “El Libro de la Amistad” in Managua; and 3) Go on a short mission trip with my parents as part of the nonprofit organization they founded two years ago.

At age 72, my mother found what I call her “Kingdom calling.” She’s always had a heart for the poor and had been involved in her church in Managua for many years serving the poor in that community. But now God is giving her the opportunity to realize her bigger dream, her heart’s desires – to bring help to the poorest of the poor and in a larger scale. She will be 75 this year and is busier than ever with the nonprofit association. They meet weekly in their home to prepare the packages for the missions trips.

My dad is now 91 years old and thanks to God, his body and mind are healthy—just older and fragile. As an attorney, he drafted and coordinated all the legal paperwork to start the organization. He specialized in family law during his career and now is offering to perform civil marriage services (for free) as part of what he can provide at his age. It is common for couples in these villages to live together and never marry due to lack of money so this is an amazing blessing in their lives. My mom takes him everywhere and their group of new friends watches over them and love on them as they all work together for the Kingdom.

On this trip, God gave me one of my dreams too which was to experience a trip to the poor villages in Nicaragua—with them. We had a blast! Nicaragua is mostly Catholic, so my mom coordinates with the priest at each village they go to and ensures the poorest families come to receive gifts. I have to clarify that even though I don’t agree with simply “giving away a handout” these families are farmers so when the rain doesn’t come or it comes too early, they lose their crops. They are left with nothing. There is no other work to be had in these areas so in these cases, they do need the help. There are other instances when the association provides funding to start their little businesses such as making tortillas or bread.

Trip to Cuapa, Chontales, Nicaragua

On Sunday, March 3, 2018, we got up at 4:45 a.m. to get ready to go on our trip to Cuapa, a municipality of the department of Chontales, about 2 ½ hours from the capital of Managua. We arrived in Cuapa at around 11 a.m. (after leaving at 6:30 a.m. and stopping once) to the parish where we picked up the priest to go to another little church where the families were waiting for us. My brother, Orlando Flores, joined me on this trip and stayed with our parents for a few days too. On the way there, we prayed together, we sang songs, and told jokes in Spanish!

We arrived at the church at 11:30 a.m. and were done distributing the gifts at 1 p.m. Most of you who know me know that I have the tendency to take charge and become the leader of whatever it is I’m involved with. This time, I simply let my mom lead everything and I became one of the “worker bees” for God! The joy I experienced while giving the things we brought to these families was beyond any blessing I’ve ever received.

There were 100 families that came to receive the help and every single person who went through the line told me, “God bless you.” I responded, “He already has—just by being here with you.” I received so many hugs of love and appreciation! The youth were singing songs and the little church was filled with the peace and love of God. I’m sure Jesus was smiling as I also observed my parents both crying tears of happiness seeing the work of God unfold right before their eyes. We attended church in Cuapa in the outdoors, had a picnic lunch, and returned home by 5 p.m. On the way back, we reflected on God’s goodness and the blessing it was for all of us to serve God by serving the poor.

Today I want to encourage you to get involved. Help someone in need—whether that’s your neighbor, your coworker, or in a distant land. Go! There is so much need and sorrow in the world. And even though you cannot help the entire world, you can help one person at a time or a small group at a time. If you would like to see photos of the trip, visit my Facebook page here.

I will also surprise my parents by telling them I’ll become a member of the nonprofit association by paying the small annual dues of $120. They use this money to pay for gas, pay for the bus drivers, and other small expenses to do their missions trips (they get the bus rental donated from a rental company). If you want to learn more about their organization, please let me know or visit their Facebook page here. Every time they come to the US they leave with four suitcases filled with our donated clothes, shoes, and whatever their six kids can help with. We know it will all end up in some little village in the country that God chose for us to be born—Nicaragua—a naturally beautiful country where the people have suffered so much with earthquakes, civil war, communism, hurricanes, and most of all, unending poverty.

As always, I love you all, my dear friends. May God bless you richly so you can help others in need. You are never too old to help others.

Friendships – What a Treasure They Are!

