Leaders: Are they there to serve or to be served? This is a tough question to answer from the world’s perspective because the first thing that comes to mind is that we all should serve our leaders. However, the Bible says that leaders should first serve others. So how do we reconcile these two concepts? We go to the source of knowledge, the Word of God, to find out. In the end, we are here to serve one another. Today’s devotional, from my book Devotions for Working Women, talks about being a worldly leader or a godly leader and helps us think about how we see ourselves as a leader. Enjoy!
Are You a Worldly Leader or a Godly Leader?
# 209
Matthew 20:26-27 (NLT)
But among you it should be quite different. Whoever wants to be a leader among you must be your servant, and whoever wants to be first must become your slave.
Jesus explained to His disciples how kings and leaders of the world take advantage of their people. Christians, on the other hand, who want to be leaders and have positions of authority in God’s Kingdom, must become a servant to their people. It is the opposite of how our human flesh thinks it should be. A leader is not a true godly leader until that person learns to humbly serve others.
Jesus, who is God’s Son, didn’t come to be served, but to serve others and to give His life as a ransom for many (v. 28). Jesus is our ultimate example of a servant leader. Knowing He is the Son of God, He became a servant to serve all of us.
In the workplace, as you are promoted into higher levels of management and leadership, remember to imitate Jesus and become a servant to your employees. This means you have their best interest at heart, you pray for them, care for them, pay fair wages, and are honest, trustworthy, truthful, and loving. By being a godly leader, you provide an opportunity to your employees and your company to have an environment where loyalty and faithfulness can flourish.