The Power of Forgiveness

Today I want to share with you about the power of forgiveness. We encounter opportunities to get offended almost on a daily basis and it is important to recognize when we carry offense in our hearts. Once we realize we got offended and that we are carrying a grudge against somebody, we then need to go through the process of getting rid of that luggage. How? Simply by forgiving the person that offended us.

I recently experienced this situation and when I chose to forgive that person, a great burden was lifted off my back. It felt like I did leave a piece of luggage behind. My attitude changed, my heart was changed. And then, the situation was turned around completely. Only because God helped me forgive so I could move on. The devotional I have for today from my book, Devotions for Working Women, is a reminder that when we pray, if we want our prayers answered, we must believe but also need to forgive others.

Forgive Before You Ask
# 157

Mark 11:24-25 (NLT)
“Listen to me! You can pray for anything, and if you believe, you will have it. But when you are praying, first forgive anyone you are holding a grudge against, so that your Father in heaven will forgive your sins, too.”

We hear verse 24 all the time. Ask, have faith, and you will get your prayer answered. But we hardly pay attention to an equally or more important thing we must do before praying in faith. “First forgive…,” are the words Jesus used, “…anyone you may be holding a grudge against.” Forgiving others is key to having our prayers answered. Not only that, but if we don’t forgive others, God will not forgive our own sins. Without God’s forgiveness, we are not going to enter His Kingdom. Being unforgiving is destructive in every way—physically, mentally, and spiritually. It is more destructive to our lives than to the person who offended us.

You can ask for anything in faith, but first you must forgive before you can receive your answer. Examine yourself on a daily basis and see if there is anybody who offended you whom you haven’t forgiven yet. Of course, I believe the easier way to do this is to not get offended in the first place. At the moment the offense occurs, you have the choice to take the offense or to let it go. It is a decision you can make in an instant, but if you choose wrong, it can take you the rest of your life to forgive. It will be your baggage and burden for years until you give it to the Lord and have Him take care of it. God is looking for pure hearts and pure hearts don’t have unforgiveness. The workplace is the perfect place to put this into practice on a daily basis, so start today.

Remembering a Loved One

This past week I lost a dear friend to cancer, one of my employees. The entire company was shaken up by his sudden death. Even though we knew he was fighting cancer, we were not ready to lose him so soon. This situation has made me reflect on my own mortality and all my relationships. I live with the awareness that I can be gone today and that my loved ones could be gone as well. It is for that reason that I always express my feelings towards all my friends and family. All of those who know me know how much I appreciate them, how much I love them, and that I am here for them in a time of need.

Today, I encourage you to tell your loved ones how much you love them. Tell them often, tell them in words, tell them with hugs—lots of hugs, tell them in writing—write them letters of love, tell them with actions—do something for them that only people who loves them would do. Don’t wait until it’s too late. There may not be a tomorrow.

My motto: Live my life as if today is my last day. Treat others as if today is the last day I will see them.

Seeking God in the Workplace

Have you ever wondered if you’re in the place that God wants you to be? The place where you can be the most effective to work for the Kingdom of God? I have been reflecting on that lately and have been praying for God to give me the opportunity to use me fully where I am. I truly believe our jobs go beyond doing a physical job in the workplace. I believe that God has called us to be where we are for a purpose and we need to fulfill that purpose while we’re there.

We all have a sphere of influence, a circle of friends and family, and also the circle of friends and colleagues in the workplace. How we behave, how we treat others, and the decisions we make—especially when we are in leadership positions—affect others in many ways. Co-workers observe our actions and from there they decide if we are walking the Christian walk or not. Words are nothing without corresponding actions.

Today I encourage you to reflect on the reasons why God has you in the place of work where you are during this time in your life. I encourage you to seek God and ask Him to show you ways where you can be a light in the workplace and to show you ways where you can show His love to others. I will do the same.

Follow Jesus

I have not written in a couple of weeks because I’ve had activities on Saturdays, which is the only time I have to write. I also went to New York on a business trip that I combined with a mini vacation. It was a lot of fun and a wonderful experience. The highlight of the trip was the visit to the 9/11 Memorial. The North and South pools are now open and they have the names of all the people that died that day all around the pools. Their names are forever engraved in that place so we can all remember what happened to our country that day.