 I love the topic of friendship and I LOVE all my friends. They are each a gift from God to me and I appreciate each one, which is precisely why I wrote The Friendship Book. Today I want to share with you that I’m going to Nicaragua to visit my parents and will also introduce the book in Spanish, “El Libro de la Amistad” in the largest bookstore in Managua, the capital. I will be speaking in a panel along two other individuals on the beautiful subject of friendship.

This month we celebrate Valentine’s Day and I want to wish you a very happy Valentine’s Day with your loved ones and all your friends. I will leave you today with two poems from The Friendship Book. Enjoy!

Windows of the Heart
My days are happier
when you are part of it.
Life is much better
when I share it with you,
my friend.
One day spent with a friend
is a happy day.
Today I am happy.

Thinking of You
Sometimes when we love someone,
we don’t say so often with words
because we think they know.
If you’ve told them once or twice before,
don’t assume your words are remembered.
Your loved ones
need to hear you say
“I love you” often
so those words get rooted in their hearts forever.

If you are my friend, know that I LOVE YOU!

Thank you for your friendship.

Introducing My Theme for 2018 – BELIEVE!

Each year for the past several years I write a New Year’s Letter to all my friends and family on the first day of the New Year –January 1st. This year, however, I wasn’t able to do it. My husband and I spent New Year’s Eve on the Seven Mile Beach in Grand Cayman. This was our first time ever spending New Year's Eve at the beach.

As I reflected on what I would share with all of you on my letter, I realized that the highlight of the entire year came for me on the very last day—spending New Year's Eve with my husband on the beach. That had been one of my dreams since I got married almost 30 years ago that came true thanks to my daughter and son-in-law. They gave both of their parents this incredible vacation to thank us for everything we’ve done in their lives and especially during their college years. When they surprised us with this amazing gift, I said, “That is so sweet of you two and we’re totally going to let you do it!” And so the six of us went to Grand Cayman to say goodbye to 2017 and receive the New Year.

There were no major life events that happened to our family during 2017 and I am thankful for that. Sometimes nothing happening is good for us. No one got married and no one got divorced in my family. There were no new babies and no one went to heaven. We didn’t move or started new jobs. Life was busy enough without any of those events. I am blessed and I rejoice in the love I feel for my family and all of you, my dear friends.

So today I want to introduce you to my new theme for this year—BELIEVE!

Believe in God with ALL your heart beyond what you have believed ever before.

Believe for the things you’ve been waiting for to happen this year.

Believe for the healing yet to come.

Believe for someone to believe in you and offer you that job you need.

Believe for broken relationships to be restored.

Believe that God LOVES you for no other reason than you are HIS child.

Believe in other people. Give them a chance to show you they care.

Believe that everything will work out for your good.

Believe in God’s plan for your life.

Believe in yourself. Because you’re worth it! – This is the title of one of my next books.

I encourage you to do things to increase your faith in God. Here are some examples that help me have more faith:

  • Write down everything that God has done for you in the past. You will see that He’s never left your side.

  • Associate yourself with other believers who encourage you in your faith walk.

  • Read scriptures that remind you to have faith. I will leave you with some of my favorite ones about Abraham and his amazing faith:

Romans 3:25-31 (NLT) For God sent Jesus to take the punishment for our sins and to satisfy God’s anger against us. We are made right with God when we believe that Jesus shed his blood, sacrificing his life for us. God was being entirely fair and just when he did not punish those who sinned in former times. And he is is entirely fair and just in this present time when he declares sinners to be right in his sight because they believe in Jesus… So we are made right with God through faith and not by obeying the law… He makes people right with himself only by faith, whether they are Jews or Gentiles.

Romans 4:3 (NLT)… “Abraham believed God, so God declared him to be righteous.”

Romans 4:18, 20 (NLT) When God promised Abraham that he would become the father of many nations, Abraham believed him… Abraham never wavered in believing God’s promise. In fact, his faith grew stronger, and in this he brought glory to God. He was absolutely convinced that God was able to do anything he promised.

