Let’s Walk on Water Like Peter

Why is it so hard for us to accept change in our lives? Sometimes we are due for a change and we want to hang on to the past (the comfortable) and resist new things. Sometimes we have new opportunities right in front of us that we delay in pursuing because we are still stuck in our current situation.

New things, new adventures in our lives are both exciting and scary at the same time. So, how do we motivate ourselves to move on? How do we start a fire within to propel us to fly to new heights and leave the familiar? How do we convince ourselves that God will truly come through for us and that He won’t leave us nor forsake us? My only answer is: We simply step out in faith and walk on the water like Peter did (Matthew 14:28 NLT), keeping our eyes on Jesus every step of the way.

I am going through this situation in my life now as I start my bank consulting practice, launch my public speaking career, and publish my second book (The Fire Within). How do I know it’s all going to work? I don’t. I just know that God will take care of me, period. He gave me the gifts and talents. I’m purposed to use them all throughout my life and I’m stepping in faith as each opportunity presents itself. I allow God to change my plans as I make each step. I trust that He opens the right doors and gives me the discernment to not go through the doors I shouldn’t pursue. I have to, for the first time, completely surrender to God. Every aspect of my life is at His feet, trusting Him as I walk daily by faith.

Some days I’m so excited I can hardly sleep thinking about all the new opportunities and things I want to (and can) do in my life. Other days, I can hardly sleep but it’s because I have doubts. Doubts about myself and doubts about the whole adventure, the fear of the unknown—the future. I have to do a better job at casting the thoughts of fear that come to my mind and fully trust God every moment of my day. I have realized that our lives as Christians is truly one day at a time and sometimes one moment at a time since situations can change within the same day.

Today I encourage you to go for your dreams. Yes, plan ahead but put your plans at the feet of Jesus and give them all to Him. Trust Him that He will guide you every step of the way and you will see. I am looking forward to what God has in store for me, every day, each year of my life, until I see Him face to face. My ultimate dream is to hear His words, “Well done my good and faithful servant…” (Matthew 25:21 NLT).