My Trip to Nicaragua

 I have been out of the country the past couple of weekends visiting my parents in Nicaragua. It was their 51st anniversary and they renewed their vows. I was the only one of the six children that was able to travel, so I did. I told my siblings that I was going to take full advantage of being a single child for 10 days!! Well, while it was fun having their full attention, I did miss being surrounded by lots of people. I grew up with all my siblings and then got married and had our two kids. I’ve always been with people so I missed my husband dearly those ten days. I’m taking you with next time honey!!

But kidding aside, I was able to spend quality time with my parents, which was the purpose of the trip. I was privileged to witness the renewal of their vows with Monsignor who performed a special mass at their local Catholic church. Then they had a small celebration dinner at their home with close friends. Everything was simple and special. They got married on a Sunday, September 13, 51 years ago!

If you are blessed enough to still have your parents, set aside time to spend with them while you still can. I will never forget the time I had with them alone. Just talking about whatever. They gave me their full attention. I was their only child for those moments. We had times when we were doing nothing… together. We ate together. We watched movies together. We went to the beach together. That was my favorite day. My mom and I got my dad wet from head to toe while holding his hands so he wouldn’t lose his balance. He got to eat his favorite fish and then I rented a little hotel room for the day so they could both take a “siesta” after “swimming” in the ocean. While they rested, I went outside and just watched the ocean waves and listen to the ocean. I thanked God for the opportunity to be there and recorded the ocean so I wouldn’t forget the moment.

If you already lost your parents, then I encourage you to “adopt a parent.” There are a lot of elderly people who don’t have loved ones anymore and are yearning for people to go love on them, for a person who would listen to them or share stories with them.

I love my parents. They’re not perfect but neither am I. I thank God for them every day and I’m blessed to have them. I know they love me too.

God Chose You Long Ago

Do you ever wonder what you would do if you were face to face with Jesus, right now, today? What would you say to him? How would you behave? Would you ask him tons of questions? Or would you just sit next to him and enjoy His presence? I was pondering on that this morning and I think I would just sit next to him. I would rest my head on his shoulder. I would feel in complete peace knowing everything will be ok in my life. I would ask him over and over again to forgive me of my sins. I would thank him deeply for dying on the cross for me. No one has ever or will ever do that for me! Only Jesus paid that price for my salvation. Wow! I get overwhelmed when I think about the pain he endured, just for me, and for each one of us.

Then I started thinking. If Jesus lived today and was part of my generation, I would definitely want him to be my best friend. I know I can trust Him. But, would He choose me also to be His best friend? Can He trust me like I trust Him? Am I trustworthy enough for Him to entrust in me heavenly truths and secrets of His Father? Am I good enough to be considered one of His best friends? Wow! I got overwhelmed again thinking to myself, “No way, I’m never going to be good enough for Him to choose me as one of His best friends. I have no chance…” But then I remembered that God loved me first. He already chose me from the start, from the day I was conceived and created by Him. I was chosen. I am the one now who has to choose Him back and live my life for Him. No reservations. Just live for Him. Use all the gifts He gave me to bless others and to glorify Him. That is what I want.

With that revelation in my heart, knowing that I’m never going to be good enough but that God already chose me from the start despite of my sins, I can be at peace knowing I’ll be ok. I accept it. I embrace it.

Today I want to end with one of the devotionals from my book Devotions for Working Women to remind us that it was God who chose each one of us a long time ago! If you haven’t done so, today is your day to choose Him back!

God Chose You Long Ago


1 Peter 1:2 (NLT)

God the Father chose you long ago, and the Spirit has made you holy. As a result, you have obeyed Jesus Christ and are cleansed by his blood.

If you don’t have any other reason to feel special today, think of this one: God the Father chose you long ago! God himself chose you for His purposes and for you to live eternally with Him. In addition, His Spirit made you holy. You must strive to live a holy life on a daily basis. You accomplish this by obeying Jesus. His blood cleanses all your sins.

Live your life for God. Do everything you do as unto the Lord. Thank Him for everything He has given you and done for you. The God of the Universe, the Creator and Master of all has chosen you.

Let all your friends, family, and co-workers know that God is your God by choosing to live a holy life.

Let’s Walk on Water Like Peter

Why is it so hard for us to accept change in our lives? Sometimes we are due for a change and we want to hang on to the past (the comfortable) and resist new things. Sometimes we have new opportunities right in front of us that we delay in pursuing because we are still stuck in our current situation.

New things, new adventures in our lives are both exciting and scary at the same time. So, how do we motivate ourselves to move on? How do we start a fire within to propel us to fly to new heights and leave the familiar? How do we convince ourselves that God will truly come through for us and that He won’t leave us nor forsake us? My only answer is: We simply step out in faith and walk on the water like Peter did (Matthew 14:28 NLT), keeping our eyes on Jesus every step of the way.

I am going through this situation in my life now as I start my bank consulting practice, launch my public speaking career, and publish my second book (The Fire Within). How do I know it’s all going to work? I don’t. I just know that God will take care of me, period. He gave me the gifts and talents. I’m purposed to use them all throughout my life and I’m stepping in faith as each opportunity presents itself. I allow God to change my plans as I make each step. I trust that He opens the right doors and gives me the discernment to not go through the doors I shouldn’t pursue. I have to, for the first time, completely surrender to God. Every aspect of my life is at His feet, trusting Him as I walk daily by faith.

Some days I’m so excited I can hardly sleep thinking about all the new opportunities and things I want to (and can) do in my life. Other days, I can hardly sleep but it’s because I have doubts. Doubts about myself and doubts about the whole adventure, the fear of the unknown—the future. I have to do a better job at casting the thoughts of fear that come to my mind and fully trust God every moment of my day. I have realized that our lives as Christians is truly one day at a time and sometimes one moment at a time since situations can change within the same day.

Today I encourage you to go for your dreams. Yes, plan ahead but put your plans at the feet of Jesus and give them all to Him. Trust Him that He will guide you every step of the way and you will see. I am looking forward to what God has in store for me, every day, each year of my life, until I see Him face to face. My ultimate dream is to hear His words, “Well done my good and faithful servant…” (Matthew 25:21 NLT).