I want my faith to be like Abraham’s. I want to be absolutely convinced that God is able to do anything He promises to me—in every area of my life. Most of us have areas where we feel strong in our faith and then there are other areas we could use some encouragement.

Will you join me in my journey to BELIEVE more than ever before in your life?


A Song – “Where Is the Line for Jesus?”

 I received the link to this beautiful song, "Where Is the Line for Jesus?" by Becky Kelley, from a dear friend today, and in her words, “it pierced my heart.” A little boy is walking around in a very busy shopping mall looking everywhere but he can’t find what he’s looking for. There was a long line to see Santa and people were walking in a hurry with bags full of presents so the boy stops and asks a girl (the singer), “Where is the line for Jesus? … If Christmas time is His birthday, why don’t we see Him more? … He was born for me. Santa Claus brought me presents but Christ gave His life for me.”

As I reflected on the lyrics, I realized that even though I try to stay focused on the true meaning of Christmas—the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ, I too get caught up in the busyness of the holiday season and the stress that accompany it. This song reminded me of how far the world is from the truth—the true celebration and the amazing meaning of Jesus’ birth. Everything around the Christmas celebration is so commercialized and it’s designed specifically so we all forget about the hero of the story—the little baby Jesus who would grow up and later die on the cross to save us all!

For a lot of people, Christmas is a fun time to be with their loved ones. Yet for many others, this season can be lonely, full of despair, and sadness. So for those of us who are blessed to have loved ones around us during this time, let us reach out to those who are alone and lonely. Let us reach out with the overflowing love of God and with the sweetness and humility of Jesus.

May you have a blessed Christmas celebrating the birth of our Lord and may you extend the love of God to those who are in desperate need of His love.

I will leave you with the link to the song on YouTube:


Merry Christmas to all my friends and family! You are LOVED by Jesus and you are LOVED by me.

Welcoming the New Year with Hope and Gratitude


Each year during this time I ponder on the year that is ending and wonder what’s ahead in the New Year. Will I have new opportunities? What should I focus on? Will I lose a loved one? Will this year bring good things? What if something bad happens to me or someone I love? Will I be able to help others? Those are some of the questions that run through my mind and maybe you have some of those questions too. But most of all, I welcome the New Year with hope and gratitude—the gratitude for having lived another year and that everything worked out okay and also the hope that everything will be okay next year as well.

I am a firm believer in having goals and writing them down. I do this each year during December and the beginning of January. Then I keep that list of goals on my desk and look at it often through the year. Sometimes I feel discouraged because I’m not accomplishing everything I set out to do and I start feeling anxious. Then I think of all the things that I have accomplished and that makes me feel better.

Sometimes we put goals that may take longer than one year and we need to be flexible with ourselves. Other goals may have to be delayed because we needed to focus on other projects instead. Yet other times life happens and we have to put all or some of our goals on hold until that situation is under control. For example, this past year I had my parents at my home visiting from Nicaragua for five weeks during my mom’s cataract surgery process. I put several projects on hold, postponed several meetings to the next month, and cancelled several events I had scheduled that were not important if I missed them. Even though this situation was not an emergency nor sad, it caused me to change my plans, which in turn affected my goals. But in the end, everything turned out great. My mom can see well again! During their stay I tried to not be too stressed out and enjoy their company as much as I could. I am blessed to still have my parents and I live with the awareness that each time I see them it may be my last.

The point of the story is that we need to focus on what’s most important in our lives—the people we love. Business can be delayed for a few days, events can be missed, and meetings can be postponed. Taking care of our loved ones, our family, should be a priority and sometimes throughout our busyness we don’t take advantage of those moments when we can really be there for them.

During this time I also reflect on my spiritual life. Am I the same as I was last year in my personal walk with God? Did I forgive those who offended me or do I carry unforgiveness in my heart? Did I help others the way God would want me to help them? Did I spend enough time with the Lord just to be with Him, learning from His Word and being in His presence? The answer to the latter question is “not enough,” not as much as I would like to or should.