Going to a big city like NY is great but there is nothing like coming back home where you can feel relaxed, be with the people you love, and get back into your routine. So today, as I get back into my Saturday morning routine to read and meditate, I would like to share with you one of the devotionals from my book, Devotions for Working Women. This devotional is about following Jesus and the example He gives us through the Bible to live our lives as Christians. With all the pressures of work and daily life, it is a challenge to follow Christ and it’s even more challenging to try to imitate Him on everything He did while He was on earth. But if every person knew Jesus and would follow His example, the highlight of my visit to New York would have been other than the 9/11 Memorial.

Listen to God’s Beloved Son
# 237
Mark 8:34 (NLT)

Then he called his disciples and the crowds to come over and listen. “If any of you wants to be my follower,” he told them, “you must put aside your selfish ambition, shoulder your cross, and follow me.”

When Jesus was here on earth, He continually gave instructions to His disciples on how to conduct their lives as Christians. He also taught them how to do the things He was doing here such as healing people, casting out devils, and teaching the Gospel. Every person who makes a decision to follow Christ becomes His disciple. As one, we must follow His instructions including putting aside our selfish ambition, shoulder our cross, and follow Him. We have to carry our cross while we are here. The cross means to endure anything and everything up to losing our earthly life for the sake of the Gospel. Most of us will not have to experience that extreme, but our cross is also to put aside our fleshly desires on a daily basis. Our cross is choosing to be godly versus worldly.

God, the Father, is pleased when we listen to what Jesus says. During the transfiguration of Jesus (when He appeared with Moses and Elijah), a cloud came over them and a voice came from the cloud saying, “This is my beloved Son. Listen to him” (Mark 9:7 NLT). God asked the disciples to listen to the teachings and the words of Jesus. We are His disciples as well, so this is for us. We must listen to what Jesus tells us through His Word. It is all recorded in the Bible for us.

Everything you need to succeed in your professional life, as well as your family life, is in the Bible. Read it, study it, and meditate on the words of Jesus. If you are going through hardship right now, believe that God will help you. If everything is going well, then don’t forget to be thankful to the Lord, the One who helped you succeed.

Let's Consider God's Ways

So many times we plan for things in our lives and we forget to ask God to direct our paths. How do we stay on track and involve God in our daily lives? One way is to pray often and asking Him directly to help us determine the best way to go, the best approach to a situation, and the best solution to a problem we may be facing. Today’s devotional from my book, Devotions for Working Women, reminds us that God’s ways are always higher than our ways. Enjoy!

God’s Thoughts and Ways Are Higher Than Ours
# 119

Isaiah 55:8-9 (KJV)
For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the Lord. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts.

We will never be able to understand God with our natural minds. But that’s okay. We, as believers, walk by faith having the revelation that He loves us. God’s thoughts and His ways are so much higher than ours, so much bigger and different than we could ever imagine. How can we ever think our ideas are better than His? He already thought it all out, from the beginning to the end, from the moment we were born until our last breath here on earth and then in eternity.

Purpose to live your life God’s way and not your way. Follow His plan, not your plan. Get to know Him by spending time with Him. Ask yourself these questions: Are your work and career plans aligned with God’s will for your life? Are God’s thoughts and ways reflected in your life?

We Need to Spend More Time in Prayer

Recently, I have not been spending time in prayer as I would want to. When I don’t allocate special time to be with God, I can see how it affects me in several areas of my life. I start being more impatient, less compassionate toward others, and experience less joy in my life. Every so often, I need to recommit my time with the Lord and refocus on Him. When I do that, I can also see the results right away. I am more relaxed, more compassionate and patient with others, and I am simply happier with my life overall.

Today, I want to share with you a devotional from my book, Devotions for Working Women, that will encourage you to spend more time with the Lord in prayer. Enjoy!

Spend Time with the Lord in Prayer

1 Peter 4:7 (NLT)
The end of the world is coming soon. Therefore, be earnest and disciplined in your prayers.

In this verse, Peter is talking to all of God’s chosen people, therefore, he includes us. No matter how successful we are or want to become in business, we cannot prosper without prayer. The Bible says we are to pray earnestly and we are to do it on a consistent basis. Prayer is what connects us to God, our Father. Through prayer we get close to Him, and He gets close to us. Through prayer we get to know the person of God, we receive His blessings, and the revelation of His Word.

