Find Your Purpose Again

Find Your Purpose Again. Sometimes in the midst of our busy lives we find that we have lost our fire, our enthusiasm for our work is diminished. When this happens, it's time to go back to the basics and ask ourselves the question: have I lost my purpose? Today, I will be sharing from my book Devotions for Working Women, one of the Devotionals that talks about purpose in our work. Enjoy!

There Is Purpose in Our Work
Ecclesiastes 2:26 (NLT)
God gives wisdom, knowledge, and joy to those who please him.

King Solomon was reflecting on work, all the effort it takes to create wealth, and the fruit of his work. He realized that the pleasure of working, and everything it brings, comes from the hand of God. Otherwise, working, work itself, and the fruit of it are all worthless without or apart from God.

When we obey God’s Word and His direction to our lives, we are in His will. This pleases Him. The Bible tells us God gives wisdom, knowledge, and joy to those who please Him.

My desire is for you, as a working woman, to have a purpose in your work. Don’t just work because you need the money. Don’t treat your job just like work that produces a paycheck. Think of it as something purposeful; do it as unto the Lord and for others. You can find purpose in any job when you look at the big picture and know why God placed you there and work as unto Him.

Ask God to reveal to you why He placed you in the workplace you are. Ask Him to give you a purpose and to help you have an attitude of gratitude toward Him. Thank Him for your job and do it cheerfully. Ecclesiastes 3:13 (NLT) says “people should eat and drink and enjoy the fruits of their labor, for these are gifts from God.”