Some of you know that I spend most of my Saturdays praying, writing, reading the Bible, and spending quality time with God. But one day a week is not enough to sustain my spirit nor to grow my relationship with Jesus. On the other hand, I do my best and pray daily and throughout the day. I ask God to help me daily with my business, with my family, to help me grow in Him, to let me see how I can help others, to make me humble by never allowing me to forget that without Him I am nothing. Every day I thank God for all His blessings in my life. I try my best but I never feel it’s enough. So what is enough?

When we purpose to seek God with all our hearts, it’s never going to be enough time to get to know God, to walk with Him each moment of our daily lives, and to love on others God’s way. But God knows our struggle for time. He knows the demands of our lives and He is compassionate and understanding. We are also each on our individual walks with God and are going through different seasons in our lives. Therefore, sometimes we need to spend more time in the presence of God to get us through each day. Other times, we are going through a good season and don’t feel the need to spend so much time with God. But the truth is, we need Him in the good times the same as in the bad times. When we are in the good times maybe we can spend more time helping others. When we are experiencing dark times then we seek for others’ help to get us through.

So for this next year, I encourage you to keep in mind your loved ones and also your relationship with God. Include them both in your annual goals. For example, set a goal to go on a monthly (or weekly) date with your spouse and schedule it. Set a goal to not miss your kids’ most important sports activities. Another goal could be to reconnect with an old friend whom you love very much but haven’t seen in years because you’re both too busy. One of my goals is to go visit my parents in Nicaragua just to spend quality time with them. One of my spiritual goals is to read my Bible every day with no exception—even if it’s just one scripture. I also want to spend more dedicated time in the mornings to pray—even if it’s just a few minutes—instead of “praying as I go.” I want to create the habit.

When we feed our soul by nurturing our relationships and we feed our spirit by being in God’s presence, we feel more refreshed to tackle the business side of our goals. It’s a positive investment of our time and produces fruit that goes beyond what we can imagine.

This Christmas, dedicate more time to thank God for sending us the biggest gift of all—Jesus. I wish you a Merry Christmas and the best in the New Year full of love, hope, and gratitude!

The Secret to Patience – Thankfulness


I have been reading the book Battlefield of the Mind by Joyce Meyer. It’s about 20 years old but all the concepts in this book apply to us today. The chapter I read this week focused on the topic of patience. Joyce Meyer says that “Patience is not the ability to wait, it is the ability to keep a good attitude while waiting.” Wow! That’s right on. It seems we’re all waiting for something all the time throughout our lives. We all wait at one point or another. But some people are much better than others at waiting with a good attitude during the waiting season.

In my own life, I go in cycles. I spend several days with a good attitude and try my best to stay positive. But after a few days, my attitude starts deteriorating and I think it’s been long enough. I start asking God, “So… what’s going on? When are you going to answer my prayer?” And when I don’t hear anything back, I get impatient. That’s when I have to remember that God’s timing is not my timing. In her book, Joyce Meyers says that “Impatience is the fruit of pride. A proud person cannot seem to wait for anything with the proper attitude.” The Bible reminds us to be patient in several scriptures that I would like to share with you today.

James 5:7 (NLT) Patience and Endurance

7 Dear brothers and sisters, be patient as you wait for the Lord’s return. Consider the farmers who patiently wait for the rains in the fall and in the spring. They eagerly look for the valuable harvest to ripen.

The other important concept that Joyce Meyers shares is that patience is the power to endure. The Bible tells us that in the world we will have tribulation but to not worry, Jesus overcame the world. Jesus is our best example of patience. He had to wait for the appropriate time for every single prophecy to come to pass. He also had to be patient with all the people who attacked and judged Him throughout His life. He did not retaliate or fight back as we would. He waited and even endured the cross in order to obtain the final victory through His resurrection. Here is the scripture to remind us of His victory:

John 16:33 (NLT)

33 I have told you all this so that you may have peace in me. Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows. But take heart, because I have overcome the world.”

