Have you ever met someone with whom you feel comfortable sharing your heart with from the start and then, as you share, you find out you have many things in common? That happened to me recently when I met two ladies from a non-profit organization that helps the poor become self-sufficient. As we shared our lives, we discovered that God has called us to help the poor but in different ways. They are called to help the poor directly by being with them and by implementing programs that will teach them how to be successful entrepreneurs—even if it is in a small scale in a third world country. I am called to Corporate America where I can help leaders like them get connected with people that can sponsor their programs. I can also potentially help them by creating awareness about their organization so other people get involved which in turn results in increased funding for their organization to continue to grow.
Regardless of your calling, God has called each one of us to be His worker and to work the field. There are different fields for different people because God needs workers everywhere and with various skills. The poor and rich alike—they all need Jesus and His gift of salvation. Today I want to share one of the devotionals from my book Devotions for Working Women that challenges us to be one of God’s workers.
Are You One of God’s Workers?
# 210
Matthew 9:37-38 (NLT)
He said to his disciples, “The harvest is so great, but the workers are so few. So pray to the Lord who is in charge of the harvest; ask him to send out more workers for his fields.”
Jesus said those words after being with multitudes of people who went to Him with their problems. He was only one and He saw the great need of having more of Him on earth. As we become born again, when we ask Jesus to come into our lives, we become God’s laborers and workers of His field. The harvest is God’s, but He needs us to work it for Him.
Most of us consider ourselves good workers. In fact, we welcome and look for opportunities for promotion. As workers of the Kingdom of God, our attitude toward new opportunities should be the same, and we should ask ourselves some questions. Are we doing a good job for God? Are we bringing in the harvest? Are we looking to be promoted in the Kingdom of God? With God our jobs are not just a title. In His Kingdom, the higher the position, the more responsibility we have with people’s lives. Jesus said, “And whosoever of you will be the chiefest, shall be servant of all” (Mark 10:44 KJV). The higher we go in God’s positions, the more we have to serve others.
Therefore, let’s ask God for more workers to help us with the great task we have ahead. But also, let’s ask Him to help us be the best workers we can be for His Kingdom.
You can purchase Devotions for Working Women at www.amazon.com.