How to Prepare for Job Loss

Today I heard of another bank that was shut down by regulators and I’m sure more people will lose their jobs as a result of it. Therefore, I thought it was appropriate to share with you the devotional from my book, Devotions for Working Women, that encourages us to be prepared if we lose our job. There are several ways to get prepared and we need to focus on all of them at the same time. We need to always prepare by keeping our skills and knowledge of our industry up to date, we should keep in touch with our network of friends and colleagues so they can connect us to new opportunities, and, most importantly, we need to stay connected with God. Our relationship with Jesus Christ is crucial for when we go through life events such as losing our jobs. Jesus will be there for us to encourage us, give us new ideas, and provide the help we need to move on.

How to Be Prepared if You Ever Lose Your Job
# 231

Matthew 7:24 (NLT)
Anyone who listens to my teaching and obeys me is wise, like a person who builds a house on solid rock.

Because of the times we live in, job security is unpredictable. The companies we now work for may not be here tomorrow. Therefore, we need to be prepared to move on if we lose our jobs. There are things we can do to prepare for the unexpected. Some of those things are to keep our resumes updated, continue our education, always learn new things, and refine our skills.

Keep your contacts and network active at all times. Know your skills, your talents, and gifts so you can improve and develop them. They are assets that will help you get a new job.

Preparing is important and necessary; however, no matter how ready we may be, if we are not planted on the solid Rock, Jesus, when things happen it will be very difficult to recover. It is like building our house’s foundation on solid rock. When the storms come, the house will not be moved or destroyed. We need to put our trust in Him alone. Only then will we overcome any situation the world may bring to us—including losing our jobs.