It takes humility to be patient. And patience helps us endure our individual trials and tribulations we experience in the world. But there are things we can do to help us with our attitude while we wait. Through my life, I have discovered that being thankful helps me to be patient and to wait with a good attitude until my prayers are answered. In this scripture, the Bible reminds us of the virtues that a person who was chosen by God – each one of us – must display in our lives.

Colossians 3:12 (NLT)

12 Since God chose you to be the holy people he loves, you must clothe yourselves with tenderhearted mercy, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience.

Being that Thanksgiving is upon us this coming week, I thought it would be appropriate to share these thoughts with you to encourage you to strive to always have an attitude of thankfulness as that is one of the secrets to learn patience.

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

I Want to Change MY World!

Once a dear friend of mine gave me a book called “Women Who Changed the World.” She told me she thought I would really enjoy the book. And I have enjoyed reading about amazing women who truly have changed the world in one way or another. I have the book on my coffee table in my living room and I see it each week as I walk around dusting the table where the book lays. Often I ponder on the thought of changing the world and what certain people have done that changed the entire world.

I have concluded that while I may never be able to change THE world, I am purposed to change MY world—the place where God put me so I can serve Him every day of my life. That’s how I will change my world. You see, I realized that I don’t have to do anything victorious or extraordinary in order to change my world. All I have to do is follow Christ each day of my life and serve Him by using all my talents to help others. As I do that, I will make an impact in other people’s lives and I will change their world.

It doesn’t matter how small or big the task is for you to do. What matters is that you follow your heart and obey what God has given you to do. Once you do your part then let God do the rest. We serve Him in our everyday ordinary lives. He will then do the extraordinary and people will be impacted by His love.

God gave me many gifts and I’m purposed to use each one to bring Him glory. Every time I have an opportunity to speak—whether I speak to one person or to a thousand people—I speak knowing that I can have an impact in that person’s life. When I write, I know that those readers whom I will never meet will be impacted by my written words. I know that God can speak to them through my inspired words, thoughts, and experiences. Those two gifts together are powerful and give me a great opportunity to change MY world.

I often ask myself, “So… what is my world? Who is part of my world?” I believe my world is everyone around me: my family, my friends, my business colleagues, my clients, and all my social media friends whom I have not met in person yet but they enjoy my books and writings. I also think about my world from the perspective of The Great Commission. I imagine that someday God will ask me, “Marci, I put this person in your path for a purpose. What did you do with him or her? Did you share ME with them?” As a believer, I take that question very seriously and it is with that in mind that I purpose to share Jesus with every person that He puts in my path. Somehow there is always a way to bring God into conversations or simply share what God has done for me in my life without imposing on anyone. Usually, they get interested and ask me to share more. Then God opens a big door for me to share Him with that person.

Today I encourage you to not be shy nor ashamed of sharing Jesus with others. Sharing Jesus with people is the most amazing experience you can ever have. One person at a time or a thousand at a time. It doesn’t matter. What matters is that you do your part in changing your world. And the only way to change your world or the world is by sharing the Gospel of Good News with everyone! I will leave you today with the scripture of The Great Commission:

Matthew 28:16-20 (NLT)

16 Then the eleven disciples left for Galilee, going to the mountain where Jesus had told them to go. 17 When they saw him, they worshiped him—but some of them doubted!

18 Jesus came and told his disciples, “I have been given all authority in heaven and on earth. 19 Therefore, go and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. 20 Teach these new disciples to obey all the commands I have given you. And be sure of this: I am with you always, even to the end of the age.”

Women: Rise Up YET Be Still!

This past weekend I attended the first annual retreat for The Master’s Program for Women held at the beautiful St. Christopher Camp in Johns Island, South Carolina. The theme for the retreat was “For Such a Time as This.” The Master’s Program is designed to help you discover your unique Kingdom calling based on your unique abilities, talents, life experiences, and spiritual gifts that God gave you (www.themastersprogramforwomen.org). This is the only curriculum that I teach that is not my own because it aligns perfectly with my personal mission in life – to help working people be successful in every area of their lives—helping people find their calling is part of my own calling.

