God's Wisdom Is the Answer

This past week was full of meetings and decisions that needed to be made. How do we know that each decision is the right one? Where do we obtain wisdom to know how to handle each situation? We go to the source: God. When we seek God for His wisdom, He will give it to us, on the spot, when we need it. Then we make decisions both based on the information we have at hand and the wisdom of God to guide us. I personally know I have made the right decision when I have peace in my heart. Then I move on.

Today I want to encourage you to seek God’s wisdom at all times and in every situation. I would like to share the devotional from my book Devotions for Working Women that encourages us to do that.

Seek God’s Wisdom Above All Things

Proverbs 8:11, 17, 35 (NLT)
For wisdom is far more valuable than rubies. Nothing you desire can be compared with it… “I love all who love me. Those who search for me will surely find me…” “For whoever finds me finds life and wins approval from the Lord.”

Do you want the secret to a successful Christian life? Get wisdom. Seek wisdom above all things from the Lord. I say a successful Christian life because you cannot obtain the wisdom of God without first becoming a Christian. God promises us that if we seek wisdom, we will surely find it. His Word tells us that when we do find it, we win approval from the Lord. We learn to fear the Lord and then the knowledge of Him comes to us.

With wisdom, you will know what to do in every situation, in every area of your life. With wisdom, you will be able to use every talent and gift God gave you, and you will prosper.

Ask God for wisdom today. Desire it more than anything else in your life because nothing else compares with it. Your success in life depends on it.