
Willingness to Change

Willingness to Change. Many times I find myself having a hard time dealing with a situation or a person. I first believe the problem is other people or circumstances and many times that is true. However, other times, the problem is me—my attitude toward the situation or that person. When I’m in those instances I seek God with all my heart to help me understand what’s going on. He always gives me the revelation and insight of the situation and then helps me fix the problem or gives me the grace to get through it. Part of our daily walk with Christ is our willingness to change our hearts and our willingness to follow Him now. We need drop everything that keeps us away from God and our lives with Him. Today, I want to share a devotional from my book Devotions for Working Women that reminds us to have a willing and obedient heart.

Do You Have a Willing and Obedient Heart?
# 223
Matthew 4:20, 22 (NLT)

And they left their nets at once and went with him… They immediately followed him, leaving the boat and their father behind.

After Jesus started His ministry He began calling His disciples. In verse 20, Jesus called Simon (Peter) and his brother Andrew. They left what they were doing (their profession and job) to follow Jesus at once.

Then Jesus found two other brothers, James and John, and they immediately left their boat (again their jobs) and their father (their family). The key words here are “at once” and “immediately.” The question to us is, are we ready to leave everything behind for Jesus if He asks us to do so? Part of our preparation to fulfill the calling of God in our lives is the willingness to leave our current lives behind and follow Him. It is to leave behind old habits, friends, family, homes, jobs, careers, etc. for His sake.

The Lord doesn’t usually ask every person to leave everything behind for His cause. But He does ask us to leave those things that will keep us from being close to Him and prevent us from fulfilling our calling. Leaving things behind to follow God is our choice daily and in every area of our lives.

The other key is obedience. Are we obeying God at once, or are we doing things when it’s convenient or not at all? Willingness and obedience are critical to our success in fulfilling the calling of God in our lives.

Obedient Faith

Obedient Faith. It takes faith to obey God—at all times and in all circumstances. In the workplace it is even more difficult because of our desire to fit in versus staying away from situations that may hurt us in the future. Today’s devotional reminds us to obey God in faith and we will experience His blessings.

Obey God in Faith

John 15:14 (NLT)
You are my friends if you obey me.

Luke 11:28 (NLT)

“But even more blessed are all who hear the word of God and put it into practice.”

Jesus went to the cross by faith, knowing it was the only way humanity would be saved. This is the ultimate sacrifice and example of obedience by faith that Jesus as a human did.

Many times God asks us to do things that don’t make sense in our minds. Other times we simply don’t want to do them. It is in those instances we must obey in faith, knowing God always wants the best for us and He orders our steps.

In the workplace, you will have many opportunities to obey or disobey God. For example: if you see a group of employees telling dirty jokes or gossiping, your flesh may want to participate just to fit in, but your spirit will be telling you, “No, stay where you are.” Obey God by keeping your heart pure and not hearing corrupt communications. Remember, it is easier to disobey. But even when it is difficult to obey God’s direction in your life, obedient faith is worth it and you will be blessed.

We All Have a Race to Finish

We All Have a Race to Finish. Our life is a journey and within the journey is a race that we each start when we are born and that we have to finish sometime. Today I want to encourage you to finish your race. Finish what you started and do not give up trying. If the pace in your race is too fast, slow down but never stop and lose hope. Jesus is there to help us make every step in our race. Enjoy!

Finish Your Race by Keeping Your Eyes on Jesus
# 228

Hebrews 12:1-2 (NLT)
Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a huge crowd of witnesses to the life of faith, let us strip off every weight that slows us down, especially the sin that so easily hinders our progress. And let us run with endurance the race that God has set before us. We do this by keeping our eyes on Jesus, on whom our faith depends from start to finish.

Jesus endured His own race here on earth. He “who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame” (v. 2 KJV). Jesus’ reward for finishing His race is all of us living eternally in heaven with Him. Now, He is our helper during our race. He is the author and finisher of our faith, from the moment we start our race until we finish.

Don’t give up running your race at work and at home despite the suffering, the circumstances, or whatever situation you are going through. Cling to Jesus and He will help you continue the race. When you keep your eyes fixed on Jesus only, everything else will seem small. You will have the strength to fight, to get up, and finish your race. “For God had far better things in mind for us that would also benefit them, for they can’t receive the prize at the end of the race until we finish the race” (Hebrews 11:40 NLT). “Them” in this passage refers to our fathers in the faith—what they started, we have to finish. They finished their race. Now we must finish ours so they can receive their prize together with us.

In order to finish our race, we also have to strip ourselves from sin and things of this world that are slowing our progress. We cannot afford the weight of sin on our lives. We must finish our race!