During the retreat we noticed that God kept reminding us of His love for us and kept directing us to certain scriptures:

Psalm 139:13-16 (NLT)

13 You made all the delicate, inner parts of my body     and knit me together in my mother’s womb. 14 Thank you for making me so wonderfully complex!     Your workmanship is marvelous—how well I know it. 15 You watched me as I was being formed in utter seclusion,     as I was woven together in the dark of the womb. 16 You saw me before I was born.     Every day of my life was recorded in your book. Every moment was laid out     before a single day had passed.

Esther 4:13-14 (NLT)

13 Mordecai sent this reply to Esther: “Don’t think for a moment that because you’re in the palace you will escape when all other Jews are killed. 14 If you keep quiet at a time like this, deliverance and relief for the Jews will arise from some other place, but you and your relatives will die. Who knows if perhaps you were made queen for just such a time as this?”

Psalm 46:10 (NLT)

10 “Be still, and know that I am God!     I will be honored by every nation.     I will be honored throughout the world.”

As I reflected on the weekend and everything we learned and shared, God’s message to women became clear in my heart: Women – Rise up YET Be Still!

God is asking women around the world to rise up as Kingdom leaders yet God is also calling us to “be still” and know that He is God. Notice that He’s not calling us to be CEO’s or high level executives of any companies. It doesn’t matter where we are in life or what position we hold in the world. What matters is what position we hold in the Kingdom—our eternal influence! Leadership is all about influence. He wants to use each woman exactly where we are—with our unique experiences, education, and talents—ALL for His Kingdom. So while He is calling us to rise up, He is also asking and requesting of us to take care of ourselves, to care for our bodies which includes the mind through rest and relaxation. He wants us to learn to meditate in His Word which brings us peace and inner rest.

But then I asked God, how do we rise up and be still at the same time? Through prayer!

We pray for wisdom, knowledge, and understanding—not only of the Word but for every situation we encounter. We pray for patience, grace, healing, and resources. We pray for rest, peace, and calm in our lives so we can see clearly the path He sets before us and so we can listen clearly to His commands and direction. We pray for one another and intercede for each other. We pray with a humble heart knowing that He is God and He already knows our needs. But we also pray with gratitude knowing and trusting He will meet all our needs. We pray believing that God’s timing is perfect even when we don’t understand it and when we feel we’re out of options. We pray from the heart with confidence that He knows our hearts and He blesses our sincere prayers.

We, women, are notorious for wanting to do it all—by ourselves. We forget that we are an army and that, together, we can accomplish exponentially more than on our own. We forget that when we ask our sisters for help, they respond. We need to remember that together we are God’s secret weapon against the enemy of this world. If we are too busy trying to do it all, we will not listen to God’s direction on how to accomplish His plan for our lives and to reach and lead in the world.

Women – Rise up for we are called for such a time as this! God needs us to rise up and be leaders in His Kingdom. God will do amazing things in this world through us—women leaders.

Women – Be still and know that He is God! God needs us to be rested so we can accomplish all of those amazing things He has planned for us to do. He needs us to LEAD and become Kingdom leaders—what we were meant to be.

I encourage you today to rise up and yet be still knowing He is God. We are called for such a time as this!

The Sun ALWAYS Comes Out after a Storm!

Why does it take a storm of hurricane Irma’s magnitude for our country to get on our knees and pray to God for mercy? I found myself asking God, “Why don’t you just dissolve the storm? You’re God. You can do this.” Then right after I asked God that question in prayer (and almost with an attitude of entitlement), I received a picture from a friend of a beach in Florida that was filled with people—on Good Friday. The picture next to it was of a church filled with people praying, today, asking God to have mercy on them. I’m not excluding myself from this behavior. I grew up going to the beach on Holy Week in Nicaragua—all week. Even growing up as Christians, going to the beach house during this week off was the thing to do, instead of praising God for the amazing gift of salvation. It seems like we, humans, forget we need God in the good times too. Those are our best opportunities to get on our knees and thank God for everything that He’s done for us—most importantly for sending Jesus to die for us on the cross so we could have eternal life.