“I Believe in You”

The Focus Radio ( interviewed me this past week on the topic of Leadership Tips for Women in the Workplace. One of the questions they asked me was about the difference it makes when someone believes in you and how someone else believing in me shaped my career.

As I pondered on the important and powerful words “I believe in you,” and what the impact these words can have in a person’s life, I realized how blessed I have been to have several people believe in me during the course of my life. I wonder how many children grow up with no one telling them those life changing words. I wonder what their lives would turn out to be if all children heard those words often.

When we believe in someone, we are telling them that we approve of them just the way they are. We are communicating to them that they are important enough for us to believe in them. We are letting them know that we love them, as individuals. We are putting our trust in them and believe that they are a good person. It’s never too late to tell someone that we believe in them. A person’s life can change because somebody had the courage to believe in them and to tell them.

It is a risk to believe in someone because we are putting our trust in that person. We run the risk of being disappointed. But somehow those words empower the recipient and encourage that person to be the best they can be. When a person hears “I believe in you,” they also get a sense of responsibility and accountability. The one hearing those words now feels encouraged yet somewhat obligated to not let down the person who told them.

Today I encourage you to think of at least one person in whom you believe and to tell them. You may never know the impact that your words will have in that person but that’s ok. You will feel blessed to have the opportunity to tell somebody “I believe in you.”

Declare Your Own Independence Day!

Today is Independence Day in America. We celebrate the 4th of July with great pride because we became independent from the British government so we could be free. People from all over the world have come to America with the hope to obtain freedom. Some have come seeking freedom from war, others looking for religious freedom, and yet others to pursue their dreams and whatever they want to do with their lives.

Yes, America is still the land of opportunity and the land of promise. However, it is not the Promised Land, the one God promised to His chosen people. There are a lot of people that live in America, some of them were born here, that are not free. They live in bondage, a bondage to sin.

There is another kind of independence that we Christians get to declare and that is the day we accept Jesus as our Lord and Savior. That day is Your Independence Day! The Bible tells us that Jesus took our punishment for us, for all our sins. He paid for it all on the cross.

Romans 3:21-26New Living Translation (NLT)

Christ Took Our Punishment

21 But now God has shown us a way to be made right with him without keeping the requirements of the law, as was promised in the writings of Moses and the prophets long ago. 22 We are made right with God by placing our faith in Jesus Christ. And this is true for everyone who believes, no matter who we are.

23 For everyone has sinned; we all fall short of God’s glorious standard. 24 Yet God freely and graciously declares that we are righteous. He did this through Christ Jesus when he freed us from the penalty for our sins. 25 For God presented Jesus as the sacrifice for sin. People are made right with God when they believe that Jesus sacrificed his life, shedding his blood. This sacrifice shows that God was being fair when he held back and did not punish those who sinned in times past, 26 for he was looking ahead and including them in what he would do in this present time. God did this to demonstrate his righteousness, for he himself is fair and just, and he declares sinners to be right in his sight when they believe in Jesus.

So, you see, Jesus took all the punishment from God for ALL humanity’s sin… HOWEVER, knowing that God won’t punish us for our sins because Jesus took it all for us, doesn’t give us a license to sin. Everything we do here on earth has eternal consequences and many sins we do have consequences right here on earth while we live…In other words, sometimes things happen to us as a consequence of our sin not because God is punishing us.

We all struggle with sin on a daily basis. Here is how Paul explains it well:

Romans 7:14-25New Living Translation (NLT)

Struggling with Sin

14 So the trouble is not with the law, for it is spiritual and good. The trouble is with me, for I am all too human, a slave to sin. 15 I don’t really understand myself, for I want to do what is right, but I don’t do it. Instead, I do what I hate. 16 But if I know that what I am doing is wrong, this shows that I agree that the law is good. 17 So I am not the one doing wrong; it is sin living in me that does it.

18 And I know that nothing good lives in me, that is, in my sinful nature. I want to do what is right, but I can’t. 19 I want to do what is good, but I don’t. I don’t want to do what is wrong, but I do it anyway. 20 But if I do what I don’t want to do, I am not really the one doing wrong; it is sin living in me that does it.

21 I have discovered this principle of life—that when I want to do what is right, I inevitably do what is wrong. 22 I love God’s law with all my heart. 23 But there is another power within me that is at war with my mind. This power makes me a slave to the sin that is still within me. 24 Oh, what a miserable person I am! Who will free me from this life that is dominated by sin and death? 25 Thank God! The answer is in Jesus Christ our Lord. So you see how it is: In my mind I really want to obey God’s law, but because of my sinful nature I am a slave to sin.

God knows we struggle with sin so He gave us His Holy Spirit and the power to not be in bondage to sin anymore. The power to be free.

Romans 8:1-14New Living Translation (NLT)

Life in the Spirit

8 So now there is no condemnation for those who belong to Christ Jesus. 2 And because you belong to him, the power of the life-giving Spirit has freed you from the power of sin that leads to death. 3 The law of Moses was unable to save us because of the weakness of our sinful nature. So God did what the law could not do. He sent his own Son in a body like the bodies we sinners have. And in that body God declared an end to sin’s control over us by giving his Son as a sacrifice for our sins. 4 He did this so that the just requirement of the law would be fully satisfied for us, who no longer follow our sinful nature but instead follow the Spirit.

5 Those who are dominated by the sinful nature think about sinful things, but those who are controlled by the Holy Spirit think about things that please the Spirit. 6 So letting your sinful nature control your mind leads to death. But letting the Spirit control your mind leads to life and peace. 7 For the sinful nature is always hostile to God. It never did obey God’s laws, and it never will. 8 That’s why those who are still under the control of their sinful nature can never please God.

9 But you are not controlled by your sinful nature. You are controlled by the Spirit if you have the Spirit of God living in you. (And remember that those who do not have the Spirit of Christ living in them do not belong to him at all.) 10 And Christ lives within you, so even though your body will die because of sin, the Spirit gives you life because you have been made right with God. 11 The Spirit of God, who raised Jesus from the dead, lives in you. And just as God raised Christ Jesus from the dead, he will give life to your mortal bodies by this same Spirit living within you.

12 Therefore, dear brothers and sisters, you have no obligation to do what your sinful nature urges you to do. 13 For if you live by its dictates, you will die. But if through the power of the Spirit you put to death the deeds of your sinful nature, you will live. 14 For all who are led by the Spirit of God are children of God.

