Be Thankful for What God Has Done. When things are going well, we forget to thank Him for his goodness. When things are not going well, we mostly ask God to help us and also forget to thank Him for what He has done in the past for us. Today I want to encourage you to be thankful for what God has done and continues to do in your life-always. This devotional from my book Devotions for Working Women will help us stay on track. Enjoy!
Be Thankful for What God Has Done
# 284
Psalm 9:1 (NLT)
I will thank you, Lord, with all my heart; I will tell of all the marvelous things you have done.
God loves the heart of a thankful person. When we are thankful to Him for all the things He has done for us, He wants to bless us even more. When we are going through bad things or circumstances in our lives, we tend to forget all the blessings God has given us in the past. It is in those times we need to remember what God has done for us and truly thank Him for every gift and blessing He has given us.
When we bring these things to our remembrance, it helps us get through the current situation. Our faith also increases, and we are able to trust Him again through yet one more thing in our lives. Thanking God is vital to our success in every area of our lives.
At home, thank Him for your house, husband (if you are married), children (if you have any), your friends, and family. At work, thank Him for your job, your boss, your employees (if you are in management), your peers, and friends. Thank God for letting you be His child. Tell people of the marvelous things God has done for you.