We are to live our lives as if Christ is coming back today and as if the end of the world (the church dispensation) is ending soon. The signs of the end of times are evident in these last days. Therefore, spend time with the Lord, and schedule Him in your life as the most important appointment of your day. Just as you protect the time you have allocated for a customer or vendor meeting, or the time you allot for a special training, you need to protect the time you set aside to be with your Father. The meetings with the Lord and your time in prayer will help you succeed in all the areas of your life.

Don't Give up on Believing God

It is hard to keep the faith and continue the fight when you get bad news or when your prayers don’t get answered. But today I want to encourage you to continue and not give up believing God for an answer to your prayers. He does listen to you even though you may not hear back. Today, I would like to share with you a devotional from my book Devotions for Working Women that will encourage you and lift your spirit. Enjoy!

God Does Hear and Answers Our Prayers
Psalm 116:1 (NLT)

I love the Lord because he hears and answers my prayers.

Part of trusting God is knowing in your heart and believing that He does hear your prayers and that He does answer them. What are you praying for lately? What prayers have you been asking God that He has not answered yet? Are you expecting an answer from Him? I encourage you to continue to pray until you see the answer manifested.

Some prayers take longer to be answered than others, due to various reasons. Sometimes we are not ready to receive the answer and we need more preparation. Other times, we don’t fully trust Him to perform what we’re asking. Other times we may not be in His will, and He knows that what we’re asking will harm us.
Every situation is different, every prayer request is different. If you are asking for a new job or for a work situation to be resolved, ask God to give you patience to wait for His perfect timing. If you are feeling He is not answering any of your prayers right now, thank Him for everything He has done for you in the past. This will lift your spirit and encourage you to continue to pray until He answers your prayer.

Are You One of God's Workers?

Today I would like to encourage you to consider yourself one of God’s workers and apply all your efforts to improve and get a promotion the same way you do in the workplace. The devotional I’m sharing with you today from my book Devotions for Working Women reminds us that we have a job to do for God’s Kingdom that goes beyond our jobs in the market place. Enjoy!

Are You One of God’s Workers?
Matthew 9:37-38 (NLT)

He said to his disciples, “The harvest is so great, but the workers are so few. So pray to the Lord who is in charge of the harvest; ask him to send out more workers for his fields.”

Jesus said those words after being with multitudes of people who went to Him with their problems. He was only one and He saw the great need of having more of Him on earth. As we become born again, when we ask Jesus to come into our lives, we become God’s laborers and workers of His field. The harvest is God’s, but He needs us to work it for Him.

Most of us consider ourselves good workers. In fact, we welcome and look for opportunities for promotion. As workers of the Kingdom of God, our attitude toward new opportunities should be the same, and we should ask ourselves some questions. Are we doing a good job for God? Are we bringing in the harvest? Are we looking to be promoted in the Kingdom of God? With God our jobs are not just a title. In His Kingdom, the higher the position, the more responsibility we have with people’s lives. Jesus said, “And whosoever of you will be the chiefest, shall be servant of all” (Mark 10:44 KJV). The higher we go in God’s positions, the more we have to serve others.

Therefore, let’s ask God for more workers to help us with the great task we have ahead. But also, let’s ask Him to help us be the best workers we can be for His Kingdom.

Trust God to Give You Peace and Rest

I have been away for a few weeks and have not had time to write. I’m back from attending a two-week school and I’m in need of much rest. So today, I would like to share with you one of the devotionals from my book Devotions for Working Women that reminds us to trust God to give us peace and rest. Enjoy!

Trusting God Gives You Peace

Psalm 4:8 (NLT)
I will lie down in peace and sleep, for you alone, O Lord, will keep me safe.

Knowing that God is in control of your life will give you peace, joy, and rest. When you go to bed at night, examine your heart and ask yourself daily, “who is in control of my life?” If the answer is “me,” then stop and give that control to the Lord. Surrender to Him again. This is a daily prayer and act of trust. It is a normal tendency to take over your life and circumstances once again, after you just surrendered them to God. You must trust Him and know He will deliver you from the current circumstances you’re in and He will keep you safe.

If you have a job you love, thank God for it every day. If you are asking God for a new job, also thank Him for the future job He has for you and don’t get weary in believing and trusting Him. You are not alone. He will never leave you nor forsake you. When you know this, you will lie down in peace and sleep.

God is Faithful

After two tough weeks at work, today I want to share this devotional with you from my book, Devotions for Working Women. I encourage you to not get weary in well doing.

