Trip to Nicaragua with Opportunity International

Today I want to follow up with my previous blog where I shared about my trip with Opportunity International (OI) to Nicaragua in December, 2012. I went with two co-workers from the bank and five other people. The purpose of the trip was to learn about the micro lending and economic development program that OI has in Nicaragua. Today I want to share with you the pictures that captured our journey through the inner cities and rural areas of Managua, Granada, and Masaya in Nicaragua.

Nicaragua is the second poorest country (after Haiti) in the American Continent. About 85% of the clients that OI works with are women and, a great majority, are single mothers. Below are two links. The first one is a link to the journal that tells the story of our trip in detail – every visit we made and the personal story of each farmer, business entrepreneur, and communities. We visited 17 places in three days so we had the opportunity to see how the program works and how it is impacting the poor in Nicaragua to bring them to self-sustainability and now improving their communities. The second link is to a slide presentation with captions so you know what pictures go with the visits we made.

Please join me in this journey to help the poor in Nicaragua. Opportunity International is a Christian organization that not only helps the poor be self-sustainable but also brings the Gospel to the people plus teaches them agricultural and business techniques to their clients. It is the whole package and we are seeing results. You can visit Opportunity International’s website also at