You can be young and wise

This weekend my parents came to visit from Nicaragua and met my little grandson, Henry James. They LOVED this little bundle of joy… so young, so new to this world. My dad is 91 years older than Henry James! Wow! Wouldn’t it be nice to transfer all the wisdom my dad has acquired in his years of life to little Henry? But that is not possible. We each must live our own lives and acquire wisdom as we experience our journey on earth. But event though wisdom is acquired through the years, there is a way for the young to be also wise. How? By asking God for the gift of wisdom. Today I’m sharing a devotional from my book “Devotions for Working Women” that talks about how you can enjoy being young yet being wise too. Enjoy!

You Can Be Young and Wise

Ecclesiastes 11:9 (NLT) Young man, it’s wonderful to be young! Enjoy every minute of it. Do everything you want to do; take it all in. But remember that you must give an account to God for everything you do.

Being young is wonderful. I haven’t met one person yet who wants to be old—and I doubt I ever will. But many old people want to and yearn to be young again.

Youth represents strength, life, health, beauty, smarts, and many other positive things. Notice, however, we don’t usually associate wisdom to youth. On the contrary, the words old and wise go together in our society. When we are young we think we know it all. Why is that? I believe it’s a lack of maturity and experience. Only as we get older, we realize how little we know and how much more we have to learn.

We must teach our young people to seek the wisdom of God. Imagine what youth can accomplish with the weapon of wisdom against the enemy of the world! Very few young people are wise. I believe that’s for two main reasons: one, because they don’t ask God for wisdom, and second, and most importantly, because wisdom comes with experience and maturity with the things of the Lord. Wisdom is a gift from God, and we must be trustworthy to be able to handle it. Otherwise, we misuse it or waste it.

If you are a young working woman, ask God for wisdom and use it for Him. Remember also, the more gifts you have, the higher the responsibility. Seek to be called young and wise in your life. Enjoy your youth, but know that one day you will give account to God for everything you did in your life. Know also, that when you repent of your sins from your heart, God forgives you and wipes your slate clean.