God Does Not Forget How Hard You Work for Him
# 177

Hebrews 6:10 (NLT)
For God is not unfair. He will not forget how hard you have worked for him and how you have shown your love to him by caring for other Christians, as you still do.

Sometimes you may feel you are wasting your time and energy by being a good worker in your company because you feel it’s not making a difference. Other times you may feel that what you’re doing for another person, at work or outside of work, whether they are a Christian or not, is not worth continuing because you don’t feel appreciated.

Don’t get weary in working hard for the Lord. Dedicate your natural, as well as spiritual, work to Him. God is a fair God, and He will not take for granted or forget the time and effort you invest when working hard for Him. He notices it and appreciates it.

The Bible says in verse 12 that if you work hard, “Then you will not become spiritually dull and indifferent. Instead, you will follow the example of those who are going to inherit God’s promises because of their faith and patience.” Therefore, continue working hard for the Lord with the expectation that this promise will come to pass in your life.

God Helps Us Every Day

Today I want to share one of the devotionals from my book Devotions for Working Women that touched my heart when I read it because it reminded me that God is always there for us. Enjoy!

God Helps Us through Grace by Faith
Isaiah 41:10 (NLT)

Don’t be afraid, for I am with you. Do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you. I will help you. I will uphold you with my victorious right hand.

Those are God’s words for His chosen people of Israel. We must grab hold of those promises as well because we are Abraham’s seed by faith. Galatians 3:14 (KJV) says, “The blessing of Abraham might come on the Gentiles through Jesus Christ; that we might receive the promise of the Spirit through faith.”

If you have accepted and received Jesus in your heart as your Lord and Savior, then you qualify by faith to receive all of God’s promises to His chosen people. You are a chosen one too.

Read this verse again and capture the depth of this promise. God the Father, the Creator of all, promises to help you, to lift you up when you’re down, to strengthen you when you are weak, and to uphold you with His victorious right hand. What else can you want? He is the answer to all of your problems, hurts, desires, and needs.

It is difficult to believe these promises when you are going through difficult times in your life. But God can help you and get you through. He will give you supernatural grace to withstand the attacks of the enemy and win the fight. It is a special and unique grace to deal with every situation—one at a time. “My grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness” (2 Corinthians 12:9 KJV).

Focus on What's Important

I have not been able to write for several weeks because I went on a two week vacation to Paris, France. During this trip I had time to reflect in my life and on all the gifts that God has given me. Even though I had a great time and Paris is full of beautiful historical buildings, museums, parks, and amazing art, I still think America is the best place in the world to live in. My trip was over the 4th of July so I missed being here to celebrate the birth of our beautiful country. In short, I missed America!

It is still July, which I consider the patriotic month of the year, so take some time today to reflect on the wonderful gift that God has given you by being an American.

The other thought that I reflected on a lot is that it really doesn’t matter where you are in the world. What matters is who you are with in the world. I have a good friend of mine who was recently diagnosed with terminal cancer and when you see life from that perspective, everything changes immediately for you. You start focusing on the things that are truly important in your life—the people you love and your personal relationship with God.

If only we would live with the constant awareness of what’s important, how much more we could accomplish during our time here, how much less we would fight with those we love, how many people we would not hurt along the way, and how much deeper our relationship with God would be. Today, I encourage you to reflect on your life and make changes where you see necessary to focus on what’s truly important and show your love to others.

Be Encouraged!

This week was very difficult at work because we found out that one of our employees is very sick with cancer. I have never experienced a situation like this where I need to be strong for everyone in the organization, stay positive during the journey, and encourage my friend to continue the fight. So, I decided to write him a “love and encouragement” letter and then also shared it with the rest of the staff. I took a risk because there may be employees who are not believers in the organization and they may think I’m either crazy or weird. But I still believe in sharing my heart and my beliefs with others.

These are good opportunities for us, believers, to share our faith in God without shame or fear. If we don’t take the step, who will? What if because of us sharing our faith someone will come to Christ? We don’t know where people are at and we don’t know how close they are of making a decision that will change their lives forever. So I took the chance. We will see how it is received.

Today, I want to leave you with a devotional, from my book Devotions for Working Women, that will help you deal with distress and grief in your life. Be blessed!

Dealing with Grief and Distress
Psalm 31:9 (NLT)

Have mercy on me, Lord, for I am in distress. My sight is blurred because of my tears. My body and soul are withering away.

