Don't Give Up! In these economic times we all have been touched one way or another and some of our friends and family members have lost their jobs. Those of us who are still employed must help our friends so they can get back in the workforce. There are several ways we can help. For example, we can help them with their resumes to ensure they look professional and list all their experience correctly. We can meet with them to encourage them to continue (or start) the employment search. We can offer our names to be used as personal reference. This is extremely important and your friends will appreciate it. But the most important thing we can do is to connect them with other people that can potentially help them. Today, I want to end with a devotional from my book that will give encouragement to those who are looking for employment.
The Creator of All Cares about You
# 318
Psalm 89:11 (NLT)
The heavens are yours, and the earth is yours; everything in the world is yours—you created it all.
The world is an uncertain place where change takes place on a daily, moment by moment, basis. On the other hand, God, our Father, never changes and He cares for each one of us and our everyday life.
If you recently lost your job or are going to be laid off, don’t panic. The Creator of all is in control of your life. If He is powerful enough to create the heavens and the earth, He can certainly give you a new job. It’s not easy to go through the experience, but with Christ you can take this opportunity to grow and get closer to Him. With His help you can overcome and have the victory on this situation.
Ask God to give you wisdom, direct you to apply to the right jobs, in the right fields, and to connect you with the right people. Your part is to look for a job, work your network, and get out there. Leave the rest to God. Remember, the Creator of the universe is with you and cares about you. He will never leave you or forsake you. Don’t give up!