I hope you enjoy the Thanksgiving Poem I wrote for you to share with your loved ones!
Today is a beautiful day.
God created this day for you and me,
for us to say thanks and to worship Him.
Today is a special day
as we are to remember why we are here.
The reason is to give thanks.
Today we pause and reflect.
We stop and give thanks
to the One who loves us so much
that He sent His only Son.
On this day we realize
how much God does for us...
every day, every hour, because He cares.
A grateful heart is what He wants;
just pure gratitude from the heart.
The thanksgiving that flows from inside
and it overflows to the ones around.
A whole day is dedicated to say thanks.
In the midst of a world that is ungrateful,
we stop and take the time to be thankful
for everything He has done in our lives...
for sending His Son to die.
All God wants is our hearts.
So today thank God for His blessings,
for His love and for all His gifts.
Be thankful and enjoy life
and you will bless Him back.
(C) 2018 Marcia Malzahn