During Thanksgiving month I’m sharing devotionals on the topic of Thankfulness from my book Devotions for Working Women. Enjoy!
We Were Created by God’s Power and to Glorify Him
Romans 11:36 (NLT)
For everything comes from him; everything exists by his power and is intended for his glory. To him be glory evermore. Amen.
God created every one of us by His power. He has given us everything we have and made us who we are in Christ—one of God’s beloved children. We must not forget that. When this revelation is present in our lives, we feel confident and know we can do all things through Christ, the One who strengthens us.
Thank God every day for your life, your family, your job, and for all the gifts He has given to you. The purpose of everything He created is intended to bring glory to Him. You were created to glorify God with your life and in all you do. This includes your workplace.