As our businesses grow, those who are in leadership are faced with bigger and more impactful decisions to make. Our decisions now don’t just impact a couple of employees, a few customers, and a few shareholders. Our decisions have consequences that are long-term and could mean a turn for the good or for the worse for the organization. Therefore, we must make those decisions with a lot of planning, research, understanding, and with intense prayer behind it. In is in these moments that we must seek God’s wisdom in order to make the right decision that in the end will bring more glory to God. Today, I want to encourage you to seek God’s wisdom in every decision you make at your work. This devotional from my book, Devotions for Working Women, reminds us that when we seek God’s wisdom, He will grant it to us. Enjoy!
Be Known for Your Understanding…Be Wise
# 338
Proverbs 16:21 (NLT)
The wise are known for their understanding, and instruction is appreciated if it’s well presented.
Wise people are usually well grounded, balanced, and have strong beliefs. We are used to thinking that a wise person is old in age, but in reality, wisdom doesn’t have to do much with age. It has to do with the level of understanding, discernment, and experience that a person has. It is also important to know that wisdom is a gift from God. Therefore, it doesn’t matter how old you are. You can be wise.
Wisdom is applied knowledge. It is knowing (discerning) how to handle the different situations and knowing what to do when. Wisdom is also good planning, thinking ahead, and being prepared.
It takes humility to be wise. Why? Because the wise know when they know something, and they are not proud to accept when they don’t know other things. It takes a humble heart to simply say “I don’t know.” When we seek God because we don’t know what to do, we are allowing Him the opportunity to help us with His wisdom. He helps us see things from His perspective.
When we have godly wisdom, we know how to present instruction, correction, and information to others in a way that it is not hurtful. It is then well received and appreciated.
When you are getting ready to present information to your colleagues at work, ask God for the wisdom to use the right words. Ask Him to show you the way they will receive the message best. God is interested in us applying His wisdom in the workplace. It is part of being successful.