So today is a great day to declare your own independence. If you already have done that, then tap into the power of the Holy Spirit to help you win the battle with sin on a daily basis. This is our journey (and struggle) as Christians until the day we meet Jesus face to face.

Do You Have a Vision and Mission for Your Life?

Every company needs a vision so everyone can follow it and get where they want to go. Many companies fail because they didn’t have a vision. How do you know how to get to where you’re going if you don’t even know where that place is?

The Bible says in Habakkuk 2:2-3 (NLT)

“Write my answer plainly on tablets, so that a runner can carry the correct message to others. 3 This vision is for a future time. It describes the end, and it will be fulfilled. If it seems slow in coming, wait patiently, for it will surely take place. It will not be delayed.”

Companies and businesses also need a mission that answers the question: Why do you exist? What is your purpose? Most companies exist to service people, whether they are for profit or not for profit, the end goal is usually to help others by producing services or products that will help people in the end.

Well, the same way, we as humans, need a vision and a mission in life. The vision will help us know where we want to go during our life’s journey. Where do we want to end up at the end of our lives? It’s amazing how many people never think about that and live their lives directionless.

The mission will reveal to us why God created each one of us. He created us for a unique purpose—one that only each of us can fulfill during our lifetime. We need to ask God to reveal our mission to us. Otherwise, we will live purposeless lives, not feeling useful to society, and will also be unfulfilled.

And in the same way that most companies’ vision and mission are related to helping people in some form or another, our personal vision and mission is connected to helping others too. Even the people who dedicate their lives to helping animals or the environment, in the end, they are also serving people so we can all have a better place to live.

Knowing God’s vision and mission for us in our lives is crucial to living the life that God intended us to live. I pray that you ask God to reveal to you His vision and His mission for you. You don’t have to be a world changer in order to feel that you contributed to the world but you do have to feel that you did your part—regardless of how small you may think your part is.

We all have a part to play in the plan of God and it is our responsibility to discover what our part is and then do it.

God Gives Gifts to Us All…Do You Know Yours?

Some of you know that I teach a women’s leadership program called The Master’s Program for Women. The purpose of this three-year journey is to discover our talents and gifts, and pursue the calling of God in our lives. Our last session was dedicated to finding our natural talents and discovering if our jobs align with the work God wants us to do in His Kingdom, which is our calling. The goal is for our careers to either align with our calling or, if they are different, then to allow the career to fund our Kingdom calling.

One way to find out your natural talents is by taking assessments such as the Strengths Finder (based on the book “Now, Discover Your Strengths” by Marcus Buckingham and Donald Clifton). The purpose of this assessment is to help you find your raw talent that, when cultivated and developed, can become a strength. These strengths can help you then identify the types of jobs or roles where you have a better chance of being successful in the workplace. The authors analyzed the research performed by The Gallup Organization of about two million people. The purpose of the study was to find out why some people excelled at some areas and others don’t. They also want to bring the concept to the business setting and encourage companies to focus on the strengths of their employees versus focusing on only improving their weaknesses.

I want to encourage you to pursue finding your talents, the natural gifts that God gave specifically to you. In addition, God also gave you spiritual gifts that, when combined with your natural abilities, you can maximize your work for God while you’re here on earth. I want to share two Scriptures where God clearly tells us the different types of gifts we find amongst all of us brothers and sisters in Christ.

Romans 12:4-11 New Living Translation (NLT)

4 Just as our bodies have many parts and each part has a special function, 5 so it is with Christ’s body. We are all parts of his one body, and each of us has different work to do. And since we are all one body in Christ, we belong to each other, and each of us needs all the others.

6 In his grace, God has given us different gifts for doing certain things well. So if God has given you the ability to prophesy, speak out when you have faith that God is speaking through you. 7 If your gift is serving others, serve them well. If you are a teacher, teach well. 8 If your gift is to encourage others, do it! If you have money, share it generously. If God has given you leadership ability, take the responsibility seriously. And if you have a gift for showing kindness to others, do it gladly.

9 Don’t just pretend to love others. Really love them. Hate what is wrong. Hold tightly to what is good. 10 Love each other with genuine affection and take delight in honoring each other. 11 Never be lazy, but work hard and serve the Lord enthusiastically.

In addition to these types of gifts, God also gave us spiritual gifts:

1 Corinthians 12:8-11 New Living Translation (NLT)

8 To one person the Spirit gives the ability to give wise advice; to another the same Spirit gives a message of special knowledge. 9 The same Spirit gives great faith to another, and to someone else the one Spirit gives the gift of healing. 10 He gives one person the power to perform miracles, and another the ability to prophesy. He gives someone else the ability to discern whether a message is from the Spirit of God or from another spirit. Still another person is given the ability to speak in unknown languages, while another is given the ability to interpret what is being said. 11 It is the one and only Spirit who distributes all these gifts. He alone decides which gift each person should have.

1 Corinthians 12:28 New Living Translation (NLT)

28 Here are some of the parts God has appointed for the church:

first are apostles, second are prophets, third are teachers, then those who do miracles, those who have the gift of healing, those who can help others, those who have the gift of leadership, those who speak in unknown languages.

These are spiritual gifts that God has distributed amongst all of us and it is our responsibility to discover them, develop them, and use them for His glory. As you can see, “He (the Holy Spirit) alone decides which gift each person should have.” We don’t have any control over which gifts God gives us. He chooses for us. He does the same with the natural talents and the color of our skin. God decides all of that at the moment when He created each one of us. He knows the best combination of gifts that we each should have in order to fulfill our unique calling and serve Him the best way.

I encourage you to ponder on these Scriptures and ask God to reveal to you not only your natural talents but also your spiritual gifts. If you look at the list above and think, “Oh no, I don’t have any.” I would disagree. We are all the church and at the minimum, God gave us the gift “those who can help others.” I always say, we’re all here to help others, you just have to find your niche!

So, find your gifts, pursue your calling, go out and serve God by serving others. You can do it!!

A Letter to My Dominican Friends


I just came back from a vacation in Dominican Republic so today’s blog is a Letter to My Dominican Friends. Enjoy!

