
How to be a Fair Leader

How to be a Fair Leader. This week I dealt with a situation at work that reminded me we, as leaders, must be fair to all our employees. When we make decisions that impact employees’ jobs the rest of the staff is watching. Therefore, we must be fair when distributing the workload—in addition, of course, to keeping the laws of discrimination in mind. The devotional for today talks about being a fair leader and reminds us what the Scriptures say about the topic.

Be a Fair Leader
# 211
Deuteronomy 1:16 (NLT)

I instructed the judges, “You must be perfectly fair at all times, not only to fellow Israelites, but also to the foreigners living among you.”

Moses gave the instructions above to his judges when he appointed them to help him rule God’s people. If you have a position of leadership at work, you must also be fair to all your employees. Sometimes Christians may favor other Christians at work because we are brothers and sisters in Christ. However, the Bible tells us we are to treat everybody the same—Christians and non-Christians. We will always have to interact and live among people from various cultures and religious backgrounds. Instead of feeling righteous and superior to them, we must have the compassion of God and be a witness. One way to show them the love of God and being a witness is by being fair.

In addition, from the legal standpoint, we have to comply with the laws protecting all employees. But we need to go beyond that. There are subtle ways in which we can show favor for some people over others and that is also wrong. Verse 17 says, “When you make decisions, never favor those who are rich; be fair to lowly and great alike.”

Examine your heart to ensure you are being fair with everybody in all you do and at all times—especially if you are in leadership.

Three Key Traits Leaders Must Have

Three Key Traits Leaders Must Have. If you are in any position of leadership or want to become a leader, I encourage you to learn more about the traits God gave Moses to look in people when he was going to form his team. Today’s devotional talks about these important traits that we all must have in order to be godly leaders.

Three Key Traits Leaders Must Have
# 216
Deuteronomy 1:13 (NLT)

Choose some men from each tribe who have wisdom, understanding, and a good reputation, and I will appoint them as your leaders.

Wisdom, understanding, and a good reputation are the character traits God told Moses to look for in the leaders Moses was to appoint to help him lead His people. These are key traits you must have to be a successful leader. The question is how do you acquire them? Wisdom is a gift from God you can simply ask for if you’re lacking it and He will gladly give it to you. In these days, you need godly wisdom not worldly wisdom to do your job. Understanding comes the same way, by asking God to open the eyes of your understanding, so you are enlightened by the truth of His Word. Only by reading His Word, meditating, and studying it, will you acquire the knowledge that only comes from Him.

By doing God’s Word and obeying His commandments, you establish a good reputation. When you don’t compromise what you believe and always do what is right and pleasing to God, He rewards you with good reputation. As a Christian, you are responsible for having a good reputation because you represent Him here on earth.

Therefore, ask God to show you if you need to develop as a leader in any of these areas.

Fairness in Leadership

Fairness in Leadership. If you are in a leadership position at work, you will encounter difficult situations at time regarding fairness. What is fair treatment across the board? How do we know we are treating everyone the same under similar circumstances? Today’s devotional talks about being a fair leader and reminds us what the Bible says about fairness in leadership. Enjoy!

Be a Fair Leader
Deuteronomy 1:16 (NLT)

I instructed the judges, “You must be perfectly fair at all times, not only to fellow Israelites, but also to the foreigners living among you.”

Moses gave the instructions above to his judges when he appointed them to help him rule God’s people. If you have a position of leadership at work, you must also be fair to all your employees. Sometimes Christians may favor other Christians at work because we are brothers and sisters in Christ. However, the Bible tells us we are to treat everybody the same—Christians and non-Christians. We will always have to interact and live among people from various cultures and religious backgrounds. Instead of feeling righteous and superior to them, we must have the compassion of God and be a witness. One way to show them the love of God and being a witness is by being fair.

In addition, from the legal standpoint, we have to comply with the laws protecting all employees. But we need to go beyond that. There are subtle ways in which we can show favor for some people over others and that is also wrong. Verse 17 says, “When you make decisions, never favor those who are rich; be fair to lowly and great alike.”

Examine your heart to ensure you are being fair with everybody in all you do and at all times—especially if you are in leadership.

Basic Requirements for Leaders

Basic Requirements for Leaders. Today I want to share with you on the topic of leadership. This devotional talks about basic traits that leaders must have in order to lead others according to Bible principles. If you are thinking of moving into a position of leadership, part of your training is to know what God says about leadership. Enjoy!

God’s Basic Requirements for Leaders
# 214

Exodus 18:21 (NLT)
But find some capable, honest men who fear God and hate bribes. Appoint them as judges over groups of one thousand, one hundred, fifty, and ten.

This is the first instruction on how to be a good leader that God gave to Moses. In order to be a leader, God required four basic characteristics:

1) Be Capable: We must possess some level of skill to lead a group in the various areas of business.

2) Be Honest: We must be honest people, always doing what’s right, and being truthful.

3) Fear God: We must fear, honor, and revere God; this is a lifestyle.

4) Hate bribes: We must not accept bribes under any circumstances.

Our main interest and focus should always be to serve those under us by leading them to the best of our ability and with the wisdom of God by the Holy Spirit. Christian working women are called to be leaders in one way or another. The most basic leadership task is leading people to Christ by our example.

Ask God to help you cultivate these character traits in your life so He can use you as a leader in His Kingdom.