People in America Need God Too. We may often think that because we live in America, considered by many the strongest country in the world, that we, as individuals, cannot show a sign of weakness. We somehow believe that we should be strong enough to withstand the trials from life that come our way, alone. But we’re wrong. Hardship comes to all of us—the weak and the strong—at some point in our lives. Why? Simply because we live in this world where evil is real and bad things do happen to good and bad people alike, no exceptions.
For decades, Americans have supported the mission fields in distant lands like Africa, Asia, and Latin America forgetting that we, in the United States of America, need God too. In 1999, I left my banking career to work for a church for five years. I thought I would remain in ministry for the rest of my working life. But God had other plans. He called me back to the business world, this time to start a bank. When I left the church, I told the senior pastor, my boss, “Just as God calls people to distant lands to be the light and that is their mission field, God has called me to the business world in America—that is my mission field where God needs me so I can minister to the business people.” And that’s the reason why I left my executive banking job, almost five years ago, to pursue my calling: to help working people be successful in every area of their lives, and that includes their spiritual life. So, in a way, I’m back in ministry. This time in the right mission field and with all of you, the working people in America.
But my assignment is not only to share the Good News of the Gospel with all of you but also to pray for you. I currently have business colleagues and friends who are hurting. Some have asked me to pray for a job, others are fighting cancer, while others are going through a painful divorce. Some are suffering because their kids have gone the wrong way and yet others have broken relationships. And I’m not exempt from pain either, I have lived with migraines for over 30 years and lately I’ve been very worried about my parents living in Nicaragua during these times of political instability. I have also survived an earthquake in Nicaragua when I was six years old, lived through the revolution for two years before fleeing Nicaragua, arrived to the Dominican Republic as a refugee and two months later, Hurricane David devastated the island. I was only thirteen! I then moved to the United States when I was nineteen years old and came here alone. But God was with me through each life experience and I owe it all to Him.
Business people, working people, ALL people in America need God too! If you need prayer in any area of your life, send me a private message and I will be happy to pray for you. But I’m just a messenger to the business world and God deserves all the credit, not me at all! So, I want to leave you with a Scripture from Paul to the church of Corinth:
1 Corinthians 3:6 (NLT) “My job was to plant the seed in your hearts, and Apollos watered it, but it was God, not we, who made it grow.”