God is Faithful

God is Faithful. Work can bring a lot of stress and issues into our lives. How we handle them makes a difference and has an impact in our daily lives. But when we incorporate God in the picture, He brings us a different perspective and new ideas we didn’t think about before. Today I want to encourage you to entrust your spirit into God’s hands and let Him help you. This devotional reminds us of His faithfulness.

God Is a Faithful God

Psalm 31:5 (NLT)
I entrust my spirit into your hand. Rescue me, Lord, for you are a faithful God.

When you are distressed, entrust your spirit into God’s hands and believe that He will help you. He is a faithful God and is always there for you. He will never leave you nor forsake you. But the process of believing takes trust and faithfulness on our part also. We are to be faithful to make time to spend with Him, in His presence—just because we love Him. God is faithful at keeping all His promises. His Word is full of promises for us. When we are faithful to read His Word, we will find more and more of His promises. In time of need, we can then stand on the verses where a specific promise is written and remind God of His faithfulness.

Therefore, give all your work-related issues to God. Put them in His hands, and He will help you.