My word for 2021 is HOPE. We are living in troubled times where confusion, uncertainty, and chaos has become the normal. The New Year typically brings new expectations, excitement, and most importantly, a renewed sense of hope. A hope that this year “things will be better.” This year “I hope to get this or that done.” This year “I’ll get my dream job” and this year I will “travel to my dream places” and so on.
But I don’t hope for any of those things... My hope is not in a man nor woman, a president, a country, or a government. My hope is solely in God, my Father. He has rescued me from a deadly earthquake when I was six years old, protected me through a two-year revolution when I was 12-13 years old, gave my family favor during exile in Dominican Republic, protected my family again from a destructive hurricane when I was still 13, and gave us the opportunity to come to America—the land of opportunity and hope!
America is still the land of opportunity. But sadly, I don’t consider America to be the land of hope anymore… I am witnessing the same violence, terrorism, and lack of peace as my country of origin, Nicaragua. Things that “only happen in those countries” are now happening right here in our backyard. Therefore, I choose to put my trust and hope in the Lord.
Do you want to help the poor? Feed them and clothe them. But also bring them the Gospel of truth where true hope is found.
Do you want to help a person suffering from depression and suicidal thoughts? Give them love, a listening ear, and share the Good News of the Gospel which is their only hope to live in freedom.
Do you want to help the sick? Pray for them, spend time with them, and bring them hope by sharing about the healing power of God’s forgiveness. Spiritual healing is eternal. Physical healing is temporary.
Hope sustains us to get through tribulations. Faith in God gives us freedom. Believing in the true message of Salvation reconciles us with our Father. Prayer gets us closer to God and allows us to experience Him. Love God and love others.
Therefore, for 2021, I hope for unity, restoration, reconciliation, forgiveness, honesty, truthfulness, healing, and peace among the people. I encourage you to put your hope in Jesus—the only ONE who gave His life so you can have eternal life.
This month, since I’m sharing about HOPE, I thought it would be appropriate to share about one of my favorite nonprofit organizations that helps the poor around the world: HOPE International.
HOPE International’s mission is to invest in the dreams of the world’s underserved communities as we proclaim and live the Gospel. HOPE works in 16 countries throughout Africa, Asia, Eastern Europe, and Latin America. We provide discipleship, training, savings services, and loans for underserved men and women, equipping them to better provide for their families and grow in all areas of life. Beyond material change, we long to see God transform lives holistically—through spiritual, personal, and social change.
I went on a sight trip with HOPE International to the Dominican Republic and I saw first-hand how they help the poorest of the poor to start their own small business while, at the same time, teaching them business practices and bringing the real HOPE by introducing them to God.
I will leave you with one of the poems I wrote in The Friendship Book:
Believe in your friends.
Pray for your friends.
Love your friends.
Hope with your friends.
That is what friendship is about.