Basic Requirements for Leaders

Basic Requirements for Leaders. Today I want to share with you on the topic of leadership. This devotional talks about basic traits that leaders must have in order to lead others according to Bible principles. If you are thinking of moving into a position of leadership, part of your training is to know what God says about leadership. Enjoy!

God’s Basic Requirements for Leaders
# 214

Exodus 18:21 (NLT)
But find some capable, honest men who fear God and hate bribes. Appoint them as judges over groups of one thousand, one hundred, fifty, and ten.

This is the first instruction on how to be a good leader that God gave to Moses. In order to be a leader, God required four basic characteristics:

1) Be Capable: We must possess some level of skill to lead a group in the various areas of business.

2) Be Honest: We must be honest people, always doing what’s right, and being truthful.

3) Fear God: We must fear, honor, and revere God; this is a lifestyle.

4) Hate bribes: We must not accept bribes under any circumstances.

Our main interest and focus should always be to serve those under us by leading them to the best of our ability and with the wisdom of God by the Holy Spirit. Christian working women are called to be leaders in one way or another. The most basic leadership task is leading people to Christ by our example.

Ask God to help you cultivate these character traits in your life so He can use you as a leader in His Kingdom.