During the course of our lives, we experience times of great distress and situations when we feel we are withering away from grief. Losing our job can create great pain for us because our work is a major part of our lives. Yet the loss of a loved one could be much more impacting in our working life. When we lose someone to death like a child, our spouse, a parent, or a close friend, it creates a wound in our heart that only God can heal. Divorce, separation, or a child leaving home prematurely can also be as catastrophic.

These events change our lives forever, and it is in those moments that grief can settle into our hearts. It is normal to go through a grieving period, but we cannot stay there too long because it is deadly for us just as David said in verse 10, “I am dying from grief; my years are shortened by sadness. Misery has drained my strength; I am wasting away from within.”

Even though we never forget tragic or sad events, we need to move on and let go of the grief and pain. We must continue the race God has set for each one of us and finish it. There are two things we need to do. First, just as David never gave up trusting God and kept running to Him for protection and comfort, we have to trust God that He will help us and lift us up. “So be strong and take courage, all you who put your hope in the Lord!” (v. 24). Secondly, we need to do what Paul did. He said to the people of Philippi, “No, dear brothers and sisters, I am still not all I should be, but I am focusing all my energies on this one thing: Forgetting the past and looking forward to what lies ahead. I strain to reach the end of the race and receive the prize for which God, through Christ Jesus, is calling us up to heaven” (Philippians 3:13-14 NLT).

Happy Father's Day!

Happy Father’s Day to all my friends! I hope you are having an awesome day with your family. Today, I would like to share this devotional with you from my book, Devotions for Working Women, because it encourages you to ask God directly for what you need. Today is a great day to first thank God for everything He has given you but also to ask Him for specific needs in your life. Enjoy!

Our Father Knows What We Need
Matthew 6:7-8 (NLT)

When you pray, don’t babble on and on as people of other religions do. They think their prayers are answered only by repeating their words again and again. Don’t be like them, because your Father knows exactly what you need even before you ask him!

The Lord wants our prayers to be sincere, honest, and to the point. Jesus tells us that our Father already knows what we need, so there is no need to repeat words or prayers. God wants us to approach Him as a child approaches his dad. Kids are direct; they ask exactly for what they need. He wants us to ask because that is the way we acknowledge Him as our God, and it shows we trust Him.

Verses 9-14 show us how we are to pray. First of all, we are to honor Him. Then we ask for His will to be done here on earth (in our lives) as in heaven. We pray knowing we have need of things and, in faith, believing He will meet our needs on a daily basis. We ask for forgiveness, with a forgiving heart. We ask Him to keep us from temptation and to protect us from evil.

If you are in need of specific things in your life, ask God exactly for what you need, believing in your heart you will receive it. If you need a job, ask Him for one. He knows what we need and when we ask in faith, He will give it to us.

Reflecting in God's Love

Today I was reflecting on the love of God for each of us and wanted to share this devotional with you from my book Devotions for Working Women, “We are the apple of God’s eye.” We are important to Him and David recognized that when he asked God to guard him as the apple of His eye and to protect him by hiding him in the shadow of God’s wings. Trust God today with your life and everything you have going on.

We Are the Apple of God’s Eye
# 333
Psalm 17:8 (NLT)

Guard me as the apple of your eye. Hide me in the shadow of your wings.

David’s relationship with the Lord was intimate and real. He trusted God implicitly and saw Him as his refuge and a place of protection from all his enemies. David never gave up asking God to help him, to deliver him from his enemies, or to keep him safe. He had long conversations with the Lord. He poured out his heart and threw himself at His feet. He told God exactly how he felt at the moment. Sometimes he was depressed. He told God just that. Then when the Lord lifted him up, he told the Lord about his excitement. He thanked the Lord when he experienced victory and when he suffered defeat because he knew God protected him.

Do you know how important the apple of your eye is? When David asked God to guard him as the apple of His eye it was because David knew he would then be safe. God wants to guard you as the apple of His eye. You are His most important and perfect creation. You became imperfect because of the sin in the world.

It blesses God when you ask Him to protect you. Just as eagles protect their babies under the shadow of their wings, you are protected under the shadow of God’s wings. The enemies can walk around you but won’t see you. Therefore, run to God and allow Him to be your protector. End today with the song David sang when the Lord rescued him from his enemies and from Soul. “I love you Lord; you are my strength. The Lord is my rock, my fortress, and my savior; my God is my rock, in whom I find protection. He is my shield, the strength of my salvation, and my stronghold” (Psalm 18:1-2 NLT).

