Yesterday I spoke to a group of professors at an annual conference in Scottsdale, AZ. The event planner, who is also the owner of the organization, wanted me to give an inspirational talk on the topics of leadership and talents, so we picked one of my presentations called “Leading by Maximizing Talents.” Many of the participants were also going to present a workshop at the conference on various topics. In fact, there were 72 presenters and I was their keynote speaker. When I first received the list of all the attendees describing their topics, I was intimidated after reading that they all had the initials “Ph. D” after their names. I felt inadequate and not worthy of this audience knowing that I just finished my college degree in 2011! I felt I didn’t have enough education to be addressing this highly educated and smart group of people. So I prayed and gave my fears and feelings of inadequacy to the Lord.
That same day, I received an e-newsletter from my friends at Time to Revive ministry and as the writer shared her feelings of inadequacy when she had her third baby girl, I felt as if these words were directly from the Lord to me. She wrote:
“He’s (God) taught me that I don’t have to be in control or feel able, but that I am adequate and able in HIM. In my weakness, HE IS STRONG.
This week I read through Moses’ life. As the Lord calls Moses to lead the Israelites, Moses says, “Who am I, that I should bring the sons of Israel out of Egypt?” And the Lord says, “Surely, I WILL BE WITH YOU.” (Exodus 3:11-12)
It’s such a strong promise. Moses told the Lord, “I have never been eloquent…for I am slow of speech and slow of tongue.” And the Lord said, “Who has made man’s mouth?...Is it not I, the Lord? Now then go, and I, even, WILL BE WITH your mouth and teach you what you are to say.” (Exodus 3:10-12).
The LORD is WITH US. Even with our mouths. He cares that much for us!”… “We are ready to walk through whatever lies ahead on the calendar. And we believe that GOD IS WITH US, in all of our inabilities and inadequacies!”
Even though she was referring to her particular situation, I felt as if this message was just for me and it applied to my particular situation. That’s how the Lord works in my life sometimes and I recognize it. At the same time, I shared my feelings of inadequacy with one of my brothers in Christ and asked him to pray for me. He then sent me this note:
“You are adequate with the Lord. When you stand up to speak, you are the authority there. You are speaking to this group because you have a unique story to tell. I will be praying for you. God is with you and you are so powerful because of Him and because of your unique journey and talent.”
Wow! Those words really touched me and helped me. I am so grateful for these brothers and sisters who pray for me and push me to believe and trust God in every circumstance. I went to speak to this conference with renewed confidence knowing that God was with me and that I was prepared. I did my part, now it was time for God to do His part. The presentation went perfect and the professors all received me with open arms. They loved it and the feedback I received was excellent. You see, I had forgotten that teachers, although they are highly educated individuals, they are also warm, welcoming, and loving people who love to teach and who love people. I reminded them that teaching is both a gift and a calling. They reminded me that teachers are warm, loving people at heart. And God reminded me that He is always in control. He reminded me that I must go wherever He sends me because He knows better. He knows where people need to hear my message.
So I walked away with a happy heart knowing I had done my part in delivering an inspiring and encouraging message. The professors walked away inspired and refreshed knowing they are following their calling and that we need them to educate their students.
Thank you to all my friends who pray for me. And thank you God for reminding me of who you are—a loving Father who guides every step of my path.