It was June 24, 1979. I was only 13 years old when I arrived to the Dominican Republic from my war torn country of Nicaragua. The D.R. was the only country my family could fee to because my dad’s sister married a Dominican and his family was willing and able to help us. That help was no little undertaking as my family of eight arrived with nothing but 26 pieces of luggage and six kids ranging in ages from 14 to 1 ½ years old. That’s a lot of people to feed and open up your home to without knowing how long we would stay.

The exit from Nicaragua was an adventure like the ones you watch in the movie theater. My father found out that the Red Cross was sending a cargo plane to rescue people from El Salvador. There were no commercial airlines flying into the country anymore as these were the last few weeks before the revolution won. We left the house at around 2 a.m. and went to a motel next to the airport. At around 5 a.m. we went straight to the runway at the airport and my dad went to talk to the pilot. The plane was full and the pilot told my dad “There is no way I can fit your family into this plane plus you’re not on the list.” He continued to help the other passengers (who were natives of El Salvador and were being rescued) into the plane so my dad started sneaking suitcases into the cargo plane. All of the sudden the pilot realized the number of suitcases that were in the plane and asked around “Who do these suitcases belong to?” My dad said, “They’re my family’s.” Then the pilot responded, “There is no room for your family at all.” My dad then replied, “I’ll trade you one or two suitcases for each one of my kids and my wife.” The pilot agreed and soon all the kids were in the plane along with my mom… But there was no more room and my dad had to stay—with 25 suitcases. Only one suitcase made it in the plan. It was mine—and I had to share everything with the entire family later!

So my dad stayed behind, sitting on top of one of the suitcases looking down at the ground… alone in the runway… no planes on site. We didn’t know if we would see our dad again. That scene is forever in my memory and to this day brings tears to my eyes…But that is when God interfered. One passenger plane came from Argentina and was going to Costa Rica. The plane had one seat open. And my dad was allowed to get in the plane. He left all the luggage with the Red Cross and gave instructions to send them to my mom’s sister’s house in El Salvador, which is where we were going. God is good!

My dad contacted friends in Costa Rica and they bought him a ticket to El Salvador. The next day we reunited with my dad in El Salvador. Meanwhile my aunt from Dominican Republic arranged to have eight tickets bought for our family to fly to the D.R. the next day.

So that was the story of how we arrived to the Dominican Republic. My aunt and uncle converted their little office into a bedroom for my parents and put a small crib for my youngest sister. The rest of us were placed in the garage. Yes, I lived in the garage with the heat and the bugs that live in a garage in a Caribbean island. But we were not thinking of the heat or the mosquitoes or the mice that frequently visited. We were thinking, “We are free.” No more war, no more going to bed each night listening to the noise of machine guns or helicopters in the background, no more sitting on the floor with a mattress over our heads praying and asking God to show us the way out of the country. He had opened a door and we were now in D.R.

Even though we moved to D.R. empty handed, my parents had their faith in God and were willing and able to work hard to start their lives over in a new country. The Dominicans adopted us and opened up their hearts to my family. The Dominicans adopted me. I was the “Nicaraguan girl with the funny accent.” That’s ok, I thought the Dominicans were the ones that talked funny. And so I adapted wonderfully to their culture and learned new words and slangs. I also learned not to say some words from Nicaragua because they meant something completely different there—usually it was no good. Yes, I had many embarrassing moments but most of the time we simply all laughed and had a good time learning each other’s cultures. Oh, and of course, I learned to dance Merengue and also learned to love their food like mangu, croquetas and verengena.

I lived in the D.R. until I was 19 years old when my family decided to move to the United States, to Minnesota…probably the furthest State from the D.R. and for sure the coldest! While in D.R. I attended El Calasanz school in Santo Domingo and then spent the last three years of high school at the Colegio Santo Domingo where I graduated. I then attended three semesters at the UCMM (Universidad Catolica Madre y Maestra). The four older kids in my family left D.R. one at a time. I was the third one to leave D.R. and came to Minnesota in January, 1986.

I built my life here again and wasn’t able to return to D.R. until 2007, 21 years later! I went with my husband and kids so they could see one of the countries where I grew up. Now 8 years later, I came back with my husband again. The first time I went back I was able to reconnect with a few of my Dominican friends but this time I reconnected with most of my friends and I’m so happy!! Thanks to technology I’ll be able to stay connected with them going forward.

So to all of you who made the effort to see me on this trip. Thank you so much! To all my “Bubbles ’84” dear classmates who made it to the little reunion, thank you! Thank you! That meant so much to me. Friendships are very important to me and I have deeply missed my Latin friends all these years, the friendships from my childhood and teenage years. But now I feel I have an opportunity to continue and grow athose relationships that started so long ago. I have a special heart connection with each one of you that will last a lifetime. When we see each other again, it feels like time has not passed by and we pick up where we left off because we have that special connection and trust.

I promise you I will be back way sooner than 8 years and that I will stay in touch. Thank you for your love and friendship. I treasure each one of you!

The Rain

What do you do in a rainy day? Sometimes rainy days bring me down and make me feel sad for some reason. Other times, I look forward to a rainy day so I can slow down and take it easy, relax, and enjoy doing nothing… I can’t remember the last time I did nothing…

We all look forward to the sunny days because physically we feel happy. We know that we need vitamin D and the sun gives it to us for free. We feel inspired, energetic, and excited to be outside enjoying the weather. Even though we love sunny days, however, we need rainy days as well. Just as nature needs the sun and the rain to grow and flourish, and to survive, we also need both for the same reasons.

The rain allows us to replenish our soul and to do activities that we otherwise would not do. For example, when I was growing up we used to go to the ocean every weekend. During the sunny days, we would spend them outside at the beach, playing in the waves and picking up shells from the coast. But in the rainy days, we would spend it in the house, together, playing games, reading, and laying in the hammocks. We had no TV at the beach house. We had fun whether it was sunny or rainy. We had fun together, as a family.

During the spring, I get to see from my bedroom windows how, from week to week, all the trees come to life. It’s fascinating and amazing to see how God created nature’s cycles. Today, the trees look as if they’re soaking every drop of water that falls from the sky. They are flourishing and getting fuller by the minute. The leaves are so green! The scenery inspires peace and silent.

