Lately my job has kept me extremely busy to the point where I wasn’t sure what the next priority was because all the projects were considered priorities with deadlines. I have been asking God to help me on a daily basis decide what to do next and He has come through. Appointments have been cancelled, some projects have been moved to a further deadline, and I simply started saying “no” to additional tasks.
We need to strive for balance in our lives and part of that is establishing boundaries at work. I know it’s easier said than done but I just tested it and it works. I started explaining to my own employees and my boss that I could no longer take on new tasks or new responsibilities at this point. As a result, my employees are stepping up and my boss is trying to get me more help. Today I want to share one of the devotions from my book Devotions for Working Women that reminds us to work hard but not to an extreme where we burn out. It reminds us that we need rest and God can give us that rest. Enjoy!
Work Hard, but not to an Extreme. God Will Give You Rest.
Psalm 127:2 (NLT)
It is useless for you to work so hard from early morning until late at night, anxiously working for food to eat; for God gives rest to his loved ones.
Many women work too hard, work long days, and end up exhausted, with nothing left to give their families, and get burned out. For some women, it has caused them their health or their marriage. They end up having a nervous breakdown, heart disease, and many other illnesses or disorders.
God wants us to have a balanced life. He is a God of order and balance. We are to be diligent and work hard, but then we need to trust God and know “He gives rest to his loved ones.” As we pray and ask the Lord on a daily basis to balance our day, we will accomplish everything He wants us to do for that day and be satisfied. We can pray David’s prayers: “Guide my steps by your word, so I will not be overcome by any evil… Show me the path where I should walk, O Lord; point out the right road for me to follow” (Psalm 119:133, 25:4 NLT).
God rested on the seventh day, and we should too. Don’t work so much that you miss life going by right before your eyes. Make time to be with your family and loved ones. This will actually give you renewed energy to go back and work hard again. Set a goal to work more efficiently and effectively versus working long hours.
Remember, the Bible says it is useless to work so hard unless God is in it. He will give you rest.
You can purchase Devotions for Working Women at