Recently, I have not been spending time in prayer as I would want to. When I don’t allocate special time to be with God, I can see how it affects me in several areas of my life. I start being more impatient, less compassionate toward others, and experience less joy in my life. Every so often, I need to recommit my time with the Lord and refocus on Him. When I do that, I can also see the results right away. I am more relaxed, more compassionate and patient with others, and I am simply happier with my life overall.
Today, I want to share with you a devotional from my book, Devotions for Working Women, that will encourage you to spend more time with the Lord in prayer. Enjoy!
Spend Time with the Lord in Prayer
1 Peter 4:7 (NLT)
The end of the world is coming soon. Therefore, be earnest and disciplined in your prayers.
In this verse, Peter is talking to all of God’s chosen people, therefore, he includes us. No matter how successful we are or want to become in business, we cannot prosper without prayer. The Bible says we are to pray earnestly and we are to do it on a consistent basis. Prayer is what connects us to God, our Father. Through prayer we get close to Him, and He gets close to us. Through prayer we get to know the person of God, we receive His blessings, and the revelation of His Word.
We are to live our lives as if Christ is coming back today and as if the end of the world (the church dispensation) is ending soon. The signs of the end of times are evident in these last days. Therefore, spend time with the Lord, and schedule Him in your life as the most important appointment of your day. Just as you protect the time you have allocated for a customer or vendor meeting, or the time you allot for a special training, you need to protect the time you set aside to be with your Father. The meetings with the Lord and your time in prayer will help you succeed in all the areas of your life.