Then I remembered this Scripture on Isaiah 55: 8-9 (NLT):

8 “My thoughts are nothing like your thoughts,” says the Lord. “And my ways are far beyond anything you could imagine. 9 For just as the heavens are higher than the earth, so my ways are higher than your ways and my thoughts higher than your thoughts.

You see, I was only focusing on the natural, the huge storm coming our way to destroy the homes and cities of the loved ones who live there. But I wasn’t thinking of the bigger picture. What the devil intends for bad (for destruction), God can turn it for good (for people coming in unity and praying together for each other). For some of us, it takes a natural storm in life, like a natural disaster, or a devastating event in our lives (like a death in the family, an illness, or a divorce) for us to give our lives to Jesus.

I remembered the Scriptures that promise us that God will never leave us nor forsake us, regardless of whatever is going on in our lives—whether that is a natural disaster or a life event. God told Joshua these words after Moses died, in Joshua 1:5 (NLT), “For I will be with you as I was with Moses. I will not fail you or abandon you.” I was also reminded that we are to praise the Lord during the storms in life. Acts 16:25 (NLT) says, 25Around midnight Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns to God, and the other prisoners were listening. “Midnight” is always representative of our darkest hour and, during that time, when Paul and Silas were in prison (being innocent) they were praising God. Then there was an earthquake and the prison doors opened and their chains came undone. God does indeed work in mysterious ways. God asks us to pray and praise Him at all times—the good times and the worst times in our lives—because He knows we need to. We need Him.

Psalm 34:17-18 (NLT) gives us this promise, 17The Lord hears his people when they call to him for help. He rescues them from all their troubles. 18The Lord is close to the brokenhearted; he rescues those whose spirits are crushed. Wow, what amazing promises these are for all of us.

Lastly, let’s not forget to reach out to our loved ones in the good times too. We shouldn’t have to wait for a storm to threaten their lives to call them or text them to tell them we’re thinking of them. That’s a practice I started doing a long time ago. Whenever I think of a friend or relative, in that very moment, I send them a text, or leave them a voice message or email. I let them know I’m thinking of them or praying for them. I always get a response from that person so appreciative of that special touch. Most of the time, they needed prayers or encouragement at that time.

Today, in the midst of the natural storms, let’s continue to pray together as a nation for God to have mercy on our country and for God to protect our friends and families in the States that are affected. Let’s not forget the people in Houston who are still dealing with the devastating effects of hurricane Harvey and also for all the little islands that are destroyed. We are all always at risk of potential tragedy. But our God is a big, sovereign God and He knows all things. When we don’t understand why things happen in the natural, God always has a higher way. He has a reason and a purpose that goes beyond our understanding. Just as with natural storms, the sun always comes out after it, and it will again after all of these hurricanes. Let’s not lose hope and believe that God is in control.

Do You Have the Holy Spirit within You?


Today I want to share with you about the message I heard from Eagle Brook Church as part of the series “I Don’t Get It.” As Christians and “believers” as we call ourselves, we often talk about God and Jesus. But I have noticed that a lot of Christians don’t know the third person of the Trinity—the Holy Spirit. This message is about why Jesus left us the Holy Spirit when He left earth. There are many mysteries we will never understand with the human mind but we need to believe by faith. The Holy Spirit is one of those mysteries and thus the title for their message, “I Don’t Get It.”

As human beings we were created in God’s image, with a spirit. Therefore, God uses His Holy Spirit to communicate with us—from spirit to spirit. Jesus said in John 16:7 (NLT), “But in fact, it is best for you that I go away, because if I don’t, the Advocate won’t come. If I do go away, then I will send him to you.” The Advocate is the Holy Spirit. Jesus had to go away because, as a human being here on earth, he could only be with a few people. The Holy Spirit can be with all of us, at the same time, and forever.