Helping Young Adults Find a Job

Lately I’ve been talking to several young college graduates that are having a hard time finding a job. It is hard for them to put all the effort into their education and when they come out “ready to go” there is no job for them waiting. How do we help the young generation get into the workforce? Furthermore, how do we help them when the supply of workers is much larger than the demand for jobs? What skills do they need besides their degree and beyond their education?

Small organizations need experience. They don’t have the time or resources to train recent graduates with no experience and that only have book knowledge. Large organizations are so large that in order for a resume to get to the top, there has to be embedded key words in the resumes and cover letters, G.P.A. must be at the highest levels (probably 3.5 and above), and sometimes it may be only luck that your resume got picked. Large organizations may have the resources to train new employees in entry level positions but they have so many applicants, it is easy to get lost in the thousands of resumes. So, are medium size companies the answer? Not necessarily.

I believe there are several elements that an employer looks for in a candidate and there are several things a candidate can do for their resume to go to the top of the list. Most employers, I believe, look for the total package—a person who has the credentials plus the soft skills. The question is, how do you incorporate the package when applying for a job? Let’s first talk about some ideas about improving your soft skills.

Sociability: This skill includes networking, friendliness, a genuine interest in getting to know other people, a good/clean sense of humor, and being a connector of people. Networking and knowing people are still essential for getting employed. Sometimes it may take up to the third of fourth circle of referrals or connections until something works out. Persevering is also key to success. The more connections you make the more opportunities will open up.

Presence: This is not a skill. It’s the representation of the package of the total person. It includes your appearance, which in turn includes grooming, stance, handshake, and your entire presence that creates that first impression. Exercising is crucial to staying in shape, which is part of your presence. Working out boosts your self-esteem and produces the hormones that lifts up your mood.

Presentation: Part of your presence is your presentation skills—whether that is in a one-on-one meeting, a small group, or a large group in a formal presentation. Being yourself is crucial for people to like you as a presenter. Practicing and preparing are foundational to help you feel self-confident and thus to deliver a strong, successful presentation.

Attitude: Once you get an interview, this is your chance to not only create an outstanding first impression but alto to convince the employer you are the correct candidate for the position you’re applying. Your attitude every day is a reflection of your heart. Your mood, how you feel about yourself and about life show up on your face, in your tone of voice, your behavior, and how you treat others. As part of your preparation before an interview, think of positive experiences, think of the people you love and that love you, think of places that relax you and give you peace. Remember, these are tips of things to do in addition to what’s expected, which is to research about the company you’re meeting with, bring questions ready regarding the position you’re applying for, dress appropriately for the interview, and show up on time or a little early. Part of keeping a positive attitude is to give compliments to people. You will feel good about yourself and you will immediately put others at ease and will make them feel good as well.

Enthusiasm: If you’re not the type of person that shows enthusiasm and excitement about anything because that’s your personality, that’s ok—most of the time. During an interview, you need to show some enthusiasm about the position you’re applying for and about the company. Share with the employer why you’re interested in working in their company. Tell them about any positive feedback you’ve heard or read about the company. That will definitely boost their ego and will make them feel proud of their organization. Get out of your comfort zone and get excited about all the things you can learn in the job and in the industry if you were to work there. And as part of your preparation, also go through the exercises discussed in the section above about Attitude.

Your spiritual being: Most importantly, I encourage you to pray the day of the interview and as you send each letter in the mail or apply to each job in the Internet. Ask God for the guidance and wisdom on how to apply to each individual company. Ask God for special connections and for mentors. People who will take an interest in helping a young worker as you enter the workforce. There are people like me out there who are passionate about helping the next generation be successful. It’s a calling, and God will put someone in your path to help you. Just remember that someday you will hopefully have the opportunity to help those that are coming up after you. Helping others is a way to thank God for everything He’s given you.

Once you practice doing these activities and putting these tips into action, you can easily summarize them into a cover letter that goes with your resume. The cover letter introduces the potential employer to you, as a person. The resume tells them about your credentials, experience, and accomplishments. So, does the size of organization matter when applying for a job? Yes, it matters. But there are ways to go around the various systems and ways in which your package is the one picked for the job. Searching for a job is your full-time job until you replace it with the job you want. Don’t give up in looking and trust God that He has the right job for you.

