Give Your Burdens to Jesus

If you are going through one of those seasons in your life when you feel burdened by everything you have going on, I encourage you to give them all to the Lord. He is waiting with open arms to receive you with all your luggage. He will take up your burdens and carry them for you. The devotional for today will remind you that Jesus will take care of you.

Give Your Burdens to the Lord
# 302
Psalm 55:22 (NLT)

Give your burdens to the Lord, and he will take care of you. He will not permit the godly to slip and fall.

How often do you feel burdened to the point of giving up? Most of us feel the burdens of life to be overwhelming at some point during our lives. The Bible tells us to give our burdens to the Lord for He will help us carry them. He cares for us and is always willing to carry us through every situation.
Anything can become a burden when there is no grace. But through His grace we are able to handle the trials of life and overcome difficult situations. Giving our burdens to God means we trust Him fully. It means we know He loves us and He will never abandon us.

Your work should not be or become a burden to you. If it is a burden right now, ask God what His will for you is, what your next step should be, and to help you carry your burdens. He will not let you fall. Remember, with Jesus, the yoke is easy and the burden is light (Matthew 11:30 KJV).