So today, I encourage you to enjoy the rain. When the sun comes out again, you will be refreshed and ready to go!

My Car Was Broken Into!

As I’m writing to you today my vision is blurry and I can hardly see the screen because my eyes are dilated from an impromptu eye exam I had to get done today.

It all started last night. My husband and I attended a non-profit gala in a well-known hotel downtown Minneapolis. The evening was wonderful and we had fun bidding on the auction items using the new cell phone technology. We decided to leave at around 10:30 p.m. and as we walked toward our car, my husband noticed something was wrong and said, “The car window is broken…” As I approached the car, I realized, what we don’t think that can happen to us, just happened. I said, “Oh no, my purse!”

I took my “big black purse” and a “little black purse” and transferred some things from the big one to the little one so it would be more comfortable (and fashionable) for the gala. I also had brought another “little white purse” because I couldn’t decide if I wanted to use the white purse or the black purse… (I brought extra shoes too, LOL). When I was done transferring my items to the little purse, I put the bigger black purse on the floor behind the front seat. I thought, it’s dark in the parking ramp, the purse is black, the carpet and the seats are black, and the windows in the back are tinted dark. My purse should be safe. Then I thought I should also put the little white purse in the back, on the floor. So I did.

So as we approached the completely shattered window, I saw that someone had taken both the little white purse and my big black purse. At first, I was shocked. You know the feeling when you feel your blood goes to your feet all at once? That’s how I felt at that moment. Then with the little blood I had left in my brain to think, I started to recollect what was in my purse that was of value. They had taken my wallet, which had my checks with my home address and our driver’s licenses on them. They took my ATM/Debit card which has access to my checking account. There were also three other charge cards for department stores.

At the same time, my husband was also thinking what his first steps should be so we decided to call our insurance company first. I’m glad I had his phone number in my cell phone. Once that call was completed, I remembered that my husband had his ATM/Debit card and that the phone number to call is on the back of the card so I called and cancelled mine. I don’t know where I would have found the right phone number to call at 11 p.m. on a Saturday night. I am thankful that I decided to take my driver’s license and my personal and business credit cards with me to the event. I was also glad that, for the first time, it was great that I didn’t have any cash in my wallet. My husband always gives me a hard time that I have worked at a bank for 23 years and never carry cash. Well, today it paid off! There was no cash in my wallet and there was nothing in the little white purse. It’s sad that I never got to use it because I had just bought it a week ago. But that’s ok. It’s replaceable.

I proceeded to look up my bank accounts on my phone and noticed that they had already made three transactions to Best Buy. One transaction went through for about $538 and the other two had a plus and a minus amounts so I’m not sure if their system detected something or not. Then I had, what I think was a great idea. I decided to transfer ALL the money from my checking account to another account that does not have access to any cards. I thought to myself, “If the card cancellation doesn’t go through right away, then at least they will be denied because there is no money in the account.”

My husband and I continued to clear the glass from the window that was scattered inside the car, everywhere. I was just hoping I didn’t sit on any glass. We drove home with the open hole in the back sit behind the driver’s seat with a storm coming upon us. The rain came down and it poured just a few minutes after we got home.

When we got home I decided to check my account on the Internet and saw that there was one more transaction at Walmart for around $65 and when I checked again right before going to bed at around 1 a.m. there was already another transaction for $436 that apparently went through as well. All of these transactions are “pending” so my financial loss from money taken out of my accounts will not be much, if any. However, guess what else was in my purse? My prescription eye glasses. I usually leave them in the car when I attend evening events or bring them in my purse but my new “little black purse” was too small and I couldn’t fit them in. So today, I went to the vision store to replace my glasses but they said in Minnesota it’s illegal to replace glasses on an expired prescription so I had to get a new eye exam. Luckily they had a doctor on site and the next appointment was only 30 minutes away so I waited and got it done. While waiting, I was laughing at some of the dumb videos people post on FaceBook!

I’m glad they didn’t steal anything else from the car and my sun glasses were still there. They knew that if they opened the door the car alarm would go off so all they could do was take the purses. So, what did I learn from this experience?

  • I realized that we are all vulnerable and exposed to crime. I felt so violated. It’s a weird feeling that we only experience when it happens to us.

  • I realized that in the grand scheme of things, they only took material possessions. Everything they took can be replaced. The situation could have turned out worse. It’s better not to think of “what could have happened” but I know it could have been much worse than just losing two purses and its contents.

  • I also now will be much more aware of my surroundings and will for sure never leave a purse in the car, even if it’s dark. The thieves can use a flash light and easily see what’s inside.

  • The technology we now have available can be used for good or evil. I looked up the balance and activity in my account and was able to transfer money out of my account from my cell phone. I had my insurance agent’s name in my contacts in my phone. I made a call to cancel the stolen card from my phone. At the same time, the thieves were able to purchase items at Best Buy using their cell phone to get to the Internet and used my card immediately after stealing it.

What I am concerned now is about identity theft. My husband and I signed up to LifeLock immediately when we got home. The monthly cost is worth the peace of mind knowing that whoever stole my personal information cannot steal my identity—or at least that’s what I hope at this point.

Even though I fear that the thieves have my home address now, I trust that God will protect my home and my family—and my identity. I will put my trust in God and will remember these Scriptures:

Romans 8:31 (NLT) What shall we say about such wonderful things as these? If God is for us, who can ever be against us?

Psalm 23:4 (NLT) Even when I walk through the darkest valley I will not be afraid, for you are close beside me. Your rod and your staff protect and comfort me.

So today, I encourage you to do two things: 1) Be careful and be on the alert. Crime can happen to any of us. 2) Trust that God will protect you wherever you go and He will be with you!

Enjoy Each Season of Your Life

As I look out my bedroom window, which is the place where I write every Saturday morning, I realize how wonderful nature is. It is amazing how each day during the spring, the little leafs start to grow on the trees and the little buds start to come out. It’s almost magical. What was bare and colorless is turning all green and picturesque. The frozen creek is now flowing water with turtles, ducklings, and frogs making a home of it.