To my friends reading this blog today:
If you know a young adult that is looking for a job now, forward this blog to him or her today.

Tough Decisions at Work? Seek God's Wisdom

As our businesses grow, those who are in leadership are faced with bigger and more impactful decisions to make. Our decisions now don’t just impact a couple of employees, a few customers, and a few shareholders. Our decisions have consequences that are long-term and could mean a turn for the good or for the worse for the organization. Therefore, we must make those decisions with a lot of planning, research, understanding, and with intense prayer behind it. In is in these moments that we must seek God’s wisdom in order to make the right decision that in the end will bring more glory to God. Today, I want to encourage you to seek God’s wisdom in every decision you make at your work. This devotional from my book, Devotions for Working Women, reminds us that when we seek God’s wisdom, He will grant it to us. Enjoy!

Be Known for Your Understanding…Be Wise
# 338
Proverbs 16:21 (NLT)

The wise are known for their understanding, and instruction is appreciated if it’s well presented.

Wise people are usually well grounded, balanced, and have strong beliefs. We are used to thinking that a wise person is old in age, but in reality, wisdom doesn’t have to do much with age. It has to do with the level of understanding, discernment, and experience that a person has. It is also important to know that wisdom is a gift from God. Therefore, it doesn’t matter how old you are. You can be wise.

Wisdom is applied knowledge. It is knowing (discerning) how to handle the different situations and knowing what to do when. Wisdom is also good planning, thinking ahead, and being prepared.

It takes humility to be wise. Why? Because the wise know when they know something, and they are not proud to accept when they don’t know other things. It takes a humble heart to simply say “I don’t know.” When we seek God because we don’t know what to do, we are allowing Him the opportunity to help us with His wisdom. He helps us see things from His perspective.

When we have godly wisdom, we know how to present instruction, correction, and information to others in a way that it is not hurtful. It is then well received and appreciated.

When you are getting ready to present information to your colleagues at work, ask God for the wisdom to use the right words. Ask Him to show you the way they will receive the message best. God is interested in us applying His wisdom in the workplace. It is part of being successful.

Happy Mother's Day!!

Tomorrow is Mother’s Day so I want to wish all my friends who are moms a very happy Mother’s Day!! Enjoy your day with your family and celebrate being a mom. There is nothing more rewarding than motherhood. It doesn’t matter how far you get in your career, the satisfaction of seeing your children grow up and knowing that you contributed to their lives in some way, goes beyond the biggest promotion you could ever imagine. It’s not about money. It’s not about fame. It’s about raising another human being and helping them grow up and launching them into the world. Sometimes our kids don’t turn out like we hoped for but I believe that every seed of love we sowed into their hearts will produce fruit someday. Other times, our kids turn out way better than we anticipated based on how we raised them and our own ability to raise them. So I have concluded that, in the end, we do our best and then let God do the rest. We cannot do it all. We can only do what we know with the skills we do have.

We can teach our kids a lot about the world, about school and the importance of education, about the work life and many other things. But I think the most important thing we can teach our kids is the love of God. We must teach our children about how God cares for them and how He’s interested in every detail of their lives. We must teach them that life will be hard but with God on their side, they can not only survive but also thrive in this world. We must teach them the message of salvation through Jesus Christ and that they must make a decision and choose Jesus in their hearts.

We must teach our kids to not let go of Jesus and to always invite Him into every aspect of their lives. Some of the leaders of the Young Life organization in Nicaragua shared with me when I was there in December of last year, that one of the exercises they have the kids do at camp is to blindfold them and give them a rope. Then they have to walk through a series of obstacles while hanging on to the rope. In their exercise, the rope represents Jesus and the obstacles represent all the things they will have to overcome in their lives. I encouraged these leaders to never let go of the rope, to always hang onto it as tight as they could, never lose sight of it, and to share it with others in need. So today, I want to encourage you too to never let go of the rope—Jesus. He will help you get through every situation you may encounter in your life, one step at a time.

