New Year - New Ideas. As we start the New Year and get going with our jobs, it is always good to take account of what we do at work. Do you have old procedures or processes that need to be revised or improved? Do you do things just because that’s how they always did them in your company before you started working there? If that’s the case, a New Year is always a great opportunity to change old ways and create new ways of doing the old. This will not only help you improve efficiencies in your company but will also help you to get excited about your job again. Today I want to share with you a devotional that talks about being open to new ideas. Enjoy!
Be Open to New Ideas
# 262
Proverbs 18:15 (KJV)
The heart of the prudent getteth knowledge; and the ear of the wise seeketh knowledge.
Successful people are always looking for new ideas and how to improve current processes. No matter what you do or where you work, always look for new ideas. Welcome change and be open to doing things in a new way. You can transform an old job into a brand new one just by implementing new ideas and ways of doing things. The New Living Translation version of this verse says it this way: “Intelligent people are always open to new ideas. In fact, they look for them.”
Make an effort to be more open. Ask God for new ideas to implement in your job and in your business. When you get the ideas, implement them (if it’s within your realm of authority) or seek the appropriate approval. If you are a manager, always be open to your employees’ ideas. They will be grateful you considered them even if you don’t end up implementing them.