This scenery reminds me of how we also go through seasons in our lives when we feel bare and lonely, with no one around us to encourage us, and lifeless activities surrounding us. How do we get out of these seasons? I think there are several ways. First, we must remind ourselves that seasons are just that—a season, a time period—and they will end. There will be a change in site. It’s just a matter of time. Just like the winter in Minnesota that sometimes, those of us who live here, feel like it will never end, it does. It always ends. Spring comes around each year and then the summer. Then the fall comes and hopefully we had time to get re-energized and rejuvenated during the warmer months.

The second way we can get out of a long, dry season in our lives is to surround ourselves with positive people, those friends that always look at the bright side even in a cloudy day. We need those friends. They have the gift to lift us up when we’re down and to remind us that we are not alone. Don’t get closed up and stay in your cave at home. Go out, even if it’s cold and dry outside. Go out in the rain and enjoy the smell of rain touching the dirt and melting the snow. Go out at night even when it’s dark. You can still laugh and create new happy memories with friends in those days.

The third thing we can do to not remain in our low times during our lives is to cling to God. He is our daily companion and the One who loves us no matter what or where we are in our journey. When we are alone, it’s easy to turn on the TV and seek entertainment that way but wouldn’t it be better for our souls to sit down and read the Word of God? That is true enrichment to our souls and our spirit. Let us “be still, and know that He is God” (Psalm 46:10).

So enjoy today. Enjoy every season of your life. Surround yourself with those who love you to get you through the hard seasons in your life and then be there for your friends when they need you. And most of all, don’t let go of Jesus during every season in your life.

Reconnecting with Old Friendships

These past few days I have been thinking about friendships and what really makes a true friendship last. Do you wonder sometimes why you used to be so close to a person during a season in your life and now, for some reason, you are no longer that close? I think one of the main reasons is because you both grew apart. The things you had once in common may have passed and now you are left with almost nothing to talk about. I think this happens for various reasons. It could be you were best friends in high school and when you went to college you lost touch and went completely separate ways. It could be you were best friend in college but then you each took a job in different parts of the country and lost touch. As you get older, get married and start having kids you get busier and no longer have time to nurture your relationships as you used to.

As your kids grow up and you attend all their activities, you make friends and get close to your kids’ parents but when the kids are done, you lose touch with your new friends. Another situation could be your workplace. You work at a company for a season in your life and you get really close to a co-worker. Then, when one of you leaves the organization, the friendship cools off and sometimes it goes away completely. Another reason could be that you and your friend experience completely different life circumstances that causes your world views to change and you then grow apart. I think this is the hardest things to overcome to keep the relationship close and moving forward.

Despite all the circumstances and changes in your life that happen throughout the years, however, I believe that if you and your friend have God as the center of your relationship, you can be close friends forever. You and your friend can talk about the things of God. You can share what God is doing in your life right now, how He’s molding you to be what He created you to be, how He’s helping you get through a challenging situation you’re currently facing, and you can also simply pick up a Bible verse and share what you each think about it.

So today, I encourage you to think of things you have in common with some of your friends you haven’t been in touch for a while and reconnect with them. Sharing and discussing about the topic of God, His Word, His love, and everything about Him, should keep you connected for the rest of your lives.

Birthdays - Why Do We Celebrate?

This week was my birthday and I spent the day in Jury Duty. Everyone I told said, “Oh, I’m sorry you have to spend your special day there.” I spent the entire day before my birthday in the waiting room… waiting to be called. But I never did that day. So I shared with the ladies at my table that the next day was my birthday and they, of course, also said, “Oh no, I’m sorry!”

The next day, we all showed up again to wait and one of the ladies bought me a cup cake that morning and said, “Happy birthday!” I was so touched and told her how sweet and thoughtful of her that was. She said it was nothing… but it was not nothing. That small gesture meant a lot to me—especially because we didn’t even know each other’s names. Then I said, “Oh no, I forgot my drink today.” And the guy at my table took out 50 cents and said to me, “Here, go buy yourself a bottle of water. Happy birthday!” Even though I had 50 cents and could have bought myself the drink, the acts of kindness from these two strangers really touched my heart that day. I also don’t take for granted that those are the little details that God does for me to remind me of His love for me and that it doesn’t matter where we are. What matters is that He loves us and He sends people to love on us on our special day.

Despite the fact that I spent my birthday in Jury Duty, it was one of the best birthdays I’ve ever had. No party, no drinking, no dancing… just the gift of love that I received from all my friends and family was so special that it made my day. The emails, phone calls, voice mails with friends singing to me, texts, and FaceBook posts kept me so busy that morning that the time just flew by. Then I was called to be on a panel of jurors but I was dismissed that afternoon for good. My service was done.

Some people don’t like to celebrate their birthday because they feel they’re getting older and what’s the point anyway? A birthday is not a big deal, they think. But I disagree. I celebrate birthdays because I am thankful to God that He allowed me to live another year. It also represents a new beginning, a new year to work toward our goals, another opportunity to serve God fully and pursue our calling.

So the next time your birthday comes around, tell people it’s your birthday, take the hugs, accept the love from your friends and family, and celebrate life!

Spring... A Time to Produce New Fruit

 I love spring. Even though the beginning of it looks dry, boring, and with no colors at all, I know what’s coming. I know the trees “look dead” but they have life inside. They just have been sleeping and resting during the winter and now they’re ready to give birth again and bring forth fruit. Spring also reminds me that summer is coming, which is my favorite season because I love warm weather.

Like the trees, sometimes we may feel dry, boring, and with no excitement in our lives. Some of us may even feel dead inside because of life events that affected our lives. But it is during those hard times, when we can reach out to God to help us bring life again. Spring reminds us of the opportunity we all have to start fresh. We have a new year to try things out, to forgive those who hurt us in the past, and to move on.

Today, I encourage you to look inside of your heart and if you’ve experienced a dry, cold winter these past few months, it’s time to revitalize yourself. It’s time to get going and produce some fruit—good fruit.

Enjoy spring—every moment of it!

We NEED Rest!

I have been meditating about the concept of rest. Those of us who are type A personality have a hard time resting or making time to rest and slow down. You add to that the American culture of doing more with less—both at home and at work. And on top of that, you add the fact that you need to work harder to make it and get ahead. You now have the perfect recipe to eliminate the concept of rest from your life altogether. How can we slow down when there is so much to do? If our kids are not involved in fifteen activities the whole family may feel like it’s being left behind! Once you’re on the treadmill of life, it’s hard to get off—especially when you intentionally want to get off.

