Let’s Be Thankful for This Day. This week was Thanksgiving week and I want to encourage you to have a thankful heart. Thank God for everything you have and for everything He has done for you. Sometimes we take Him for granted and forget that He is the reason we are alive to begin with. Today’s devotional encourages us to be content wherever we are in our lives. Enjoy!
Learn to Be Content
# 294
Philippians 4:11 (KJV)
Not that I speak in respect of want: for I have learned in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content.
When parents have a thankful child, they want to bless him or her. God, just like a parent, wants to bless us even more because it pleases Him when we are thankful.
Thank God every day for all the gifts and talents He gave you. Thank Him for all He’s done for you, starting with what Jesus did to save you. Thank Him for where you are right now in your life. Even though circumstances may not look good at the moment, thank Him in advance for helping you and delivering you from adversity. Learn to be content in whatsoever circumstance (situation or season in your life) you are while continuing to press toward the next mark He gives you.
Sometimes you may not be happy with your current job. Learn everything you can while you’re there, thank God for the job you do have, and press on and prepare for a new job. Sometimes God keeps you in a place just to be a witness to somebody or just because you’re the only light that can shine for Him in that environment. When you are content, you have peace and joy and you are indeed a light to shine for Him.