In this message the pastor shared that the Holy Spirit provides us with three things:

  1. Guidance. John 16:13 (NLT) says, “When the Spirit of truth comes, he will guide you into all truth. He will not speak on his own but will tell you what he has heard. He will tell you about the future.” The Holy Spirit guides us in three ways. First, the inner promptings that we feel often is the Holy Spirit telling us what to do or what not to do. But many times we ignore those promptings and the more we ignore it the less we hear that still small voice. On the other hand, the more we carefully listen to that voice, the better we get at it and the more sensitive we become. Second, the Holy Spirit guides us through other people in our lives. Many times, He uses people we trust to tell us the direction we need to go. But again, often we disregard those people and even cut them off of our lives. The third way the Holy Spirit guides us is through the Word, the Bible. The Holy Spirit will never contradict the Word of God because they are One.

  2. Protection. Romans 8:26 (NLT) says, “And the Holy Spirit helps us in our weakness. For example, we don’t know what God wants us to pray for. But the Holy Spirit prays for us with groanings that cannot be expressed in words.” The Holy Spirit prays for us in a special way and He protects us on a daily basis. Some people pray in other tongues that we don’t understand but the Holy Spirit does.

  3. Empowerment. The Holy Spirit empowers us. Acts 1:8 (NLT) says, “But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you. And you will be my witnesses, telling people about me everywhere—in Jerusalem, throughout Judea, in Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.” In addition, Romans 8:11 (NLT) says, “The Spirit of God, who raised Jesus from the dead, lives in you. And just as God raised Christ Jesus from the dead, he will give life to your mortal bodies by this same Spirit living within you.” Did you get that? The same power—the Holy Spirit—that raised Jesus from the dead lives within us!!

So today, I want to encourage you to ask God to give you His Holy Spirit and to fill you up with it so you can get his guidance, protection, and empowerment. Without the Holy Spirit, your walk as a Christian is not complete and you’re missing on the amazing benefits you can get from Him.

A Tribute to My Best “Doggie Friend” Barney Kalupa


Twelve years ago I met Barney, my personal trainer’s (Theresa Kalupa) dog. Back then he was less than one year old, still a puppy. Those first few times I saw him I was a little apprehensive of touching him because I was afraid of dogs—all dogs. You see, when I was only ten years old, I was bitten by a bulldog on my leg. And ever since I became terrified of dogs, little and big dogs. Every time I came to the house to train, Barney was the first one to greet me at the door waggling his tale and offering me his little paw so I could shake his hand and pet him on the head. He loved wearing his bandana and felt strong and confident when his hair was long—even though we could barely see his little eyes. When he got a haircut and looked like a skinny little thing, I was careful to not tell him that because I didn’t want to hurt his feelings. I could tell he didn’t feel as self-confident and acted a little shy and even embarrassed when his hair was so short. But I still petted him and made a big deal every time I saw him too. I remember Andy telling Barney, “Go get her Barney!” and he would bark as if he meant it. I looked forward to my workouts with Theresa for sure, but I also always looked forward to my encounter with Barney.

I believe God created dogs for us to enjoy and to love us through them. They are truly the best creatures to show us what “unconditional love” really means. They love us no matter what. The last dog I had was when I was thirteen years old and I had to leave him behind when we fled Nicaragua because of the war. I remember my dog was cuddling next to me on the floor as if he knew we would never see each other again—and we didn’t. And since then, I’ve never owned a dog. Therefore, I adopted Barney as my personal doggie friend—and he became my best doggie friend ever!

I know that we can get a new dog but I believe each dog is, like each human being, irreplaceable and unique. They each leave a mark in our hearts and a hole when they leave us. So today, I want to write my blog as a tribute to my little friend, Barney. I will never forget you and will forever be thankful to you for taking the fear of dogs away for good. I’m no longer afraid of dogs. The next time I see a dog, I’ll remember your sweetness, your kindness, and your friendliness, and I know that will help me to not be afraid.

Thank you to my great friends, the Kalupa family (Andy, Theresa, Olivia and AJ) for letting me share the love that Barney brought to your home. You all and Barney made me feel part of your family and I will always appreciate that. If you get a new puppy, I’ll be there each week to love on him or her too! You can count on that!