Last weekend, the pastor at church talked about the Sabbath and how it relates to us taking a sabbatical from work. Take time to refresh and do other things different and away from your daily work. I once did a research on sabbaticals and every person that I interviewed that had taken a sabbatical said it was the best thing they had ever done in their lives. Some companies now are starting to require the executives to take sabbaticals so they can come back refreshed and renewed.

Right now in my life I feel God has given me the opportunity to take a sabbatical from my bank job. But I have decided to start my own company so I have invested a lot of this time into the business startup. In a way, I feel that I should be resting. On the other hand, I feel the pressure to produce and get going with the new business venture. So what is the right thing to do? I think there has to be balance and I’m purposed to do both during this time. It may take me longer to get the business going but I will be more rested and energized to grow the business. I am also using this time to invest in volunteering for non-profit organizations, which is one of my passions. If not now, when?

I just got back from one week of vacation and the purpose was to relax and do nothing—no workouts, no work for the whole week… By day three of not working out I was going crazy so I decided to go lift weights. By day four I felt the urge to check my emails so I did. I told my husband I was only reading the e-newsletters so when I got back I didn’t have so many emails to go through. The truth was I wanted to work. But why can’t we have both—work and leisure at the same time? Work and rest integrated into our lives all the time? I think that’s the best way to always feel rested. The same way athletes take time off after working out certain muscle groups, we need to take time off every so often to rest our minds.

So today, I encourage you to make time to rest. Schedule time to slow down. Yes, even us type A personality people can do and should do that. I leave you with these Scriptures that reminds us that God can help us rest.

Hebrews 4:9-10 (NLT)

So there is a special rest still waiting for the people of God. For all who enter into God’s rest will find rest from their labors, just as God rested after creating the world.

Exodus 23:12 (NLT)

“Work six days, and rest on the seventh. This will give your ox and your donkey a chance to rest. It will also allow the people of your household, including your slaves and visitors, to be refreshed.”


The American Dream – Freedom!

Last Saturday I was on the plane on the way to Cozumel, Mexico for our family vacation and as the plane took off and the sunrise was in the horizon, I was thanking God for my life. I then started to ponder on the “American dream.” I asked myself, “What is truly the American dream? Is it having money? Is it being educated? Is it owning a home, being married with a couple of kids, two cars, and a dog? Is it having a job or high paying occupation? Is it being an entrepreneur and thus being your own boss?

The answer could be all of the above or any of the above but I think it’s none of the above… The American dream is to have Freedom! The freedom to choose what to do with your life. It’s the freedom to pursue happiness—whichever way you choose to do it.

The first settlers came to America because they wanted to be free. Freedom is an innate desire of all human beings. God created us to be free with a will to choose. Having lived through a revolution in my country of origin, Nicaragua, where the people lost their freedom to a communist regime, makes me appreciate the freedom I have by being now an American.

Those of you who had the privilege of being born in this nation, always remember there is a price to pay for freedom. Those of you who came to this nation as an immigrant and chose to become an American, don’t forget what it took to accomplish it and obtain that gift.

Either way, all the people who live in this country enjoy the freedom to choose what to do with their lives. America is still the land of opportunity. It doesn’t matter so much what you choose to pursue, what matters is that you have the choice to pursue happiness.

It doesn’t matter, really, what your background is, or where you came from. What matters is your desire to pursue happiness. What matters is your passion and enthusiasm for life and the realization that you are able to succeed if you choose to.

There is one choice I hope you make during the course of your life and that is the choice to pursue God above all. Once you do that, He will ensure the rest is taken care of. When you choose to have God in your life then He will be there for you and with you through all your hurts and tribulations as well as all your successes. Then you can share Him with others throughout your journey.

Enjoy your freedom and thank God every day for it!

BUILT on a Solid Foundation

Back on October 25, 2014, I wrote a blog titled “Building on a Solid Foundation.” I was reading it today because I was reflecting on the fact that, since I wrote that blog, I have worked very hard to get this new engine going and now it is ready. I am “open for business” like they say. In that blog, I refer to two key scriptures that I chose to be foundational to my business:

Matthew 7:24-29 (NLT)

24 “Anyone who listens to my teaching and follows it is wise, like a person who builds a house on solid rock. 25 Though the rain comes in torrents and the floodwaters rise and the winds beat against that house, it won’t collapse because it is built on bedrock. 26 But anyone who hears my teaching and doesn’t obey it is foolish, like a person who builds a house on sand. 27 When the rains and floods come and the winds beat against that house, it will collapse with a mighty crash.”

Today, I want to remember again what I shared in that blog: “I will build my company on the Solid Foundation, which is Jesus Christ, the Rock. He will give me wisdom, knowledge, and understanding to do the right thing, to do what is right, and to do things right the first time. These are not only Biblical concepts, these are business concepts that create efficiencies throughout the organization and a strong work ethic, which in turn increases shareholder value.”

Romans 12: 6-11 (NLT)

6 In his grace, God has given us different gifts for doing certain things well. So if God has given you the ability to prophesy, speak out with as much faith as God has given you. 7 If your gift is serving others, serve them well. If you are a teacher, teach well. 8 If your gift is to encourage others, be encouraging. If it is giving, give generously. If God has given you leadership ability, take the responsibility seriously. And if you have a gift for showing kindness to others, do it gladly.

9 Don’t just pretend to love others. Really love them. Hate what is wrong. Hold tightly to what is good. 10 Love each other with genuine affection, and take delight in honoring each other. 11 Never be lazy, but work hard and serve the Lord enthusiastically.

In my new role, I believe I will be operating within my gifts. I will be doing both sales as well as the work itself for a while until the company grows. As a sales person, I will need to identify and discover the prospects’ needs and see if we are a good match to work together. I will need to listen more!

As a worker, I will need to focus on each project and ensure the “billable hours” are truly billable and that I don’t spend any other time on anything else at that moment. I have to stay focused!

Being a good sales person, in my opinion, goes beyond having sales techniques and knowing when it’s the right time to approach a prospect or what to say. It’s about being a person of integrity, character, and truthfulness. An exceptional sales person is genuine, sincere, and truly wants to help others. That’s what I want to be!

