Humility - a Rare Character Trait. Humility. This is a character trait that is not a requirement in job descriptions… but it should. The workplace is full of proud people. Employees feel they are entitled to the big salaries, fancy titles, and the corner office without thinking what it really takes to earn those things in a person’s career. In addition to working hard, making a lot of sacrifices along the way, and having the right experience and education, it also takes humility. Today, I want to share a devotional that reminds us to be humble, gentle, and patient. Enjoy!
Be Humble, Gentle, and Patient
# 29
Ephesians 4:1-2 (NLT)
Therefore I, a prisoner for serving the Lord, beg you to lead a life worthy of your calling, for you have been called by God. Be humble and gentle. Be patient with each other, making allowance for each other’s faults because of your love.
In this verse Paul is writing to the church of Ephesus, and he is begging them to live a life worthy of their calling. We are all called to serve Him in a special way. But in order for us to walk in the will of God, in our calling, we must be humble, gentle, and patient with one another. These are rare character traits in the business community and the workplace. God cannot use us if we are proud because in our pride we become deceived, rude, and impatient. Gentleness is another rarity these days. People don’t treat each other gently, but abruptly. Our lives have become so busy we don’t have patience to wait for anything, help somebody in need, or just love people.
Have you realized that you have been called by God? I encourage you to strive to be a humble, gentle, and patient woman so God can use you to the fullest.