I am in the midst of a “speaking marathon” with eleven speaking engagements within four weeks. Of those, eight are different topics and four are brand new presentations. Those of you who speak know that it takes hours to prepare for just one hour presentation so I’ve been very busy but truly loving what I’m doing.
This past week I had the privilege to visit a ladies Book Club in Montevideo, MN, which is about two and a half hours from home. One of my great friends took me there to visit her friend who belongs to this book club. They all read my book, The Fire Within – Connect Your Gifts with Your Calling and the purpose of my visit was to share and have a discussion about the book. As we were driving to the hostess’ home, we found ourselves driving through corn fields and I told my friend, “I finally found ‘the middle of nowhere in America!’” After a good laugh, we finally arrived to the lady’s home who received us with open arms and lots of hugs.
Today, I want to share with you two major things that I realized through this experience. The first one, right in the “middle of nowhere” I found the love of God—in the country, the heart of America! It reminded me how this country was founded on Christian principles and about God’s love. I remembered how blessed we are to live in this beautiful, amazing, free country.
The second realization I had is a confirmation in my heart that I’m doing what I’m supposed to be doing during this time in my life. This past week I had the opportunity to pursue going back to a regular job, as an employee of a big consulting firm working with banks. The idea intrigued me because they do exactly what I do. In a way, I could be their competitor although I don’t consider myself one because they are a big company and I’m just me. However, they see me as a competitor. Interesting! The more I considered the possibilities of dropping my own consulting firm, not being able to speak anymore, and no longer having the time to continue to write my books… the more I realized it’s not the right opportunity for me.
I wrote a while back another blog called, “A New Door: Is it an Opportunity or a Distraction?” This is the fourth door that opens up for me since I started pursuing my calling almost two years ago. I have to have long conversations with my husband who helps me stay focused. He sees how happy I am now and he allows me the opportunity to pursue my dreams—which is precisely my calling! Consulting, speaking, and writing—that is what God wants me to do at this time in my life, and maybe for the rest of my life.
These loving, amazing ladies made feel so welcomed, so loved, so appreciated. It brought tears to my eyes (and I did cry while sharing with them). The entire experience confirmed in my heart that God wants me to continue sharing my life’s experiences with the world. God confirmed that the books I’m writing are His gifts to me that I must share with the world because they are helping others find their own calling in life—pursuing the purpose that God intended for their individual lives. As each person finds their unique calling, many others will benefit from their gifts and will be blessed. They will feel the love of God through each person who follows their mission in life.
Even though the ladies who were there told me they were blessed to have me there and that I helped them by sharing about my life with them, they are the ones who helped me and blessed me beyond measure. I thank God for this opportunity and this special experience. I will never forget it.
To all my new lady friends from the Montevideo Book Club—I love you and you will be in my heart forever. God used you that night to keep me focused on Him!!