When doing sales, you need to connect with people, at the heart. You also need to be ok being yourself. You need to believe in your product. If you are a consultant, you need to believe in yourself—you are your product. Your reputation is all you got. The work you perform once hired, also has to be done with the highest level of integrity and following the highest standards. Like my marketing person told me once, “Your brand is your promise. It’s what you promise to deliver when they hire you.”

So as I start my new adventure, I build this business on the foundation of Jesus Christ, my Rock while working hard and reaching for the highest standards. Doing the best that I can and being the best that I can be with God by my side every step of the way. Please pray for me that I can bless many people through this new business.

You can visit my new business website at and send me an email with your comments or feedback either through the website or as a comment on the blog.

Happy Valentine’s Day!

Today is a special day because we’re supposed to show our love to our loved ones. It’s a day to celebrate love and even though it’s traditionally marketed toward couples, I prefer to think it’s a day to show our love for everyone. I love people! I love to love on people. It’s amazingly rewarding to love others because, most of the time, it is reciprocated. And when it’s not, God fills in the gap.

God loves us with an unconditional love with no expectations of us loving Him back. But when we choose to love Him back, a whole new world of love opens up to us. God fills us up with His love and then we can pour it out unto others. I want to learn to love others unconditionally, with the love of God and with no expectations.

Today, I want to encourage you to tell the people you love the simple three words that can change a life, “I love you.” Then show them how much you love them by doing something special for them. Sometimes written words can express way better than actions so you need to tell the special persons in your life how you feel. Other times, a small gesture, like a hug, shows appreciation and a deep love that no words can express. Praying for others is also a silent, private gesture of love. God listens to all our prayers. Tell the ones you love that you prayed for them. You have no idea how far those simple words and gestures of love go for a person.

We all need to be loved because we are human beings. God made us that way because we were created in His image, which means He also wants to be loved. The best gift we can give to others and to our God is to love people and love Him back.

To all my friends and family, I love you! You each have a piece of my heart that is reserved just for you. God has my whole heart.

This Sunday Is the Big Game. Is Your Life a Big Game Too?

The “game of the year” is happening Sunday. People across America prepare and plan who they will invite to their party, what food they will bring or serve at their home. This Sunday, church attendance is low because everyone is either at the grocery store buying food or preparing the house to have guests. Many people plan way ahead and are so excited to see the new commercials that debut for the first time during the game. Then the anticipation of watching the half-time show builds up until it finally comes and they can see it. Soon the game is over, the party ends, everyone goes home. Those who hosted have to clean up the mess and everyone talks about the game, the winners and losers, the food, and the commercials. Life goes back to normal until the next season starts and culminates in the big game again the following year. This annual event takes probably an entire year to plan. Thousands of people across America plan for it—from the stadium workers to the commercial producers to the cleaning crew—everyone does their part to produce an amazing show.

While all of this anticipation and planning is a lot of fun, and there is nothing wrong with doing it, sometimes we focus too much of our time and energy on the external things. In other words, are we spending the same amount of time, resources, and our energy on the things that really matter –the eternal things? Today, I was meditating on the thought of “The Game of Life.”

Your life – is it a big game too? Do you approach your life like a game? Do you take the time to really plan your life out and take the steps to make it happen? If you don’t take the time to plan your life, who will do it for you? If you don’t plan your life, you will never realize your dreams. You may not be able to do all you want or make all your dreams come true but if you don’t plan at least some of them, you will get to the end of your road and will have a lot of regrets.

Life is not a game. Life is real and everything we do here on earth is preparation for our eternal lives in heaven with God. That’s what I believe as a Christian. Many people live through their lives without ever thinking what they really want to do or be. They let life happen to them. They never figure out their calling and thus never pursue it. Many Christians don’t plan their future with the hope that “Jesus is coming soon.” I think that is unwise. No one knows when Jesus is coming back. Therefore, we should live our lives as if He’s coming today while planning for the future as if we will be here until the end of our earthly lives.

I encourage you today to plan your life out. Take charge of your life. Discover your dreams, plan them, and then do them. Create your plan and give it to God. Trust God with your plans. Let Him change your plans and redirect you if necessary. Let Him guide you.

Just as the big game of football takes a lot of careful planning, preparation, and practice so does our lives. Except we only have one life to live. At the end, it’s game over! There is no next season or the next game. There is no more time to plan it again, prepare, nor to practice… It’s done. At the end of our earthly lives comes eternity. Everything we did here will affect our eternal destiny. So let’s make sure we spend our time here planning, preparing, practicing, and doing the things that really matter—the things of God and His Kingdom.

Enjoy the game and enjoy planning and living your life too!

From Success to Significance

Most people you know, and probably including yourself, strive to be successful in life. But, truly, what is success? What is success to you? And once you are successful, are you also achieving significance in life? Are you making a positive impact in other people’s lives? Are you accomplishing anything to build the Kingdom of God? Do you know your personal and unique calling in life?

Today I want to share with you about The Master’s Program – for Men and for Women. Bob Shank authored this program to help men and women achieve their highest potential and fulfill their calling in the Kingdom of God. He founded The Master’s Program with the mission "To prepare Christian leaders to change their world and build God's Kingdom through their irresistible lifestyles and influential works of service."

I am privileged to know Bob Shank personally and to sit under his teachings while I’m in training to lead the first Women’s program in the Twin Cities, which I started last April. I am preparing to start my second women’s group in Minneapolis, MN on April 16th and possibly starting one also in Chicago, IL. There are several men’s groups starting across the nation as well.

I encourage you to look into this program as it will take you from success to significance. If you want to find your Kingdom calling and then pursue it, this program is for you. If you feel you’re stuck and are not sure how to jump into doing the things of God, or want to make a difference in people’s lives, this is the program for you. It’s a three year journey of discovery with quarterly meetings with a group of other believers seeking the same thing as you are—their unique calling of God in their lives. They are small groups of 10 to 15 people and it’s a confidential and professional setting where you will learn how to become the person God intended for you to be. You will have a positive and godly influence in those around you and leave a legacy of significance in your life.

You can find information on the men’s program at and the women’s program at Enjoy the journey!