Faith and Patience - Keys to Your Success

This week I met with one of my career mentors and he gave me very valuable input that will help me now and going forward. There are business decisions that the top leaders of the organization make that are “political” in nature and not necessarily have anything to do with you, the person. Although we may not understand the reasons for certain decisions we need to accept them and move on. On one hand, my human side can get upset and start thinking there are other reasons for a specific decision when in reality there aren’t. On the other hand, I trust God with my life and that includes my career. I firmly believe God allows things to happen for a reason and that He knows what’s best for me. Therefore, I have to trust Him, not get offended, and move forward with a positive attitude. Today I want to share a devotional from my book Devotions for Working Women that encourages us to have faith and patience because they are both keys to our success. Enjoy!

Faith and Patience Are Key to Your Success

James 1:2-4 (KJV)
My brethren, count it all joy when ye fall into divers temptations; knowing this, that the trying of your faith worketh patience. But let patience have her perfect work, that ye may be perfect and entire, wanting nothing.

Part of living in this world is to experience trials and temptations. James encourages us to use those trials as an opportunity for joy because it is by going through those experiences that we grow and learn to be patient. When we become “perfect” (or mature in patience), we arrive at a spiritual place where we are entire and want nothing.

God allows us to go through those trials so we can grow in Him—in faith and patience. Remember, the test is on what we believe. When we pass those tests, our faith is stronger and we move on to the next level of maturity in the Lord.

Faith and patience are two crucial ingredients to your success in life. If you are experiencing trials at work or at home, ask God, in faith, for wisdom to know what to do and for patience to help you get through it. The first key is to have faith and believe God will answer you and help you out of that situation. The second key is to have patience while you wait for His answer. If you do this, you will come out in the end more mature and patient—wanting nothing.