Share what The Lord Has Done in Your Life

I have not written for a couple of weeks because I was out of the country. I had the opportunity to visit Nicaragua again and returned last Sunday. I went to attend an event at the National Theater in Managua for my dad. They wanted to honor him as a Nicaraguan composer and for his contributions to the country’s music. I sang two songs with my sister and my niece sang another song that my dad had written. The orchestra did a phenomenal job and they also had a quartet that played his music with such flavor and rhythm it was hard to stay sitting down. At the end of the event, many guests stood up and started dancing. I was one of them. It was an unforgettable event and I’m blessed to have been there for my dad. My mom worked very hard coordinating the whole event and people really enjoyed it.

I was also able to work with Opportunity International for two days and worked in their main office in Granada with their accountant. In the evenings, I spoke to the leaders of Young Life and the club that gathers at OI’s back yard. It was awesome talking with the young adults and I encouraged them to go to school, get their education, and to never leave Jesus. I also spoke to a group of women entrepreneurs about discovering their own gifts and each other’s so they can help each other in times of need. I encouraged them to not give up if their first business doesn’t work out. This particular group of micro business owners received loans of about $150 to raise pigs. The problem is that during the dry season in Nicaragua, there is no water and pigs drink LOTS of water. I told them to think about the future and plan ahead. Maybe they can do other types of businesses for the next cycle.

I feel so blessed and privileged to be able to use all my gifts for God and to glorify Him. I have never had the opportunity to use my Spanish in the workplace and now the Lord is giving me that chance. I learned a lot of new accounting terms in Spanish that I only knew in English and that is great for me.

Today, I want to share a devotional from my book Devotions for Working Women that encourages us to share our stories with others. We all have a testimony of what the Lord has done in our lives and we must share it with others to inspire them and encourage them to do the same. Enjoy!

Cultivate a Thankful Heart by Sharing what the Lord Has Done
Mark 5:19 (NLT)

But Jesus said, “No, go home to your friends, and tell them what wonderful things the Lord has done for you and how merciful he has been.”

Jesus performed a miracle in a man’s life by casting out many evil spirits. The man immediately wanted to leave his town and go with Jesus, but Jesus told him to go home instead and tell his family and friends about everything the Lord had done for him.

We all have a personal story or testimony to tell others about God’s mercy and what He has done for us. It is important to keep this in remembrance and share it with others. This is the best way to win someone to the Lord. By sharing, we also record His deeds for us in our hearts and cultivate a thankful heart.

Having Jesus in our lives is a gift we must share with others. The best place to start sharing is with our own family and friends because they know us well and can see the changes in our lives more clearly than strangers. In the workplace we must be careful because there will be people that will not want us to share anything about our relationship with the Lord. However, God will give us opportunities to share at the appropriate moments and with people who need to hear our story. We can share our life story in a way that is personal, yet non-intrusive to others.

Therefore, don’t be afraid to share what the Lord has done for you in your life. Do it as a gesture of gratitude toward God. It is the least you can do in return for all He’s done for you.

Give of Yourself so Others Don't Miss Out on You

This week I participated in a training that was very experiential, meaning, everything we talked about, we did. This included sharing about our fears, talking about the things that hold us back from living to our full potential, and giving each other feedback. During the process I learned more about myself and it was confirmed in my heart, once again, that it is okay to be me.

God created each one of us unique and when we are not fully ourselves, others will miss out. They will miss out in knowing us and in receiving the many gifts we each have to offer. The gifts that God gave us are to be shared with the world. Today I want to share a devotional from my book Devotions for Working Women that reminds us to give of ourselves generously. Enjoy!

Give of Yourself Generously
Ecclesiastes 11:1-2 (NLT)

Give generously, for your gifts will return to you later. Divide your gifts among many, for you do not know what risks might lie ahead.

We usually interpret passages like this one to mean we should give money, generously but I believe it’s referring to giving of ourselves. God gave gifts to all of us we can share with others. The Bible tells us to give and we will receive. How we treat others, we will be treated. Basically, we reap what we sow in every area of our lives.

In the workplace we have daily opportunities to give of ourselves to others. We can help our co-workers, our boss, or customers with our time, ideas, experience, knowledge, and our love. Sometimes we show people we care for them just by listening to them and treating them with respect and dignity.

This passage also tells us to divide our gifts among many. Our gifts are for us to share with everyone that crosses our path. I believe God puts people in our lives for a purpose. Some people are in our lives one time, and we have a one-time divine appointment. Other people, He puts in our paths for a long time or forever. He connects us with the people He knows we can help and we can receive help from them.

Therefore, treat the people He has given you with His love, and you will receive your reward right here in this life as well as in heaven.