Honoring Country and Freedom Is a Daily Journey of Gratefulness

Honoring country and freedom is a daily journey of gratefulness. During the month of May, we honor mothers. In June, we honor fathers. July is the month we celebrate our country’s independence. Therefore, it is appropriate to honor our country and the freedom we all hold so dear that comes at a cost.

In May we also remember all the men and women who gave their lives—the ultimate sacrifice of love—to ensure we all enjoy freedom. In October, we give thanks to all the Veterans who risked their lives to fight for our freedom and to protect our country. We dedicate one day each year to celebrate, honor, and remember these special people. However, it’s not enough to honor them only one day out of an entire 365-day year. We must honor our mother and father daily. Similarly, we must remember those who died and fought for our country all the time. Every time we experience the feeling of being free, when we can still make choices on our own, we must remember why.

The cost of freedom is blood… The blood shed by those who dare to step up and risk everything they’ve got, up to their own lives. Why? That is a question I often ponder on. What drives the men and women to fight for our freedom and to protect our country from all its enemies? I believe the main reason is a deep conviction for patriotism and love for Country.

When I became an American years ago, I received the most encouraging and inspiring letter from the President of the United States of America. While it may be a “form letter” sent to all the immigrants who chose to become an American that year, I appropriated it as if it was written personally to me. Since then, I have lived my life with the fire it ignited within me. Here is the letter!

“Dear Fellow American: 
I want to congratulate you on reaching the impressive milestone of becoming a citizen of our great nation. As you enjoy the benefits of American citizenship and assume the responsibilities that accompany it, you follow the many brave men and women who have sacrificed to establish and preserve our democracy over the last two centuries. 

You now share in a great experiment: a nation dedicated to the ideal that all of us are
created equal, a nation with profound respect for individual rights. The United States is a land of unparalleled natural beauty, vast opportunity, and freedom. It is home to people who have been drawn to our shores from all over the world and who share a common love for life and liberty.

Please join me in devoting your hopes, your prayers, your energies, and your labor to our common good and to the future of this wonderful country. Together we must strive to safeguard the freedoms we hold so dear, not only for ourselves but for future generations.”

Below are five things you can do in your daily journey of gratefulness:

1)      When you experience the feeling of freedom, simply remember the men and women who made it possible for you. You honor them by remembering them and their legacy.

2)      As you walk by a member of the military anywhere, stop to say, “thank you.” This includes police officers that risk their lives daily to keep your own city safe.

3)      Pray for the members who are on active duty right now. Ask God to give them strength and grace as they are away from their families. Pray for protection and for them to return home safely.

4)      Keep their families in your prayers. They too sacrifice by staying home, sometimes all alone, waiting to hear from their loved one. And, often wondering if they will even return home.

5)      Thank God that there are men and women who are called to serve in the military. Because, more than anything, it is their calling. And we reap the benefits. Let’s hold them in highest esteem and respect for their sacrifice.

I hope this letter inspires you to love this beautiful country of America and to remind you of the cost of our daily freedom.

May God continue to bless America, even though many Americans no longer want God involved.

Happy Independence Day!